=WF= Where'd it go? Oh, there it is! (Full Version)

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Circe -> =WF= Where'd it go? Oh, there it is! (11/16/2010 22:50:49)

I just wanted to let everyone know that the WF group of forums was moved into the AQ category: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=263

That just keeps the expansion with it's parent game so that there's no confusion and it's easier to stream from one game to another now that we've alphabetized the game boards.

Carry on!

Raiden Storm -> RE: =WF= Where'd it go? Oh, there it is! (11/16/2010 23:43:19)

That is a good idea i have noticed there has been alot of confusion as to wether it is
a diferent game. This should clear things up a little. : )

afterlifex -> RE: =WF= Where'd it go? Oh, there it is! (11/17/2010 1:05:00)

Well it makes sense given it's officially an expansion but putting it in the AQ section kind of hides it. While reinforcing the connection between the 2 is a good idea that only works for thous that know it's part of AQ. If you don't you won't have a clue where it's at.

Other then it's an "expansion" there is little reason to hide it in the AQ section as it still functions as it's own game.

Like I said good idea in theory but in application it hurts the game IMO, you want people to have easy access to it not have to go to another section to get to it.

The Harukyuba Bros. -> RE: =WF= Where'd it go? Oh, there it is! (11/17/2010 13:56:11)

As someone who plays WarpForce and uses the WarpForce Encyclopedia often, I think that merging the WF forums isn't necessarily a good idea solely because of the WF Encyclopedia and its accessibility. While it may still be a work in progress, it does have a lot of useful information about the game and merging the WarpForce forums into the AdventureQuest forums makes that information harder to access.

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