RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (Full Version)

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red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/23/2010 2:34:11)

hi again!!
about what you answered, yes, you saw me in-game once
Knew it.
here is another spicy cookie. now with a glass of water.
Hmm... do I take the cookie or the water first? Do I take the red pill or the blue pill? Hmm...
guess what? i saw trogdor a while ago!
Silly Trog.
you like honey? how about bees?
I like honey and bees when they're on cereal boxes.

well, that's all i got. i am half way to level 35 [:)] baiz!!
Git er done!

Red -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/23/2010 2:35:11)

Hi again
No wai! Hi!


Thebossofenergy -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/23/2010 17:58:41)

One more thing.
Hi Abraska
Im thebossofenergy? o.o
Do you drop cool stuff if my character defeats you?
What animal do you prefer, snake or eagle?
Snake. It's more interesting when snakes fly, both in the song and the nature channel.
Thats all, *throws a cookie for later* chao :D
*Starts a cookies stash*

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 1:32:46)

Another riddle.. yay!
Sleep deprivation and riddles! Yay! Insanity kindly take me! Thank ye kindly for formatting your post.
This one.. most people should know.
*Looks* I don't. Lolz.

A farmer has to get a sack of corn, a chicken, and a fox across a river. The farmer is only able to bring one of the above items along with him at a time. The only problem is if he leaves the fox alone with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken, and if he leaves the chicken along the corn sack, then the chicken will eat the corn sack. How does the farmer get all 3 items across safely?
Here's a picture for reference.

Take chicken across first. Then take the corn across, trade it with the chicken, go back, trade the chicken for the fox, take the fox over. Hopefully I haven't drowned yet. Go back to start collect $200 and grab the chicken. Take it over and I'm done.

Oh yay! You got it. Be sure to remember that.. as it will definitely come up later in life.

Hey! Right on.

Death Slayer -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 5:03:53)

Hope you're fine today ^.^ Right?
Yes, hope you are too.
Umm ... Not going to ask AK Questions because it's boring :P Hehe!
Don't worry, I ask enough AK questions for the both of us.
Do you play AQWorlds?
No, I just kind of muck around in the game.
"O.o" If nope and "Cool!" If so! ^.^
Are you member? Hope you're getting 2nd upholder!
Not at the moment. I gotta save a membership for when I start adding the member addendum to my guide.
Hey wait ... Did you get level 35? It's very hard ... [>:] But i'm 20% away from it!
Yeah, I did get to level 35. Just keep at it and 20% will be no problem.
8th question: Do you think my questions are complecated? O.o
Well they don't involve revolving doors or riddles so I think they're nice and straightforward.
Before the last question! ... I would like to say ONLY 1 THING! Congrats on become an AK! ^.^
Sure, thanks.
Last ... Question?! Good bye! Lol ... Hey wait ... If I might not to post my signature than delete it ok? Thanks!
I'm here to help people more than I'm here to enforce rules. I don't like deleting stuff but it helps the staff. Signatures are okay on this forum anyway.

Josh245 -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 9:47:17)

Sup Braska* Gah stupid mistake.
Brega? Never heard that interpretation of my name. It almost sounds like a different name altogether...
I have no questions here, I only do answers so I'll just comment.
Eh? Everyone should ask questions as it can further their knowledge.
You can reply though.
Anyway, glad to have you as another AK, after being on Q&A for like a year and half I think we're starting to see a change that it'll slightly be more actively moderated..
Thanks, I'll do my best.
Also, 3 Pages doesn't do you just, nor doesn't do another person's justice, 3 days and only 3 pages? Comes on guise, more questions, this is called QUESTIONS and Answers for a reason :D
Aw it's fine. I'm just glad to have people visit and use the Q&A. This thread is just a bonus anyway.

Blody -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 10:45:13)

Hi and Gratz Abrska ;)
Hello and thanks.
How are you?
Fine and AKing.
Have you played Jaminatourug2?
Can't say that I have.
Do you even know what is it?
Nope, not even google knows...
Mee to :D (I thinked it) :D
I think therefore I am. I think therefore it is, huh?
I think it's all for now *wave* and heres honey for answers *gives Abraska honey*
*greedily takes honey*
I hope you liked the honey :)
Stuck it in a peanut butter and honey sandwich so yea.
See ya.

Glensimon -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 11:02:48)

Im glen
I'm Abraska. *shakes hand*
Ur so awesome
That'd be nice if it was true. :)

Undead zerker -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 15:58:01)

Hi there abraska!
Hi there Zerker!
well Im not going to congratulate you.
That's cool.
why? Becuase your probably sick of hearing "CONGWATULATIONSZSZS I HOPEZ U HAZ DEH NAACE TAM" As it were.
Can't say I've gotten anything like that but I'd still appreciate their well wishing.
Just as I appreciate your smiley. :)
Want a cookie?
Not much of a stash if I only got one cookie. Thus, I'll take that cookie and make it two.
Ok, well thats the double choclate glory to me then.
*grumbles and hands over the goods*
Fave type of music?
Anything as long as it's good.
I like metal :D
Note to self, send Zerker a Rick Astley CD disguised as a metal CD for Christmas
By by then.. alaska. LOL

Very well

santalover123 -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 20:06:23)

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey howsitgoin?
Okay, for now. *readies for impending doom*

what music do you listen to?
Anything that's good.
do cows go to heaven?
Cows have been observed to be able to climb stairways so I would think it's possible.

does god have a beard?
Does he shave at all? That would help.
is god a fish?
Does it matter? I would think a deity would still be considered a deity even if said being was a fish.
happy birthday?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Do I get cake if it's not?
what type of computer are you using?
It has a screen, a keyboard, and a plug.

angel of joy -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 20:16:58)

hi im back!!!!(fear me and my questions)
what is the wierdest thing you ever heard in your whole life?
People talking about walking across light bridges without laser shoes. Obviously you need to wear something that causes foot cancer to cross.
who do you like to do best sleeping or playing all night (im playing all night caus i cant sleep...)
not many questions this time
oow wait you asked in my last post what is the meaning of life? : can i poll the players or something like that
but you can NOT ask other people i want to hear it from you :P (sorry if this spounds aggresive)
For me, it's to learn, to suffer, to invent random stuff about the meaning of life, to help others, and to live life.

From angel of joy

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/24/2010 21:07:37)

your good at my poSts.
Thank you.
so im going to do another for the sake of all peoPle
1.are you in any wAy related to me?
Drink some Pepto Bismol, jump up and down, throw up, and then we'll have something in common.
2.if so can i have youR account?
Nah, you don't want my account. It's not even member.
3.wanT a cookie?
*Steals cookie for stash*
4.i have the keys to some shAckles but i'm not sure i should give them to you.
I enjoy my shackles but thanks.
*hAnds over a cookie*
Excellent. now that that's takeN care of lets get going
94_Okay! Do you like finding the secrEts?
Of course, I wrote a guide about it. Sorta.'S fun playing my games isn'T it
It sure is.
8.eveRything is revOlving.
Be sure not to drink Pepto Bismol then.
9.You think You're good at my game but i have alreAdy won
10.Have you found the Secret Message in this post? there is actually a secret hidden in between two of the numbers and
Hint: The message is my Account name and after the first word there is a space.
Spartan94 Destroyyah?

~AK 94 The Not So AK

Lil_Chaos*12 -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 3:08:34)

You like Harvest moon?? cause i love it!
I like it except for one embarrassing facet to the game.
I always play Harvest Moon xD
Of course, who doesn't like farming?
wats your fav farm animal??
The cow. That's some good golden milk.
do you have unli mem??
Nah, I don't even have regular mem. I'm always happy with what I already have.
do you like AC?
Sure I do.

MechQuy -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 6:49:10)

How long did it took for u to be an archknight?
Dunno, one day I woke up with these chains and shackles.
Do u play...
No. Sorry.
AQW?If so, what is ur char name?
Of course! Abraska is Abraska
That's it from me

See ya.

SamsonTheGreat -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 17:32:48)

well i got nothing realy no question nothin like that only 1 gift(2 actually)
CONGRATZ!!!(surpise party)
Cysero:HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEBRASKA!!! AS THE 78th STATE!(srry had to put that in there)
Can I haz cake?
me: O_O
What? No cake? Sad face.

*Already eating cookies*

*Still eating cookies*

Goes good with cookies.
Was raided for cookies.
Duh, everything is made in China.
evil or good?
good or evil?
AQW = Assault Quintessential Workings.

Now im going to tell you the same thing i told green....DONT YOU DARE MESS WITH MY RED! dont want to know..

OOO you messed with it NOW YOUR GUNA PAY!
Eh? No I didn't. Green did it!

all hail samson
*Starts up hail machine*
My mind is far too broken for that to work.
Doom cookeis sidefects may include,doom,bad luk,turning red,dieing multiple times,eating pizza,working for samson,making everyone a AK,blowing up the univers(9 years l8r) nausia FOR GOODNESS(EVIL) SAKE MAN DONT EAT THE COOKIE!

Sounds like what happens when I patrol the forum.

greywolf1994 -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 20:03:24)

kepp up the good weid work and have a nice day week month year :)
Thank you. Will do.

Sacredferal -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 20:28:45)

Hi AK!
ok so 2 people are hanging on a cliff, you only have time to save one person will it be me or cysero?(if you pick me you get a cookie :D)
I'd jump off and take you both with me.
If me/cysero why?
I thought there were cookies at the bottom.
See ya!

yeadudes -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/25/2010 21:34:07)

Hello, Abraska!
I'm jealous of your pokemon avatar >_<
? Actually, he does look kinda like a geezer Ash K.
Scenario: You're in a car barely hanging off a cliff. What would you do?
Buckle up for safety. I am hanging off a cliff you know.
What's your AQW username so I can meet you?
Happy Late Birthday!
Sorry I didn't send an uber cake. >_< If I did the airplane would've decompressed it.
Or lose it with the rest of my luggage. Bleh.
How did you come up with your forum name?
On a scale of 1-10, rate how much you admire Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Bakugan.
1. I've only ever played Pokemon and I kinda lost interest after the first 150.

Figured it out huh?

van tha dud -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/26/2010 0:43:21)

congrats on the mtak

1. Im bored and i dont know the point for this i just like asking questions :D
No worries.

2. Do you like turtles?
Sure I do.

3. What inspired you to become an arch knight
Nothing, a collar and shackles just appeared on my person one day.

4. How off topic is question number 2?
There is no topic. Therefore, it is completely on topic, which means it's not.

5. Why can i not come up with a good signature.....
What's a sig?

6. Moo! :}

7. What do you like about this company?
I like the cheeseburger machine.

8. A bajillion kazillion tragillion cookies for you.... dont eat it all at once
*munch munch nom nom*

9. I am running out of creativity quick i need a question
You must increase your INT.

10.i am just a puppy who needs love :(

If my quad spacing takes too much space you can delete the unneeded ones and if they are a little personal you can skip them with the specail SKIP button..... ok really there isint a button to skip things you can just skip it at your own free will all and all congrats im sure you will make a great arch knight of the forums

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/26/2010 3:09:09)

Hey Abraska, congrats!
Hey, thanks
Why honey colored awesomeness for editing?
I was hungry when was choosing. Never AK on an empty stomach.
Blue is more The Great Astral Wings would never be the same with the awesome color. :3
Couldn't help but notice your avatar. I think it's from Harvest Moon. Brings back so much memories. [:)]
It is. Good memories here too.
Anyway, see you soon. ^^
Yah, see ya.

Strebor -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/26/2010 5:04:11)

Hola! I couldn't find your tags, so I didn't put 'em in.
It's cool. Not many people can get past the bees so it's fine.
Am I as cool as Cy? And is the answer to this question the same the answer to the last one?
Though I believe you to be a good person, I am not one to judge anybody. No, my answers are always more convoluted than the last.
I prefer beige to honey-coloured, but I'd rather eat honey, than something beige. How 'bout you?
What about a honey glazed bagel? Those are beige and honey flavoured. Genius.
Do you enjoy this MtAK, being part of the Q&A team, and this is really a massive Q&A?
Yah, I do enjoy this thread and being part of the Q&A team. Yes, it is a Q&A.
Over and out.

Okay, bye!

Blue -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/27/2010 8:04:14)

Hey Abraska!
Congrats on the AKship,
Although I did know for awhile already that you were on... :P
You have anti-stealth technology? I'll have to watch out for you.
Sooo do you like the color Blue?!
Sure I do.
I am on a war with red...the current allys are Green and Gold. Will your Honey looking color help the cause?!
I will engulf all colors and make molasses!
So the QnA must be kinda quiet? Seems like it...
It'll get loud. Soon. Heheh.
Just by curosity, did you remember a member Jkparty?
Sorry, no.
^Yeah Jkparty was me...
Oh, I see.
Well Ima leave now!
Byez Abraska!

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/27/2010 20:40:47)

Hello Abraska!
First and foremost, Congratulations!
Favorite Dessert?
Dried tangerine.
What is the vertical asymptote of the square root of f(x)=sin3 - 9000?
Silly, it's just a number so it doesn't have an asymptote. Moreover, it's the square root of the negative which doesn't exist unless you invoke imaginary numbers.
Here's a cookie! *throws*
Thank you!
Anyways, Just dropping by to say hi, hope to see you around sometime! ^_^
Okay, thanks for visiting.

MechQuy -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/28/2010 5:17:10)

hi again.
Wait a sec! how did u get sword of milt if ur not even mem!
I got a mem-voucher from a Drudgen spin, bought a non-mem voucher, and turned it in while the quest for the pet was still non-mem.
Are u a mod in aqw, or have gold letter names?
No, no. I just a regular player.

Hancok -> RE: =MtAK= Having a good one in the AQW Q&A (10/28/2010 5:35:28)

Abraska =O Hai there
Oh, hello.
I have some questions for you :3
No wai!
What inspired you to choose this name? Is it anything to do with the U.S. state called Nebraska? Or is it just something in Russian/any Eastern European language, which it kinda sounds like to me, lol... A Braska :3
Might want to check the first post there chief.

I have no further questions for you, so have a good one ;)
Alrighty, will do.
Bye now =D
See ya!

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