Beta Evolution 1.0.6d - Tuesday February 9, 2010 (Full Version)

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Dax -> Beta Evolution 1.0.6d - Tuesday February 9, 2010 (10/30/2010 2:38:28)


Surprise, another Epic Patch! EpicDuel Beta 1.0.6d released Tuesday night around 11 pm EST for serious bug fixes before our next update: EpicDuel Beta 1.0.7!

EpicDuel Beta 1.0.6d Includes the following updates:

New Features
  • Due to popular request, we have introduced the ability to PM anyone within the same faction! This should make coordinating strategies for Faction Wars much easier!
  • Tighter chat filters to prevent players from revealing account information or accidentally refreshing the browser (F5)

    Bug Fixes
  • FIXED - Leaderboard duplicates in the 3rd and 4th slot
  • FIXED - If character changes style while another user is watching menu, it doesn't update
  • FIXED - Several dangerous/annoying bugs, cheats, hacks, and exploits

    Coming VERY Soon
  • Faction Wars!
  • Item Upgrades (we've started building this but need a little more time to get things right!)
  • Character Pages (will come next after item upgrades are working)

    Sorry for springing this one on you by surprise, but we needed to address these bugs before we introduced a major new feature like Faction Wars.

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