GIMP & PhotoShop (Full Version)

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Zaier -> GIMP & PhotoShop (10/23/2010 17:55:01)

GIMP & PhotoShop

Hey Creative Art Community!
I know a great majority of you use PhotoShop <place # or words here>.
Another majority, like me, uses GIMP.
And the rest use Flash, MS Paint, etc.

Today I'm dealing with PhotoShop and GIMP.
I have never used Photoshop, so I wouldn't know which one I like better.
The only difference that I have seen/read/heard is the layout, and that GIMP has an option that scatters bits of an image, which helps you make a disintegration effect (like the piece I entered in my previous Art Battles).

So let us discuss the differences and what you personally like better.

Please. Let's keep it civil, and remember that whichever people like better are opinionated.


Zodiak 15 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 15:21:39)

I think that its just a matter of personal preference. I believe GIMP is a little more user friendly but photoshop isnt all that difficult either. GIMP is free so its a great alternative if you dont wanna pay the big bucks for photoshop. I like that GIMP opens up in windows and doesnt take up your entire desktop. And it can save and open .psds while photoshop is not compatible with GIMP's .xcf files.

coolboypai -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 15:32:38)

ive actually used both
GIMP at home and PS CS3 at school
and i must say, theyre both quite similar
many same functions and features but a couple of good/bad differences

like PS has a better selection tool (lasso in particular), and the basic image editing (resizing and moving) is easier
but GIMP doesnt cost anything :P

Zaier -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 18:36:33)

Yeah, I agree.
Its a better alternative if you dont want to pay.
I have looked it up before downloading GIMP and I believe it was about $89.99
I was a little shocked because I wouldnt expect a program to be that much.

What I dont like about GIMP is that it automatically saves an image to an .xcf file which I cant upload to imageshack.
Does anyone know how to change it to save auto to .png by the way?

Another thing I dont like is that you cant open another window through the shortcuts.
You have to File > New >

And I really dont like that if you are, for example, rendering, and you change to a different window and change to a tool while on that window, it also changes on the previous window.
And the colors do the same.

Does PhotoShop do that too?

Zodiak 15 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 18:47:06)

You can very easily change the format that you are saving in. Just as in GIMP in Photoshop it autosaves as .psd which you also cannot upload to photobucket. in order to save in a specific format in GIMP go to File--->save as. Then on the bottom you should see "Select File Type (By Extension)" with a little "+" sign in front. click that sign and a drop down menu will appear where you can choose from multiple file types to save as

yzarc321 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 22:35:50)

GiMP all the way.

GiMPRESSIONIST. and many more. Finish talking. I like photoshop though.

_Depression -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/24/2010 23:59:42)

Easy way to save as a different file type in GIMP? Just type it in at the end of the file name.

So if the file is "randomtag1", when you go to Save As, type in "randomtag1.png"

Nexolous -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 6:19:55)

If you want to get any where in art you need Photoshop.
Honestly, it has a better interface and better tools. Sure gimp is free, but if you spend the money for Photoshop its almost guarenteed you'll get better.
This is all my opinion, but I really jumped in skill once I got Photoshop.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 11:16:48)

^^Thats probably the most untrue statement about art Ive heard in a long time. You should do some research Nex. If youre a good artist people wont even be able to tell if you used Photoshop or GIMP. I cant even count the number of great artists that Ive seen that use Gimp as their primary program

Vice -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 12:07:20)

i have photoshop
i juse use gimp.
this isnt because i think gimp is better, it certainly isn't

i find photoshop impossible to use. the full window interface doesn't actually fit on my screen. it uses too much memory for my computer to handle. plus both times i have tried to use it it has crashed, and of course the transition from gimp to photoshop takes, for people like me, far too long. it was a huge waste of money, i regret ever buying it. if i had started on photoshop on a good computer with a decently sized screen then i'm sure that would be a totaly different story

_Depression -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 12:51:56)

Nex: The reason so many people that PS is a better program is because, very simply, it's an easy program. It has a very straightforward interface, all in one window (if you so choose), with a dozen different tools combined into one or two with different options. GIMP is a freeware program, so it's not being designed by people who make tens of thousands of dollars per toolbar, or even more for scripts and processes.

Yes, I've used Photoshop - not to the same extent or end that I use GIMP, but I've learned the program nonetheless. And I would still prefer GIMP better. Just because it's taken me longer to learn the ins and outs of the program, and taken me 6 years to get to the point that PS users can get to in 1, doesn't mean PS is better than GIMP. For most people, the two programs have the same functionality, but as you get better and better, you can see the minute differences between filters and tools between the programs. And while they're more and more different the more you learn, the less their actual differences are.

Nexolous -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 14:48:00)

Well like I said it was all my opinion. And this still is. I started with Gimp and I did think it had a good interface and all that, I just think photoshop is easier to navigate. I went back and made a tag in gimp, and found it really really hard to get the program to do what I wanted it too. And Zodiak, usually if your actually getting payed for your work your going to be using Adobe products, some customers wouldn't trust you if you use a freeware program. Also I know that great artists do use Gimp, but I'm sure they all dabbled at one point in Photoshop. Idk this is just all my opinion I'm sure everyone is different on these issues.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 17:31:34)

I didnt take offense I just think you shouldve been more specific in your statement thats all. Its possible to progress in the realm of art without PS or any other Adobe products. Everyones entitled to their opinion on which is better of course.

]{haos -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 18:33:26)

I've Used GIMP once.
When it had trouble uploading Topaz Filters, I ditched it and moved on to Photoshop.

I have to agree, that GIMP is a great image editing program, but I'd rather choose PS over GIMP any day.

Tormenter -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (10/25/2010 18:47:36)

About 2 months ago I would sell packs of 10 siggies made in GIMP for $25 each.
But then again, I've done commissions in photoshop for much more, but less often.
So it evens out for me.

SkyeHawk -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/20/2010 22:54:49)

lol i use gimp becuz i dont have the money for photoshop,and would only get cinema 4D or flash as an alternative.

Timhortanz -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/21/2010 12:40:32)

I've used them both, I started out with GiMP and moved to Photoshop when I got into more advanced editing. I find photoshop is a little hard to learn, HOWEVER, if you take the effort and really learn it, you have much more possibilities than with GiMP. I remember when I wanted something to glow in gimp, I had to duplicate it, alpha to selection, color it in, and blur it (or somewhere along that line). In Photoshop, I double click the layer I want glowing, and it gives me a couple of settings, and some sliders and color swatches so I can customize the glow with ease.

It's things like the example above that I love about Photoshop. It's just more versatile.

Voxyhood -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/22/2010 18:11:06)

GiMP is free instead of hundreds of dollars. It is not as complicated and is easy to use.
PhotoShop has wider capabilities than GiMP.

I am not sure if these capabilities can make up for the money you pay.
PhotoShop is more professional.

So it's your choice.[:D]

Timhortanz -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/22/2010 18:24:47)

The capabilities more than pay off in the long run, if you're serious about art.

_Depression -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/23/2010 19:42:51)

GIMP and Photoshop are two programs that do things similarly but in very different ways. Adobe is known for putting out a more professional product, and there's no debating that fact - Photoshop (especially the CS series) costs money for a reason. It's good. The scripts and processes that Photoshop runs are more powerful than the ones that GIMP runs, and there is arguably a wider variety of good-quality, user generated content.

GIMP, on the other hand, is free and still holds its own against Photoshop. In a lot of ways, GIMP is more difficult to use - changing dpi, navigating menus, and understanding what everything does is arguably harder done in GIMP than PS. But GIMP is still a legitimate image editing software, it works well for those who know how to work it, and there's no way to tell the difference between a GIMP-produced work or a Photoshop-produced one without being explicitly told which program was used.

You want a reason why GIMP is better than Photoshop? You won't find one here. Want a reason why Photoshop is better than GIMP? Same deal. Any "reason" someone gives you is purely subjective, and might mean nothing to you, or you could hold the opposite opinion.

For example, I find it much easier to create a copy of the tag I'm working on and paste it as a new layer in GIMP than PS (with GIMP, it is a simple hotkey; with Photoshop, unless I'm doing it wrong, it's a hotkey plus clicking through one or two dialog boxes). The way layers work in GIMP is easier for me to deal with, and I've never even tried using many of the more "artistic" filters in Photoshop.

Thano9 -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/25/2010 20:54:38)

Now this is turning into a flaming war. Gimp vs. Photoshop.... To pick which one you want to use depend's on what you want to use them for. Like if you were a photographer I would personally reccomend Photoshop, because allot of the features can be used for Photogaphy like content awarness tool, Gradient Map's, etc. While Gimp can be used for allot of digital artwork, for anime and tuff. But if money did not banner I would personally go with Photoshop because it is quicker to do stuff, and add's customization to the program. Incase some people didn't know. You can add your own tabs and menu's, and tuff you just gotta download this program in Adobe Lab's. Btw if I sound a little biased and offending Gimp user's, its because I don't use gimp much. xD

Tormenter -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/26/2010 8:16:43)

Over all, I think photoshop is just a more "professional" program because of its' general layout and design of the program.

Khelios -> RE: GIMP & PhotoShop (11/26/2010 15:41:13)

This thread has veered entirely off topic and lost sight of what it was meant to discuss. To prevent it from straying off again, this shall remain locked.

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