RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (Full Version)

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shadowdragonshadow -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/26/2010 20:36:15)

Why is the sky blue.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"
Why is the grass green.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"
Why do we not fly off into space willy nilly.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"
Why does Dr. Doofinshmirtz try to destroy Perry the Platapus.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"
Why does the earth spin.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"
What is the Square root of pie.
See below
What is the Square root of cake.
See above
Why am i asking these questions.
There is a nifty scientific explanation somewhere, but I'll stick with "because it's pretty"

Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/26/2010 21:11:32)

1. If you could be any mythical animal, which would you be and why?
Hmm... I would say a Dragon. Yes, quite cliche, but I find the concept pretty interesting.

2. Mythology quiz!
Oh noes Yay!

..........a. If you could be any Greek god, which would you be and why?
..........Apollo, as he's a God that symbolizes medicine, light and knowledge

..........b. If you could be any Egyptian god, which would you be and why?
..........Horus, because he's the god of Sky and protector of Lower (and later) the entire Egypt and his people

..........c. If you could be any Norse god, which would you be and why?
..........Thor, because he has a nice hammer and is a lighting god

3. Describe the virtues of the colour green.
It's shiny and pretty. It's also ecologically friendly!

4. If you ponder the wonders of ChickenCows... discuss the merged creature that you would create and would find fascinating.
A creature made of Rocks and Scissors. It would be incredible efficient in the art of "Rock Paper Scissor"

5. Which is your favorite biome?
Tundra, as it's pretty beautiful to see

6. If you could have one all expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would be the top things on your list while there?
New Zealand. I would probably go see beaches and mountains. Oh, and enjoy the local food.

7. If you could live in any state in the US, which would you move to and why?
Tricky question... I would say Utah as I found it incredibly nice to live in.

Age100 -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 0:30:42)

1. Yays, it's officially tomorrow!
Noo Wee
2. What do you think of cloning?
Interesting and dangerous
3. Write any fanfiction?
4. I think I found a loop hole in your rules.
There are always loop holes, silly
5. What if I edit each of my posts;s questions?
Then you would be silly and it would nullify any validation of your post as it would go over my edits
6. Can I have your credit card number for the fun of it?
7. Or is that too personal?
8. You ever drink Seltzer?
9. Do you like it?
No idea
10. How happy would you be if this thread reached 42 pages?
Not sure if "happy" would be the right word

Supertails -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 1:13:28)

Kandy Kain! :D
I'm definitely not candy.

So how are you enjoying our silly little OOC so far?
Same as ever, quite interesting

That's definitely an interesting take on I take it, based off of that answer, that I'm your favourite AK?
Feel free to take that, but don't forget to give back tomorrow

Give me a pictuWhat sort of things do you like to do in your spare time?
Hm... read.

To be honest, those are kind of lame. :D Why do you like them? You had better not say "nothing" for that last question and make me waste this one. >:l
Because it is good to be done in the spare time

Umm...dang, I'm out of questions already. So a little game to waste questions even though I just said I didn't want them wasted! I'll say a word, you say the first book that comes to your mind! Mouse!

Not again..



Good job! Now lastly...give a shout out to your family, 'cause...they're all gonna see this! Bye-bye, hope you enjoy being an AK! :D
Wee, thank you and see ya!

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 1:38:26)

Hi Kain!
Hello Ricky!
I never knew you were here for a month, I thought you've been here for longer O_o
Weird stuff *nod*
How's life?
Pretty interesting
How many boards are you currently AKing (if that's even a word) in?
As of now, 3
No food eh? *Drinks Nestea*
Why not tea?
Do you want cookie?
*Gives Cookie*
Well, I hope you have fun doing what you're doing! I'm gonna go find something to do.
I surely am. And good luck with your thing!

kpnut -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 5:17:15)

yay for time differences, it's technically tomorrow
how heavy is the ball and chain that Eukara put on you?
Pretty light, otherwise I wouldn't be able to swim in the pool.
do you ever get the urge to mess around with someones post?
Nope, sounds far too boring
that's it for now
See ya!

ryan xd -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 5:25:39)

Hey there
How are you
Pretty good
Gives cookie
No thanks
It is poisoned
The antidote is in this cake
Too bad I don't need it
Gives cake
No thanks
Its filled with maggots
You have a weird cooking habit
See ya

anailater -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 5:43:37)

Hello random Arch knight
Hello random person
What did you say!!!!!
Hello random person
Pokemon or mario
You lie
Surely I do
Say hello to tolan for me
Sure thing
See ya
No you hang up
See ya

Yammka -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 5:55:33)

Alright, I think we have to work out something, Kain. Several of your responses were boring and lacked pizzazz, so I'm going to try and rip the fun side out of you.
Sure thing, good sir
Now. There are no morals in this post that you need to abide by. No ethics you need to follow. Be creative. Be entertaining. Find a way to make me laugh, when prompted. Let's start:
No morals? Sounds boring, good sir
1. I'll start with yet another quiz question. Please give me your answer in your own words.: Supertails, in a fit of mental instability, has banned the lovable Yammka from this site for no reason at all. Literally. There's no underlying motive. What do you do?
Say it sounds bad, good sir
2. A bag of money falls out of Person 1's back pocket on the street. You pick up the money. Suddenly Person 1 shivs a random hobo. What do you do with the money?
Say it smells bad, good sir
3. You're taking a nice stroll in the woods and you suddenly hear gunshots. What do you do?
Say to run fast, good sir
4. Last "moral" question, the love of your life is drowning in the pool nearby. Coincidentally, you witness a man holding a machine gun on a large group of people. You are only in a position to save one or the other. Who would you save?
John Smith, good sir
5. If you could blow 1 million dollars on anything you wanted, what would that be?
On John Smith, good sir
6. How do you display your creativity? Are you an artist? A writer? Etc.?
Sounds art, good sir
7. I think this'll be my last question: What is true?
Nope, "What" isn't "True", good sir

sacchi -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 12:32:41)

Hehe, I just realized you chose one of the most hatred characters of animes.
The fangirls disagree with that. In fact Kaworu is the most loved NGE character ever created by the human race.
Well, at least it's not Shinji Ikari xD
Well, he has his moment
...I really hope you don't make him your avvy :P
Nah, unless it's for a special situation
Where do you live? Just the continent is good :D
Stormalong Harbor
Lemme guess, you refused to answer?
Ok, cya again :D

Sorry, but you broke the rules silly, only one post per page! Feel free to post it next page (and tomorrow), but for now, you'll have to wonder what would be my answers.

Did you know that the best word in every AK's dictionary is "exception"? You could always make an "exception" or two, or three. You should practise them, on me. Don't you think it's a good idea?

No exceptions for the rules, silly. Specially to a silly person like you.

alexmacf -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 13:17:33)

I'm back! Mostly just because I can be back.
Welcome back!
As I'm not generally able to recognize things/people on sight, mind telling why sacchi's all up in arms about your avvy? ^_^
He just can't handle the manliness that is Kaworu
What hemisphere do you inhabit?
Depends on where Stormalong Harbor is.
What would your dream home be like?
Full of candy.
Do you want more Samoas?
No D:
*gives Samoas*
Have a good one!
See ya!

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 13:25:22)

I hadn't planned on asking more questions, but your responses to my previous ones prompted me to post more.
What did I do to deserve this? Yay!
First (not a question), I'm glad to know someone else likes FFIV. Rydia's my favorite though. Kain had too many face-heel-turns. It made my brain hurt.
Kains have the tendency to do that *nod*
Cliche Questions:
Oh noes
1. Favorite Pokemon?
Version? Sapphire. Pokemon? Probably Scizzor.
2. Favorite Final Fantasy?
I'll stick with IV as it was the only one I played.
3. Moe or DEEP?
Moe because it sounds funny
4. Watching any anime this season?
Not much an anime person, but I watched Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0 recently
/silly_questions (refuse to say #silly_questions)
Nah, they aren't silly, you are.

Alex Wolfblade -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 13:59:11)

HI! I'm (obviously) Alex Wolfblade!
Hello (obviously) Alex
How are you doing?
Pretty good, thank you for asking
It strikes?
Ah, I see.
Yeah, I like coffee.
ADHD and coffee don't mix very well.
Sure silly, sure
Now, for your official test! GRENADE OUT! *throws spam grenade*
You threw it in a river of trolls
*Evil chuckle* THE SPAM WILL RULE ALL!! That is, if you don't destroy the grenade.
So let it rule the trolls.
Why did I tell you that?
No clue silly

Red -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 15:28:00)

Hi, im Red!
Hello Red
U like animals Kain?
They are nice
If so what type?
The nice type
Fav Food?
Fav Kulur?
What is a Kulur?
Guess my fav Kulur :o
No clue
...Is that a Kulor?
Well idk wut to say really bai



Master K -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 19:38:33)

Immmmm back! Did you miss me?
Nope, you were sitting in that chair all the time, so missing you would be hard
Time to...add a little guitar (please) *guitar plays*
Pick a color...Blue...or Red?
Do you liek can-d I liek can-d!
Which element would you like to master? (AE Elements) *mine is FIRE!*
Ice would be interesting
Katy perry songs! Teenage Dream or Firework? Firework all the way.
No clue
Do you like double rainbows! [georgelowevoice] Double rainbows all the way. [/georgelowevoice]
They are colorful
Do you stargaze? I love to stargaze...and love to find moving objects (And im not searching for aliens, either!)
Vampires, Werewolves, Werepyres, or Dracowerpyres?
Are you wearing Shackles, a leash, or a shock collar?
Some nice shackles
Finally, my last question, do you have a favorite camp rock 2 song? Mine is Walkin in my Shoes.
Never heard/seen Camp Rock or Camp Rock 2
Goodbye Kain. I might see you again on page 3. or 4. or 5. Peace,! *Waves Family Wand and teleports out*
See ya!

Darth Torin -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 19:50:06)

Finally! Now I can congratulate you on AKship, Kain. Congrats!
Yay, thanks!

xDanix -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 19:53:27)

Hello there!
Do you like cheese? Cuz I dont!
I do
What is your favorite band?
None in particular
What is your favorite AE game?
Do you like braclets?
They are cool
Did I misspell anything?
Nah, you didn't miss any spell

Dev -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/27/2010 20:22:13)

Holy Kainoli, Kain made a MtAK thread :D
Indeed I did, silly
Kain I do it?
you already did it
Yes I Kain.
Or Kain I?
No I Kain't?
Silly Dev is silly
Do you like the smell of sugar kain in the morning?
It's not particularly nice, but not bad either
Ever been to the panama kain-al or the grand kain-yon?
Okay, this one was horrible
Favorite painting...oil or kain-vas?
That was good, I'll give you that
Favorite type of kain-dy?
Overused D:<
Ever been for a kain-ter on a horse?
Silly Dev is silly
/me kainoodles Kain
/me slaps Dev with a Wallo

Arthur -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 3:21:28)

Hey Kain
Hello Arthur
How's it going in the Forum?
Same as ever, quite nice
Do you think people will like you or hate you if you lock their threads and mail them?(not me)
That's up to them, but they can always talk with me about it
Does it feel good now that you are a ArchKnight?
Well, I've been an AK for a few months now, so it's hard to say.
A guy starts irritating other posters in a thread and writes something bad, you happen to show up, what will you do?
The same thing I would do in any other board I work on
That's enough from me.
Take care.
See ya

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 3:33:51)

I'm going to hold an evil test of EVIL! Why? Because I can! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You have a choice between a Planet Busting Laser or a Mind Control Ray. One wil blow up the planet, the other will allow you to control it. If you do not pick one, one will be picked FOR you at random. You cannot stop this. Which do you pick?
The third option: Spaghetti
You have a giant mecha. You must cause some deaths with it. It does not matter how, but if you do not, everyone dies. WHat do you do?
Kill some Angels and angst after it
You have command of an entire army of the greatist villains known to man. What villains would you pick for this army and why? Please include at least one group of people or monsters as well as individuals that will form the core of your army.
Sounds too hard to me. I'll pick Gendo Ikari and let him make everything go as planned
Your Moderating masters have gone totaly power mad and are ruling the fourms with an iron fist in horrible ways. Do you join in the terror, or help form a EVIL resistence movement for you to rule it instead?
Resistign is futile, long live the Great Circle
Who will be your nemisis and why?
Google, because they're eviler than thou
Please make up a evil speech on the spot about how your nemisis will never defeat you and you will reign supreme. Bonus points if you throw in something that would make the intended hero either break down or turn to evil themselves.
Free cookies!
...That's about it. Thank you, and I'm sorry for making you go through all of that. WHo knows, if I return, I may do a hero one![:D]
See ya

Vaka -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 4:35:23)

Congratulations Kain! You're already doing an awesome job so I don't need to say good luck.
Thank you and thank you!
*dramatic music*
1.) What is your favourite animal?
Hmm... Humans because I am one and some of them are very nice.
2.) What is your favourite food?
Pizza, Spaghetti
3.) What has, so far, been your favourite thread in the OOC?
Hard to say, but I would say the Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread. It's sad to see people leave, but it's also nice to see newcomers
4.) What is your favourite book?
House of Leaves
5.) How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
It depends on the weather, but usually it's 1/0

demolitiondragon -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 7:50:12)

Hai Kain! Good luck AK-ing!
Hello and thank you!

Abraska -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 10:58:58)

What the crum?! Hey Kain!
Crum D: Heya!
Just wondering when you'll make your triumphant return to AQW.
Hard to say... but maybe one day
Okay, that's all. Have a good one.
See ya and thanks for the codes!

steel blade -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 11:24:46)

Ohai there.
Since when you became a AK? [8|]
About 6 months, I guess
So, having fun being an Ash? [:D]
It's a mix of fun and hard work, but it's a very interesting experience
By the way, where'd you get your forum name? Just curious.
FFIV, mostly.
AK ONLY QUESTION: What do you like better? Cake, pie, pancakes, waffles or cookies? If not specify, well....specify. [;)]
That'll be all.
I see
May the fates give you destiny you shall embrace. [:)]
Thank you! ..I guess

Silver Xoven -> RE: =MtAK= Kain (better late than never) (11/28/2010 12:07:56)

Hullo I guess!
Hello there
So, AKship in here, too?
Enjoying it?
Helping out is always nice
No other questions from me this time.
I see
Thank you and see ya!

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