RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (Full Version)

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Warlord3000 -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 1:43:01)

EVS = EpicDuel Varium Supporter

EVW = Epicduel Varium Warlord

Varium Warlord



Varium Supports

Varium Knights




Varium Supports
Varium Knights
Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

Polandor -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 9:43:09)

I think I like Varlord

ZirakogluED -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 9:51:08)

How about V-Lords?

It's already been added. Check the list before posting. Thanks. :) ~AVA
051. V-Lords -> (by Jatar The Legend) * Reason

Soliqe -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/10/2010 0:49:24)

I still say "Varium Noobs" Because the name is hilarious and many players would understand it.

However, if I were forced to choose one besides mine I would definitely pick V-Knights.


Varium Noobs
Added, thanks. ~AVA

xPhSycHo SnaKe EyeZx -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 13:32:36)

Name : Epic Testers



Epic Testers
Added, thanks. :) ~AVA

Warlord3000 -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 22:46:39)

wait are these name actually going to be taken under consideration by titan and nightwraith or are we doing this just for the sakes of it and have fun?

if so wow a big list and they are going to see each of these and like one and that will change the whole experience WOW!!!!!

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/2/2010 23:06:58)

I suggest beholders of the blue
Because varium is a rare currency and buying it makes you have it.


beholders of the blue
Added. Thanks. :) AVA

Dragon Immortal -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/3/2010 9:04:39)

The Priveledged Users because we are varium users but we don't care because we show off just how much money we have and how we use it for our advantage


The Priveledged Users
Added. Thanks. :) AVA

charwelly -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/5/2010 0:01:31)


holders of passage
Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

Goony -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/5/2010 20:10:21)


Big Tuna from Storyline.

Varium is a unique element with the properties of a metal and the qualities of a living organism. Unlike the metals found on the periodic table, Varium “grows” in a fashion similar to plants, it’s molecular structure going through a bizarre synthesis to replicate and increase in size and volume.

So basically Varium grows, therefore Varium users could be considered to be farmers or agriculturalists.

Variculturist - from agriculturist
Variator - from cultivator


Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

helloguy -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/5/2010 20:15:48)

how exactly are we gonna pick the name if we keep on adding more?

veneeria -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/8/2010 5:35:39)

-(because of their power being so great that they are even compared to demi-gods)

After human
-(Varium giving the power to go beyond humanity)

Blue Blooded
-(Roses are red and varium is blue... so ..)


After human
Blue Blooded
Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

Dragon Immortal -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/19/2010 1:54:40)

The Chosen Ones (Because we are chosen to kill)


The Chosen Ones
Added. Thanks. :) ~AVA

Ignital -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/7/2010 18:23:16)

Lol, how about "Rich"?

Other than that, how about "The Elite" or "Star Gazers"?

B345T -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/11/2010 7:59:52)

Well my favourite up there would have to be as Wiseman stated : Prospectors
But one that I would like to add that I think gives an ED feel is : Inheritors

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/11/2010 9:49:10)


Sound great(from Jzaanu so it would be :) )

Secret1337 -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/11/2010 11:25:11)

Ok something with Delta, V, Epic, Varium, Duel.
So why not Rich boys/Girls. Nah kidding.
Take E.Dl
Epic. Duel loaders

Ultimate High Lord -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (12/11/2010 15:18:33)

I support 'Delta Knights'. It's not to cheesy unlike most of the others. 'Varium' should not be in the name.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/25/2013 23:19:13)

Bumping this thread since we added and added names and we never reached a conclusion.

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/25/2013 23:29:35)

Well considering varium was a resource forced to be mined by the banished rebels on the other planets of the Delta system, I think it should relate to that.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/26/2013 7:18:02)

V.A.R.I.U.M Battle Fleet.

Someone can think of what the V.A.R.I.U.M is short of.

caughtslippin -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/26/2013 10:55:32)

No, no, no. Everyone's making this too convoluted. Here's a simpler way:

Non-Variums are called Duelists.

Variums are called Epic Duelists.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/26/2013 17:14:03)

No sorry, these names aren't good enought, You can't call a bm Epic Duelist just because he bought varium thought .-.

lionblades -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/26/2013 17:15:48)

^yeah it would be so ironic to meet a bad varium player with the title epic duelist lol

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Varium Owners Need a Name! II (9/26/2013 19:28:20)

@Frost Moglin

Versatile Assault and Ravaging Intelligence Utilized for Murder

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