[Hand-drawn][FLASH]Double Z Workshop[HIRING!][CLOSED!] (Full Version)

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Zakristone -> [Hand-drawn][FLASH]Double Z Workshop[HIRING!][CLOSED!] (11/27/2010 1:20:27)


Banner by 2046808.
Previously known as Zak's Workshop

Hello there! I've decided to make a shop because...well I got nothing to do much lately. What I generally do are weapons. Mostly swords, daggers, and scythes, but if you want other types, I can do that too. Please note that I cannot color, therefore all requests done by me will be lineart. And now I can :D

You may suggest it in any game if you want to.

I'll do my best to keep up with the requests, and will try to get it done within 7 days.

Now, why did I name it Double Z Workshop? At first, I intended to name it Forges of Zak, but seeing how there was the Hero Forge already, I went with Zak's Workshop. A couple of days later, I hired Ziqsan, in which, it looked weird how there were two people, yet one name in the shop name. I didn't want Ziqsan to feel left out so I renamed it to Double Z Workshop.

...and now Ziqsan left, but I still kept the name.

Request forms


[b]Type of Weapon[/b]
[b]Blade design:[/b]
[b]Hilt design:[/b]
[b]Handle design:[/b]


[b]Type of Weapon:[/b]
[b]Blade design:[/b]
[b]Handle design:[/b]


[b]Top of staff design:[/b]

Flashing weapons

[b]Color Scheme:[/b]


Preferred Name: Zak, Zakristone
Experience: 2 years of sketching weapons in-class :P
Speciality: Swords, Daggers, Scythes
Examples of work:


Preferred name: IXA
Experience: 3 months?
Speciality: Flashing Weapons
Examples of work:
Other things to note: He doesn't design weapons very well, but he can Flash designs that you made.

Preferred name: yjy
Experience: A few months.
Speciality: Flash
Examples of work:
Notes: Pretty active. Also can draw from scratch.

Preferred name: Shadowdragon
Experience: Not much
Speciality: flash
Examples of work:
Notes: Still a beginner.

Hiring form:

[b]Preferred name:[/b]
[b]Examples of work:[/b]

There are no restrictions, as long as you are active at least 4 times a week, then you are hired.

angel of joy -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 1:44:25)

congrats on the shop and i already have a request
Type of weapon:sword
Characteristics of weapon:idk i drawn it myself with pencil but i dont like my work so could you¨help? link
PM when done:yes please

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 1:51:49)

Thanks angel. Working on yours now.



Yours was probably the hardest one I've ever made because of the symmetric design :P

angel of joy -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 17:32:56)

wow thanks you are really good at this i love it :D
since i liked it that much i would like you to do these to (if its not to much :P)
Type of weapon:scimitar
Characteristics of weapon: link again
PM when done:yes please
Maker::P again you
type of weapon:bow
Characteristics of weapon: again a link
PM when done:yes please

Red -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 17:42:07)

Good luck with the shop, and do u draw pets? :3


Zhukai -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 17:45:47)

Good luck with weapon crafting, Zak. :)

SkyeHawk -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 18:34:39)

Good luck!another weapon maker!

and BTW, i can color them in my shop.

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 21:36:38)

Thanks guys!

@angel of joy: I'll be working on it now.

Finished your scimitar:


And bow:


This one was really hard because of the symmetric designs :P

Zhukai -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 21:51:15)

Actually, I'd like to request one.

Maker: Umm... you?
Type of weapon: Long sword
Characteristics of weapon: Ancient, Dragon Hilt kind of like http://www.omegaartworks.com/images/omega/draco-dagger1, long and sharp.
PM when done: No thanks.

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 21:59:12)

@Zhukai: Working on it.

Turquoise -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 22:04:40)

Type of weapon:staff
Characteristics of weapon:Beat up old staff, but still useable and not too plain.
PM when done:Yes

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/27/2010 22:14:05)

Done with Zhukai's longsword: http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7706/request4u.png

Now working on wise arusman's.

wise arusman's beatn-up-but-still-usable old staff: http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/4258/request5.png

angel of joy -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/28/2010 5:29:32)

thanks alot the look great :D (sorry that they are hard becaus of the design i just like symetry :P)

shadowdragonshadow -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/28/2010 12:53:46)

Type of weapon:Sword.
Characteristics of weapon: Needs to match this if you can do that. What im saying is that this armour(which is my personal armour) needs a weapon.
PM when done:Yes

2046808 -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/28/2010 12:56:29)

Hey Zak, congrats and good luck with the shop!!!

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/28/2010 20:40:14)

@shadowdragonshadow: I'll work on your when I get home.

Got it:


@2046808: Thanks!

shadowdragonshadow -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/29/2010 7:54:36)

cool ill color it with gimp later today.

ziqsan -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/30/2010 7:40:17)

Preferred name: Ziq or Ziqsan
Experience: 2 years hand drawing weps
Speciality: 2b pencil...hahaha
Examples of work: http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad238/zentertainments/DSC01312.jpg

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/30/2010 8:49:03)

@ziqsan: You're hired.

ziqsan -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (11/30/2010 9:06:38)

kk thank man....
me ready for the request....

Spectre -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (12/1/2010 22:55:22)

Type of weapon:Dagger-ish
Characteristics of weapon:Like a short silver tube and then one silver lightning bolt coming out each end of the tube(more non-realistic like zig-zaggy if ur gonna add color make the tube not so shiny but make the lightning shiny(if possible))
PM when done:Yes

ziqsan -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (12/2/2010 0:52:10)

okay.....done with avior's request and here it is...

oh and for the first to request from me.....i got a little present for you

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (12/2/2010 8:03:45)

*sounds of crickets*

Slow week...

SamsonTheGreat -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (12/2/2010 9:48:58)

Maker:zak since ziq got the last one
Type of weapon:hmm sword
Characteristics of weapon:well keep this picture in your head like a darkish sword that has cyan accents (keep that in your head) and kinda like a dark stone blade with a bejewled bar going down the middle of the blade and towards the hilt just...well like who know what but its not the blade just some dark metal and cyan accents then and towads the hilt it kinda comes out like a U on its side <---> this way and then the hiltcomes out.. oh and have some kind of righting on the blade(like the phoneix blade does) you dont have to color it ill color it but you can if you want :)
PM when done: sure why not

Zakristone -> RE: [Hand-drawn]Zak's Workshop[OPEN][Hiring] (12/2/2010 20:34:40)

@Samson: I can't do colors, but if you still want the lineart, just tell me.

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