RE: AQW Fourm Badge (Full Version)

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reeper66 -> RE: AQW Fourm Badge (11/15/2010 19:43:48)

Yes. Like a "You have posted 1,000 posts in AQW fourms and joined a year ago"

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: AQW Fourm Badge (11/15/2010 21:39:05)

Well if I was thinking like a spammer I would spam the 1000 posts and then ditch the forums and wait a year. Overall the negatives outweigh the positives in this suggestion.

reeper66 -> RE: AQW Fourm Badge (11/16/2010 17:12:43)

Well it could be an Archknight badge. You gotta be good at fourms to be an Archknight.

Omni -> RE: AQW Fourm Badge (11/16/2010 20:02:00)

At this time connections between the MAS and the forums haven't been established, thus this type of suggestion isn't even possible. Also as many have noted the cons outweigh the pro's by far, it is not desirable for players to make an account simply for a badge, or spam until they hit a post number for an achievement.

Thus since this suggestion isn't possible right now and it is actually a suggestion for the game as opposed to the forums this is being locked.

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