=MECH= NaNoWriMo (Full Version)

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demolitiondragon -> =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 4:58:43)

It's that time of year again! =D


Do you intend to participate this year?
Did you make it last year?
What's your current word count?

Discuss away!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 9:08:19)


I COULD make a novel, but that'd be at the expense of my current one...

But then again I may get some free publicity...

I'll sign up at least. I'll even see about writing it. 50k words is nothing. :D

Abiogenist -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 9:28:47)

I'm a participant! =D
But I've only written 422 words so far. I know, pathetic. Lol.

If someone in here wants to add me as a writing buddy my username is Abiogenist. For my novel I'm going to write a chicklit. [;)]

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 9:35:48)

Ok, I registered under Ultrapowerpie, so feel free to add me as well.

I'm doing another Reaper piece, as soon as I figure out a plot @_@

Abiogenist -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 9:57:37)

That's weird, I can't seem to locate you. Either I don't know how to add buddies or I did something wrong. @_@

Okay forget that. I found ya. =p

mastin2 -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/3/2010 21:46:39)

Heck yeah. :D
I'm rewriting my novel from last year. (Which I finished...in June. :P) It runs under a slightly different set of rules, but rest assured, it's just as hard as writing it last year. :) (Next year, I plan on trying to publish it. November of last year was the Novel's birthday. It seems fitting to have the novel last three years, for me. [;)]) One of the main rules different is modifying the inner-editor rule: I can edit all I like...from last year. But anything I write for THIS year, I can't. Since I consider a re-write to be literal (as in, re-WRITING it all, only using copy and paste for long sections I'm positive I want to keep the same--also keep in mind rewrites add a huge amount of content), that means I still have a lot to write. Right now, I'm in the organization stage, trying to get my notes--ALL of them--together, summarized, and placed in one spot, so that there's no conflict in how I think I'm supposed to be writing a scene and/or character. It's no easy task; think outlining, only with ten different documents instead of all in one convenient place. Ouch. :/
Ah, well. I'll manage. ;)

xDanix -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/12/2010 20:13:27)

I've been writing like a fiend and have only 25,000 words so far. Looks like its gunna be a year of a small novel.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/12/2010 22:32:29)

Ha, lot further then me, I haven't even done 5k words yet XD

demolitiondragon -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (11/14/2010 2:03:11)


joshdragon -> RE: =MECH= NaNoWriMo (12/19/2010 18:28:55)

I participate every year in NaNoWriMo, but this year for the first time I didn't win, the reason being that my "novel" ended up being a novella instead, so it didn't meet the 50k word standard (It was about 25,000 words.)

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