The Zardbie War Poetry Battle! (Full Version)

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The Final Hollow -> The Zardbie War Poetry Battle! (10/25/2010 21:46:48)

Hollow: All the heroes lay in there bed
Unknowingly to them, they really be undead
In there sleep they slay thy friend
Even the Ravenwings slay friends to the end
The Beacon of Hope will never light again

Dorn: @The Final Hollow: Allow me to submit my rebuttal.

Though we are faced with people who try to make us slaves,
We will not falter in our fight and stand against these knaves!
No enemy will pass our line and the Red Queen will not win,
For when she tried to conquer us, her destruction did begin!

We have faced so many enemies and even fought the gods,
And we have faced the dragon Akriloth and beaten his great odds!
So let these creatures come to call, we've beaten many more,
And they shall see their armies gone and their weapons sold in a store!!

None shall pass.

Drake: Beacons of Hope deceased?
Never shall we die.
As long as we have hope,
Our expectations shall stay high.

You think you have the rhymes,
to show us all your skills?
Us heroes will knock your block off,
and leave you still with chills.

If one thing is for certain,
don't ever mess with us.
If that shall ever happen,
We'll be sure to show a fuss.

My rhymes might not be good,
My beat may be out of whack.
But if I know one thing for certain,
I will never stand for your smack.

We'll duke it out on the fields,
where the soldiers of Lore stand high.
Then we'll defeat all you traitors,
and let your bodies die.

As Dornalca said to you,
with her words that are so wise.
You shall never see to victory,
because it's you that we despise.

The type that lead us wrong,
the ones that show us bad.
Who have no hope in the right things,
for that, I'm very sad.

Hollow: Thou art great at this poetry,
Although thy refusal needn't be,
The Red Queen will last,
Living will make you an outcast,
You may not escape We

The gods were weak,
The dragons wear thin,
Killing a species should be a sin,
Being undead will take you to Nirvana
We slay all with only a rusty katana

Drake: The red queen shall fall,
and to you zombies all, as well.
Because if anything goes in games like these,
The enemies always fell.

So take these words as advice,
and make us all proud.
Stop all the evil doing,
and join our heroic crowd.

Hollow: Heroes are we,
As we are trying to bring the infected to the land of the free
The Beacons of Hope bring only death.
Now who wants to watch McBeth?
No time for that, thou are to busy killing,
When the zards are clearly un-willing.

Drake: The gods stay pure as always,
and that they always shall be.
How could you disobey our gods like that,
by betraying the team and me?

The dragons will fight together,
as strong as they always are.
We WILL win this war, in fact.
We see victory is not that far.

So, stand your ground and kneel to us,
because we fight so hard.
Because we fight for a great purpose,
and because we fight to guard.

The infected are no good, you see.
They only cause us pain.
Why can't you just give in already,
and ignore our mighty reign?

Hollow: Where shalt my team be?
It seems it be only me,
This cause of yours, what would it be?
We are defending the tribe, from a war unwanted,
We still stand undaunted.
Stay fighting my friends

Drake: You are true to your fighting word,
you respect your team's side, too.
But, the fact of the matter is,
that we are all after you.

So join our team of hope,
faith, and pride as well.
So, we can end this infection at once,
and ring the peaceful bell.

Dorn: @The Final Hollow:
Your armies sought to overwhelm and strike against this town,
And yet you have the nerve to say to us to lay our weapons down?!
There are so many people that your Queen seeks for to rule,
But she will never breach our lines for we see how she's cruel!

She let the forest creatures be corrupted by this virus,
She tries to rule over the land and dared to try to kill us!
She will not rest until she rules the entirety of the land,
But we will stop her in her tracks and in defence still stand!!

Farren: Advance on us with all your might
and attack us with your foolish swords
But why use a sword when you can bite
And rip apart your foes spinal chords?

Hear me now and hear me well
We shall make you all die
Resist, and you will go to hell
And we will stand there, eating pie.

Drake: Farren,
Why would you defeat the ones that have done you all so well?
You make it seem like killing the innocent is so very swell.
If this is actually how you think then this I will surely tell.
Then, killing us will get you nowhere but the fiery pits of hell.

(But, not really. It will only bring you to 0 HP. Don't worry, hell isn't an option here.)

Dorn: @Farran: Oh really?

We've faced the might of Sepulchure, we've faced the wrath of Xan,
And if you wish to stay alive, you'll from this field begone!
We've faced odds that had no escape and faced the very gods,
But we still and face any foe, for we fear no troubling odds!

Hollow: Eric and others, we fight for freedom
You would do it to, would you not, you heathens?
A spider and a hare, be strong as a bear.
If they work together and never wear.
The Zardbies and the infected be the duo
No matter how loud you bellow,
We stand and shout, "We fight as One, and Never give up.
Your silly resistance make me want to upchuck.

Drake: Then, upchuck you will, you wanna know why?
I'll tell you why, you Hollow.
Because, we will make you sick to your stomach,
and leave you all to wallow.

Hollow: Bards or Poets, whoever you be,
Bring hope and strength to ones in need,
Come to my side for power and wealth
Talk to your leader and see whats underneath.
With me you shall never make thou sword unsheathed

Dorn: @The Final Hollow: You really think so, do you?

Whose army was it that struck the blow that began this war?
Who sent their army against a town that did nothing then or before?
Who twisted beings against their will and tried to kill our friend?
If you dare to aid this vile foe, your time will be at an end!

Dare you think that we will aid such loathsome an evil foe?!
Then clearly the strength of mind we have you will never know!
We are defending the weak and innocent from those that seek their death,
And we will stand and fight such foes and aid until our last breath!!

Drake: You think I'll join your side?
You have yet to be properly taught
that our team will never join your own,
and that you zardbies all will rot.

Hollow: A one to none this war be,
I never stand alone and that bring powers,
Wealth come in the form of protection by our many prowlers,
When night fall, we begin a real fight.
Have you not notice the war go nowhere? Only joining together bring whats right.
Humans cause Ragnarok, we bring sickness.
Only together we escape from the blackness

Dorn: @The Final Hollow: And yet you are the ones trying to kill us. We are holding you back as we try to find a cure for the virus.

The Beacons of Hope have faced the wars time and time again,
And sometimes we have lost and mostly we will win!
The innocents that we protect are threatened in their town,
But we will not let any pass who strive to strike them down!

Hollow: As the Beacon goes dim, we fight them off,
All the humans are beginning to cough.
We become one, and it will all end.
Do not leave us alone to fend.
Humans should know not to scoff.

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