ED Character List (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> ED Character List (11/13/2010 14:19:07)

Do you need an advice for your character? Just want to know about other characters? Wanna be in the list?
Anything else to discuss about character or character page? Please post them here include linked screenshots if needed.

Please use this template:
AE Forum name:
Character name:
Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
During battles(linked screenshots):

  • For updating please write it in bold text, for example:


    AE Forum name: AVA
    Character name: AVA
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    NOTE: I'll crop and resize the images as small as possible.

  • The Epic Duel Discussion Forum Rules and Universal Forum Rules APPLY here.
  • You may use ONLY one signature per page.
  • You may use ONLY three smileys per post.
  • Double/triple/quadruple or higher post is NOT allowed, use the Edit button instead. Or post it after someone else posts a new one.
  • Post only AE EpicDuel content.
  • How to take a screenshot.
  • If you post an image or a screenshot, please make it a link only.
  • Forum Commands (screenshots, images, links, colors, signatures. etc.).
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  • Don't Advertising of any kind.
  • Don't post a link, trick link, content from another site/game etc.
  • Don't Spam.
  • Off-topic posts will be moved or deleted.

  • If you have something to add or anything else, please post it here. It will be considered. Thanks. :D

    Have fun! :)

  • Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:19:30)

    Character List

    Character name            Forum name 
    2046808                   2046808 
    8x                        8rlx0 
    Acient J                  Acient J 
    Aesthetic                 Xendran 
    Arete                     Plasmastorm 
    Ashari                    Ashari 
    AVA                       AVA 
    Chubbs                    Chubbs 
    Crovile V2                Crovile V2 
    Dark Despair              Kiyo 
    Darkoasi901               Darkoasi901 
    Dax                       Dax 
    daywalker04               The Legendary d4 
    Death Gigas               Death Gigas 
    Devils Wraith             Lord Sinastr 
    DUNGEON HUNTER            DungeonHunter 
    Egoraptor                 MiranaZ 
    Epic Mercenary B          Icemage245 
    Epicness                  Rabies 
    Epic Pwnser               Epic Pwnser 
    fishb8123                 fishb8123 
    HydroMonk                 HydroMonk 
    iHypnotized               PlungerMistress 
    IMAFIRINMEHLAZAH          Rabies 
    jan hardy                 reyes 89 
    JJMH10                    JJMH11 
    King FrostLich            FrostLich 
    LiveLoveLaugh             helloguy 
    Lord Alkenchurch          Alkenchurch 
    Lord Of Jam               Cookielord12 
    L0TUS                     xX Lotus Xx 
    Matgun                    Matgon 
    Mecho                     Mecha Mario 
    Mr. Black OP              zman2 
    Orao                      Silver Lion 
    ollytrolly pwns           charwelly 
    Profane X Skill           Leader 
    Rarton                    Rarton 
    saaaaaaaaaaaaa            saaaaaaaaaaaaa 
    Santa ClawZz              Santa ClawZz 
    Seiun                     Nebula 
    Serpeants                 Serpeants 
    shadowdragonshadow        shadowdragonshadow 
    Shump                     Laos 
    Sir Wind                  wind24 
    Sir Zachary               Zachary99 
    skeletondude              skeletondude 
    Smackie El Frog           Smackieelfrog 
    SMGS                      SMGS 
    Soldeen999                Soldeen999 
    Sparking Disaster         Billybunz 
    Sparticus                 Sparticus 
    SyFy                      ambien 
    The Dark Shoelace         shoelace 
    Thurop Rekinvale          Dreiko Shadrack 
    Tracking Founder 2        earth breather 
    trucos                    truc 
    truetreeckotyrant         truetreeckotyrant 
    TurkishIncubus            TurkishIncubus 
    uria13                    uria9 
    Viridian                  Xendran 
    White Of Tiger            WhiteTiger 
    WhiteTigerAE              WhiteTiger 
    Xendran                   Xendran 
    Xendran The Merc          Xendran 
    xSuperguyx                2qazwsxedc 
    xXSatanic AbyssXx         xxXSatanic_AbyssXxx 
    ZFON                      forums lol 
    Zirakoglu                 ZirakogluED 

    Forum name                Character name
    2046808                   2046808
    2qazwsxedc                xSuperguyx
    8x                        8rlx0
    Acient J                  Acient J
    Alkenchurch               Lord Alkenchurch
    ambien                    SyFy 
    Ashari                    Ashari
    AVA                       AVA 
    Billybunz                 Sparking Disaster 
    charwelly                 ollytrolly pwns 
    Chubbs                    Chubbs 
    Cookielord12              Lord Of Jam 
    Crovile V2                Crovile V2 
    Darkoasi901               Darkoasi901 
    Dax                       Dax 
    Death Gigas               Death Gigas 
    Dreiko Shadrack           Thurop Rekinvale 
    DungeonHunter             DUNGEON HUNTER 
    earth breather            Tracking Founder 2 
    Epic Pwnser               Epic Pwnser 
    FrostLich                 King FrostLich 
    forums lol                ZFON 
    fishb8123                 fishb8123 
    helloguy                  LiveLoveLaugh 
    HydroMonk                 HydroMonk 
    Icemage245                Epic Mercenary B 
    JJMH11                    JJMH10 
    Kiyo                      Dark Despair 
    Laos                      Shump 
    Leader                    Profane X Skill 
    Lord Sinastr              Devils Wraith 
    Matgon                    Matgun
    Mecha Mario               Mecho
    MiranaZ                   Egoraptor
    Nebula                    Seiun
    Plasmastorm               Arete
    PlungerMistress           iHypnotized
    Rabies                    Epicness
    Rabies                    IMAFIRINMEHLAZAH
    Rarton                    Rarton
    reyes 89                  jan hardy
    saaaaaaaaaaaaa            saaaaaaaaaaaaa 
    Santa ClawZz              Santa ClawZz 
    Serpeants                 Serpeants
    shadowdragonshadow        shadowdragonshadow
    shoelace                  The Dark Shoelace  
    Silver Lion               Orao
    skeletondude              skeletondude
    Smackieelfrog             Smackie El Frog
    SMGS                      SMGS
    Soldeen999                Soldeen999
    Sparticus                 Sparticus
    The Legendary d4          daywalker04
    truc                      trucos
    truetreeckotyrant         truetreeckotyrant
    TurkishIncubus            TurkishIncubus
    uria9                     uria13
    WhiteTiger                White Of Tiger
    WhiteTiger                WhiteTigerAE
    wind24                    Sir Wind
    Xendran                   Aesthetic
    Xendran                   Viridian
    Xendran                   Xendran
    Xendran                   Xendran The Merc
    xX Lotus Xx               L0TUS
    xxXSatanic_AbyssXxx       xXSatanic AbyssXx
    Zachary99                 Sir Zachary
    ZirakogluED               Zirakoglu
    zman2                     Mr. Black OP 

    Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:20:12)

    ED Character List * NOTE: I'll crop and resize the images as small as possible.

    AE Forum name: 2046808
    Character name: 2046808
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Balanced?
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3

    AE Forum name: 2qazwsxedc
    Character name: xSuperguyx
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills: N/a
    During battle: N/a

    AE Forum name: 8rlx0
    Character name: 8x
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2vs2 build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1 2 3

    AE Forum name: Acient J
    Character name: Acient J
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support Mage v2
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: Alkenchurch
    Character name: Lord Alkenchurch
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord (Getting Close To Commander So Might Update Again When I Achieve That Goal)
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Lord Alkenchurch's Support Build!
    During battles(linked screenshots): Lord Alkenchurch vs Marauder Hulk

    AE Forum name: ambien
    Character name: SyFy
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Emperor
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Ashari
    Character name: Ashari
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): High Support
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: AVA
    Character name: AVA
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots): 01, 02

    AE Forum name: Billybunz
    Character name: Sparking Disaster
    Class: Merc
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills: Support
    During battles: Me get die treatment. Oh yayz! Titan go to Lazor planet

    AE Forum name: charwelly
    Character name: ollytrolly pwns
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked Screenshot): Awesome support build
    During battles(linked Screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Chubbs
    Character name: Chubbs
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked Screenshot): Support build
    During battles(linked Screenshots): 1

    Forums: Cookielord12
    Char: Lord Of Jam
    Class: TM
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    build name: idk and screenie ill do later
    during battles: ill do later because i bought varium

    AE Forum name: Crovile V2
    Character name: Crovile V2
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): My Ultimate Kill Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): What's He Doing Here ?

    AE Forum name: Darkoasi901
    Character name: Darkoasi901
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Dark Support
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2

    AE Forum name: Dax
    Character name: Dax
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Staff
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): My Best Build Ever
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Death Gigas
    Character name: Death Gigas
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots): DG, bazooka

    AE Forum name: Dreiko Shadrack
    Character name: Thurop Rekinvale
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): CheapShot Smoker
    During battles(linked screenshots): A regular Scenario, Smoker vs Smoker, Didn't press the prtScn button fast enough

    AE Forum Name: DungeonHunter
    Character Name: DUNGEON HUNTER
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Faction: THE ELITEZ
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): +5 focus build
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: earth breather
    Character name: Tracking Founder 2
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): The Offensively Offensive Bounty hunter (all rights reserved as i created this do not copy without my permission)
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Epic Pwnser
    Character name: Epic Pwnser
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Merc Support build 3/1/10, Merc 4 focus build 4/26/10, 5 focus build 4/9/11,
    During battles(linked screenshots): Battle against Daphne (Dax) 4/9/10, Battle against Lightmare 4/14/10, Battle against Wiseman108 (Wiseman) 6/17/10, 89 Crit Gamma Bot

    AE Forum name: fishb8123
    Character name: fishb8123
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): mybuild
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2

    AE forum name: forums lol
    Character name: ZFON
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion

    AE Forum name: FrostLich
    Character name: King FrostLich
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Coming Soon
    During battles: Coming Soon

    AE Forum name: helloguy
    Character name: LiveLoveLaugh
    Class: Tech Mage
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: HydroMonk
    Character name: HydroMonk
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills: Passive_Arts
    During battles: 1, 2

    AE Forum name: Icemage245
    Character name: Epic Mercenary B
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 5 Focus Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 01, 02, 03

    AE Forum name: JJMH11
    Character name: JJMH10
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshots): My Fav 2vs2 Build
    Out of battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum Name: Kiyo
    Character Name: Dark Despair
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 29
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Laos
    Character name: Shump
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): High Support build
    During battles(linked screenshots): EDSHUMP1, EDSHUMP2, EDSHUMP3

    AE Forum name: Leader
    Character name: Profane X Skill
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2v2 Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 2v2 build in action!

    AE Forum name: Lord Sinastr
    Character name: Devils Wraith
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Coming Soon
    During battles(linked screenshots): Hands Up!

    AE Forum name: Matgon
    Character name: Matgun
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support mage 3.0
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Mecha Mario
    Character name: Mecho
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Build
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: MiranaZ
    Character name: Egoraptor
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Nebula
    Character name: Seiun
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 33
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Nebula Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3

    AE Forum name: Plasmastorm
    Character name: Arete
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Mercenary Five Focus with Frostbane
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: PlungerMistress
    Character name: iHypnotized
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support Mercenary
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Rabies
    Character name: Epicness
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Emperor
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2 Focus Strength Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

    AE Forum name: Rabies
    Character name: IMAFIRINMEHLAZAH
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 16
    Rank: Warrior
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): -
    During battles(linked screenshots): -

    AE Forum name: Rarton
    Character name: Rarton
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshots): MY Focus Build
    Out of battles(linked screenshots):
    During Battle
    After Battle

    AE Forum name: reyes 89
    Character name: jan hardy
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2vs2 1vs1 tank build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: saaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Character name: saaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 26
    Rank: Warrior
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Santa ClawZz
    Character name: Santa ClawZz
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 5 Focus build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4

    AE Forum name: Serpeants
    Character name: Serpeants
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 29
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: shadowdragonshadow
    Character name: shadowdragonshadow
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 18
    Rank: Veteran
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): http://twitpic.com/36jq66
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2 3

    AE Forum name: shoelace
    Character name: The Dark Shoelace
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2

    AE Forum name: Silver Lion
    Character name: Orao
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Overused Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3

    AE Forum name: skeletondude
    Character name: skeletondude
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Smackieelfrog
    Character name: Smackie El Frog
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Coammnder
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Smackie's Strength Build -
    During battles :

    AE Forum name: SMGS
    Character name: SMGS
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): None
    During battles(linked screenshots): None

    AE Forum name: Soldeen999
    Character name: Soldeen999
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 5 Focus
    During battles(linked screenshots): Picture In-battle, Soldeen as a mage, Outside battle (No Bike)

    AE Forum name: Sparticus
    Character name: Sparticus
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Emperor
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 1, 2, 3, 4
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4

    AE Forum name: The Legendary d4
    Character name: daywalker04
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 31
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Focus
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum Name: truc
    Character Name: trucos
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Build
    During battles (linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: truetreeckotyrant
    Character name: truetreeckotyrant
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Well-Rounded Monster
    During battles(linked screenshots): Fire!

    AE Forum name: TurkishIncubus
    Character name: TurkishIncubus
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: uria9
    Character name: uria13
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): frostbane for life
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: WhiteTiger
    Character name: White Of Tiger
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 29
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): White Of Tiger
    During battles(linked screenshots): MjolnirStrike, MjolnirWarmup, MultiGo!, RageStrike2

    AE Forum name: WhiteTiger
    Character name: WhiteTigerAE
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): WhiteTigerAE
    During battles(linked screenshots): BazookaFired, RageStrike, RixtySlash

    AE Forum name: wind24
    Character name: Sir Wind
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Firing E Bunny!
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Aesthetic
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 24
    Rank: Warrior
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Poison Healer
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Viridian
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 26
    Rank: Warrior
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Idklol
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Xendran
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): The Build Everybody Claims Is Theirs Even Though Millions Of People Have Thought Of It
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Xendran The Merc
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 24
    Rank: Veteran
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Standard Artillery Noob
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: xX Lotus Xx
    Character name: L0TUS
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Egg Mage Build (no stats and link available)
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    AE Forum name: xxXSatanic_AbyssXxx
    Character name: xXSatanic AbyssXx
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): look (close enough for me.

    AE Forum name: Zachary99
    Character name: Sir Zachary ( epicduel)
    Class: Bounty Hunter (epicduel)
    Level: Level 32
    Rank: Hero
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): My Tank Tech Mage Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4

    AE Forum name: ZirakogluED
    Character name: Zirakoglu
    Class: Bounty hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support sword build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    AE Forum name: zman2
    Character name: Mr. Black OP
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): THE BUILD THAT PWNS ALL...restrictions do apply
    During battles(linked screenshots): IM GOIN TO BACK FLIP

    Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:20:43)

    Reserved Page 4

    Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:21:03)

    Reserved Page 5

    Bu Kek Siansu -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:21:25)

    Reserved Page 6

    shadowdragonshadow -> =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 14:28:52)


    AE Forum name: shadowdragonshadow
    Character name: shadowdragonshadow
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 18
    Rank: Veteran
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): http://twitpic.com/36jq66
    During battles(linked screenshots): http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff398/shadowdragonshadow/Me4.jpg http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff398/shadowdragonshadow/Me5.jpg http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff398/shadowdragonshadow/Me6.jpg

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    WhiteTiger -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/15/2010 0:31:44)


    AE Forum name: WhiteTiger
    Character name: WhiteTigerAE
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): http://i52.tinypic.com/2lidls3.jpg
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4

    AE Forum name: WhiteTiger
    Character name: White Of Tiger
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 29
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): http://i53.tinypic.com/206h16e.jpg
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Rabies -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 15:45:45)


    http://tinyurl.com/36syzvm http://tinyurl.com/357pjf3 http://tinyurl.com/33qu4rg

    AE Forum name: Rabies
    Character name: Epicness
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 32
    Rank: Emperor
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2 Focus Strength Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Leader -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 16:28:16)


    AE Forum name: EDLeader http://tinyurl.com/364flvt http://tinyurl.com/2v7dqo6 http://tinyurl.com/337nayu
    Character name: Profane X Skill
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 2v2 Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 2v2 build in action!

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Silver Lion -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 16:32:58)


    AE Forum name: Silver Lion
    Character name: Orao
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Overused Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    The Legendary d4 -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 17:17:23)


    AE Forum name: The Legendary d4
    Character name: daywalker04
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 31
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Focus
    During battles(linked screenshots):

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Laos -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 18:16:50)


    AE Forum name: Shump
    Character name: Shump Picture
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): High Support build Picture
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3.

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Ashari -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 18:53:09)



    AE Forum name: Ashari
    Character name: Ashari
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): High Support
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    earth breather -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/13/2010 19:18:54)


    AE Forum name: earth breather
    Character name: Tracking Founder 2
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot):The Offensively Offensive Bounty hunter Build(all rights reserved as i created this do not copy without my permission)
    During battles(linked screenshots): Character with no bike
    Character in battle
    Char with bike

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Dax -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 2:39:19)


    AE Forum name: Dax
    Character name: Dax
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Staff
    Build: My Best Build Ever
    Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Xendran -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 3:45:30)


    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Xendran
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Warlord
    Build name include Stats & Skills: The Build Everybody Claims Is Theirs Even Though Millions Of People Have Thought Of It
    During battles:

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Viridian
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 26
    Build name include Stats & Skills: Idklol
    During battles:

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Xendran The Merc
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 24
    Rank: Veteran
    Build name include Stats & Skills: Standard Artillery Noob
    During battles:

    AE Forum name: Xendran
    Character name: Aesthetic
    Class: Bounty Hunter
    Level: 24
    Rank: Warrior
    Build name include Stats & Skills: Poison Healer
    During battles:

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Silver Lion -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 4:09:49)


    Oh and here's a general pic to be added :) :



    Done, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Matgon -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 6:51:43)


    AE Forum name: Matgon
    Character name: Matgun
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name including stats & Skills: Support mage 3.0
    During battles: Screen shot

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Acient J -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 7:14:02)


    AE Forum name: Acient J
    Character name: Acient J
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 30
    Rank: Champion
    Build Name: Support Mage
    During Battles: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Leader -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/14/2010 7:20:01)


    Hey AVA, could I have my pictures added? if you didn't see them, they're here:
    http://tinyurl.com/364flvt http://tinyurl.com/2v7dqo6 http://tinyurl.com/337nayu
    Thanks in advance! :)

    Done, thanks. :) ~AVA

    uria9 -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/15/2010 1:02:53)


    AE Forum name: uria9
    Character name:uria13
    Class:bounty hunter
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): frostbane for life http://i599.photobucket.com/albums/tt74/uria9/arghghrghagrhar.jpg
    During battles(linked screenshots): http://s599.photobucket.com/albums/tt74/uria9/?action=view¤t=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg
    p.s can you plz make the pic show up so people dont have to click on links
    No, they are too big to be show up, sorry. Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Santa ClawZz -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/15/2010 8:39:05)


    AE Forum name: Santa ClawZz
    Character name: Santa ClawZz
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): 5 Focus build
    During battles(linked screenshots): 1, 2, 3, 4

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    Smackie El Frog -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/15/2010 11:13:14)


    AE Forum name: Smackieelfrog
    Character name: Smackie El Frog
    Class: Mercenary
    Level: 32
    Rank: Coammnder
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Smackie's Strength Build -
    During battles : http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p384/smackieelfrog/smackiesmack.jpg
    Standing: http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p384/smackieelfrog/smackiestanding.jpg

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

    TurkishIncubus -> RE: =ED= Character List (11/15/2010 15:16:17)


    AE Forum name: TurkishIncubus
    Character name: TurkishIncubus
    Class: Tech Mage
    Level: 32
    Rank: Commander
    Build name include Stats & Skills(linked screenshot): Support Build
    During battles(linked screenshots): http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/4020/adsz47.jpg http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/5927/adsz48.jpg

    Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

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