Gamma Evolution 1.1.0a - Friday August 13, 2010 (Full Version)

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Dax -> Gamma Evolution 1.1.0a - Friday August 13, 2010 (10/30/2010 4:52:29)


The next update is almost here, and soon we will go live with EpicDuel Gamma 1.1.0a!

First we would like to thank all of you players who helped make Gamma the biggest release for EpicDuel yet! We decided not to release a content update this week and push our "unluck" with a Friday the 13th release, so we've been cleaning up the code and improving performance to get ready for real new features.

This critical performance update will address several major bugs that either arose from changes made in Gamma, or were particularly elusive code gremlins that have plagued us for months. Patch updates are never as fun as the content updates. It's always better to make things go *splode* than think about what happens in the 1000s of lines of code that make EpicDuel work, but without patches, things would break all over the place. At least it gives us more time to really make the Naval Yard bash even more awesome!


"Gamma guard just wants to be loved."

Plus we wouldn't want to overshadow the Special Friday the 13th release over at AQW with too much awesome...

Gameplay Improvements
  • Max rating point stars increased from 5 to 6.
  • Beta Blaster and Beta Bazooka improved +1 damage and +2 stats.
  • Negative stats removed! It was an interesting idea at the time, but not really that effective.
  • NPC AI streamlined
  • Item code streamlined (there are over 700 items in EpicDuel, so it was about time!)
  • Performance slider improved (even faster battles!)

    Bug Fixes!
  • FIXED - Autoban bug that was banning people for no reason!
  • FIXED - Stun bug fixed!
  • FIXED - At least one cause of the turn-skip bug

    Features coming over in the next several weeks:
  • Naval Yard Opened!
  • New NPC Battles!
  • New Battle Modes including 2vs1 Boss Battles, and Survival mode!
  • Customizable housing!
  • Tournaments for rare prizes
  • And much, much more!

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