Beta Version 1.0.4e - September 30, 2009 (Full Version)

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Omni -> Beta Version 1.0.4e - September 30, 2009 (10/30/2010 1:41:24)


We're nearly ready to roll out the next update!

We've been working hard building the framework to support faction headquarters and player housing, but a few things were required before we get there. This update includes some needed polish that should improve the look of EpicDuel and offer us more room to add those exciting new features soon.

More exciting than all of that, we have even more CRAZY news to announce soon, but that will have to wait until the next announcement 8-)

For now, Version 1.0.4e will include:

* Widescreen Format - EpicDuel will be available in 900x600! (Selectable sizes will come later)
* Graphical improvements throughout
* Ask NPCs how many hours are left today
* Performance improvements
* Energy Shield will now improve with Support
* Support now reduces your chance to be stunned*
* Poison will be reduced by 1 damage
* Surgical Strike improves with Technology slightly faster

*Stuns will be modified as follows:

1. The chance to stun another player will now be reduced if the defender has higher Support than the attacker. The defender will reduce the chance to be stunned by 1% for every 4 points of Support they have more than the attacker.

The maximum any stun can be reduced will be 12%.

If the attacker has more support than the defender, the attacker will NOT increase the chance to stun the defender.

For example:
If the attacker has 25 Support and the defender has 41 Support, the defender has an advantage of 16 Support. To determine the stun reduction, take the defender's support advantage of 16 and divide by 4. 16 / 4 = a 4% reduction in stun chance. If the attacker were a Tech Mage using overload, the chance to be stunned would be 30% base chance - 4% stun reduction =- 26% chance to be stunned.

2. After the update, the defense of stunned players will be reduced by only 15% instead of 30%.

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