Dev -> Light Gnomish Crossbow (11/30/2010 20:47:10)
[image][/image] Light Gnomish Crossbow Also see Gnomish Crossbow and Heavy Gnomish Crossbow Price: 100 Sellback: 100 Level: 30 Power Level: 30, Mastercraft Location: Dragon Secret 2 Shop Element: Fire Attack Type: Ranged Damage: 7-20 BTH: 4 SPECIAL #1 Hits: 1 Type: Ranged Element: Fire Damage: 171% Base, Random, and 268% Stats each* BTH: +3 plus Stats* Rate: 80% (when in Fire mode) This counts as normal Player attack. *Stat bonus to damage is DEX/40 (with an additional +LUK/2, if a Lucky Strike occurs). Stat bonus to BTH is DEX/8 + LUK/20. SPECIAL #2 Hits: 2 Type: Ranged Element: Fire Damage: 224% Base and Random Stats: No normal stats; 149% Lucky Strike damage each BTH: +13 Rate: 20% (when in Fire mode) EFFECT Clicking the red section** puts the weapon in fire mode, where it does the above attacks. Clicking the gray section*** puts it into smokescreen mode, where it does the below attack. SPECIAL #3 Hits: 1 Type: Ranged Element: Fire Damage: 0% Base and Random, 0% stats BTH: +3 plus Stats Rate: 100% (When in smokescreen mode) Cost: 35 SP**** Effect: If the attack connects, the Crossbow will attempt to Blind* the monster, giving it -10 bth for 10 rounds. Wind and fire monsters take -15 to save rolls, all other type monsters take -20**. Save roll is equal to Level: 30 vs MonsterLevel Major: 75 vs MonsterEND Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK **"Click here to load the Gnomish Boomers!" ***"Click here to load the Gnomish Smokers!" ****"Not enough SP to fire the Gnomish Smokers 35 SP required. Switching to Gnomish Boomers." *"Your foe in engulfed in smoke, and has trouble finding you!" **"Your foe charges out of the smoke cloud, waving it away!" DESCRIPTION This crossbow can fire explosives or create a smokescreen! Select the red ammo to fire the bombs, and the gray ammo to fire smoke grenades! [image][/image] Numbers from Vivi