=MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (Full Version)

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RedLeaf_Channel -> =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 14:47:44)

Hello! I'm going to be the newest ArchKnight here on the AQW Suggestions forum, and I would like to introduce myself and say hello to all the creative and constructive users who frequent it~ I'd love to answer any questions you have for me, as long as it's nothing super-personal. However, to minimize crazyness, please only ask 10 questions per post and post once per page Once per day! And no double posts. thank you :3

As always please follow the AE Comprehensive Forum Rules

I will be editing in this color because it's fun

skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 15:04:17)

heya RedLeaf_Channel!
I have no questions so just congrats and good luck!
Thank you so much! x3
Have fun!
I try~

Abraska -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 15:39:35)

Ahhh! Hi RL_C and congrats!
Hello and thanks!
Apologies but I have had no clue about you before your becoming an AK. What were you up to prior to your position?
Stalking Dage ._. not really, I did some concepts in the AQW suggestions forum, and a couple of them got used.
Etymology/meaning of your name?
It's fairly random, but it's based off of a group of non-uniques in Final Fantasy Tactics.
Isn't a real hassle coding your edit color?
ROFL, not right now it isn't! Thanks btw!
Weaknesses? (Lolz, they'll never suspect that I'm asking a compromising question when I hid it so well among other questions) (Did I say that out loud?)
Roaches. Roaches and fire(but hey, who isn't weak against fire?)
What can we expect from you? (Please say lot's of cookies)
No cookies, but I have a pie~

That's it. Have a good one.
Thank you! You too :3

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 16:12:02)

Hiiiiiiii Redleaf!
Haaai Zhukai!
Thank you!
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite drink?
Orange cream soda, but I try to control myself >.<
What's your favorite place?
Yulgar! No, really, The Blueridge Mountains. It's BEAUTIFUL up there.
Scenario - If it was proven that a zombie apocalypse were to occur the next day, what weapon of choice would you use?
If I could choose any weapon? An S&W .44 PPC mod with a heavy underlug :D
Well that is all for now.
Have fun! :D
Thank you! I probly will~

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 16:15:21)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!

Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Skydrite, he's awesome :D
How the shackles.....what color are yours?
They nice! Mine are pink, but you have to send off for the special colors~
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
....good? <.< >.>
Ready to play?
Yes! Wait, what?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I'm still really very new, but thank you so much! And thanks for your help on the pedias!
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Noooo ^^
Does it make you look fat?
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
Haha, I freaked out a little. It was sort of a "in one hand I have a red pill, in the other I have a blue pill ect." situation
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I don't know...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Thank you! See you~

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 16:22:38)

I knew you were eventually going to be an AK. =P
Well I had no idea! xD
So, how are you liking it?
Pretty good! Lot's of responsibility though, AE's Archknights have always done an amazing job~
Favorite food?
BBQ, my dad makes the best.
This may sound random, but what's your favorite word?
I tend to hand out cookies in =Mtak= threads. I'll give you a free cookie.
*Gives cookie*
Well, I have no more questions. I wish you good luck.
Thank you!

anna2006 x3 -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 18:02:18)

Congratz Red for becoming an AK :D
Thanks! *snugs your head* x3
Even though I've got no question x3
lol, that's no problem. Thanks for coming by!


Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 21:44:03)

Hey RedLeaf_Channel. :D
*Gives a cookie*
*tacklenoms again!* yay! Sankyu

Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun AKing! :)
Thank you!

Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/10/2010 22:18:32)

Welcome to AQW Suggestions and congratz! =^_^=
Thank you so much!

dimond x -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 10:49:09)

YAY! Thanks!
you like pink?
Of course! Everyone loves pink!! xD
whats your favorite class! (not clawsuit or leppy plz)
Necromancer. Good times...
u like chaos :D
Yeah it's alright :3

dakota44 -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 10:51:30)

*sigh* finally your an AK +.+ lol
Yup yup ^^
soooo whats your favorite items on here O.o?
I like all the suggestion items! Everyone has a lot of really creative item ideas.
thats it for now i cant think of anything lol congrats and hope you have fun!
Thank you!

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 11:04:10)

Hello RedLeaf_Channel!
Hello Laos!
Congratulations and good luck with the AK'ing.
Thank you, it's really an honor x3
That's all from me, Cya around ;)
Bye bye~

Skurge -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 11:22:09)

Congratulations Redleaf_Channel!

Answer a question?

What is the ideological relationship between the post-modern French writers of the mid 1930's and the various relio-political social military organizations that were formed in South-Eatern Asia during the pre-Cold War period, with regards to how the anachronistic combination of such people, ideas, and organizations has a negative influence on the mediocre post-secondary education facilities of South America, with scholarly references to pre-existing issues such as the fact that local governments in North-Western Switzerland have relatively low tax incentives for the upper-middle class, and what militaristic undertones would a comprehensive solution to these philosophical issues contain?
Well, that was interesting. Some of it was a little obscure for me though~ In answer to your final question, I don't think any military undertones would be effective at solving philosophical problems.
Well, good luck!
Thank you.

Razgriz -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 11:28:23)

Yooooooouuu >.>

I have an armor you dreeeeew...

It was very stylish and neeeew....
Thanks! xD
And...what is up with this PvP Queue?!
Ahm in it, slowin' it down!
I mean seriously...


Well, hi!

Welcome to my domain, there is only rule to abide, and that is to surrender each and every cookie to me.
o.o I had a cookie...but I eated it. *holds out crumbs for you*
And do my work... obviously.

So welcome! Have fun, and surrender your cookies!
Lol, thank you! I'll try!
Or else...

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 12:01:32)

Thank you
fav AE game?
AQW. But once HS is out of Beta it's a strong contender for my time
fav color?
Orange. In food anyway
cya, gratz again
Thank again!

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 12:28:53)

hello there!
so from creative to AK?
Seems that way ^^
Thank you!
so what does trepidation mean?
Like agitation or apprehension. A fear that something may go suddenly wrong.
kinda ran out of clever things to say at the last MtAK...
I think your fine :P
but if i think of any, you can expect me back!
bye then! and congrats again!
Thank you! Byebye~

Trog -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 14:41:29)

Heya RedLeaf!
Welcome to the AQW Suggestions!
Thank you! It's awesome and shiney here!
I love your art.
Thank you so much xD I feed off of praise!
That's all, congrats and bye!
Thanks~ bai

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 23:46:35)

Hey there!
No questions from me! Just came to say congratulations, good luck and have fun!
Thank you! I'll take all the luck I can get~
See you around. ^_^
See you~ ^-^

shadowdragonshadow -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/11/2010 23:51:12)

What!? What did you just say?

RedLeaf_Channel is an AK.

Man another gone into captivite for AKs.
Oh teh noes~ (lol)
When will these kidnapping end.
I imagine only when the forums stop expanding~
Well i hope your cell is very comfortable and your getting plenty to eat and drink.
Yes, and if we're really good, they say will get cake at the end!
Smell ya later.

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/12/2010 0:17:29)

<_< .. >_>

No questions yet, so i'm only to give you a congratulations. :3
Thank you! :3

jrobot2 -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/12/2010 0:18:37)

Another forum slave archknight? O_o
Yes ^^" seems that way
How scary was it being dog piled, chained up, then locked in a cell?
A little~ the cell is nice though :3
Anyway, hope you have fun being a forum slave archknight. ^.^
Thank you! I hope I do too.

Third Eye -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/12/2010 0:29:34)


That's what I called you when I met you in HS.
I think I remember that :3
Meh, you don't remember me?
I'm no good with names~ Sorry about that ^^
Good! >:D
Nyways, dropping congratulations.
Thank you!
*two thumbs up!*

SamsonTheGreat -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/12/2010 18:58:31)

Halow redleaf!
Since your an ak now..are you still aloud to suggest stuff to aqw??
Yes, in regards to that I'm just like any normal player ^^
well ,like you avy..
Thank you! I drew it for use on various forums :3
im realy bored now srry..
I really don't mind.
well enjoy the prison sentence..
Doing my best!
whens your time up?:P
I'm not aware ^^"
well..all i got are....COOKIES AND CAKE!!!
*Air-noms cookies*
2 more to go \m/
You don't HAVE to use all you questions up~ "so little time to dodge"
err 1...
"now less"
ahhh darn..well im up...well nice chating with you ^.^
"now none!"
Thank you, and Byebee!

mr mcfluffykins -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/12/2010 20:16:20)

Hi Redleaf_channel!
Hi Fluffy!
Are you going to be shortening your name like Trog did?
I have no idea~
What's your favorite color?
When it's food, orange, other times reds and pinks.
Why is the sky blue?
Refraction of light caused by the atmosphere. :P
Who's your favorite moderator?
I like all the mods x3
Do I get a cookie for being on the first page?
Yes! But I eated all of mine....
THanks for listening to my pointless questions! Happy AKing! ~Fluff
P.S., I snuck a plate of cookies in your prison cell. Don't let them catch you nomming on them!!!
Yay, you can have a cookie now! :D Thank you!

ImmolatusBurn -> RE: =MtAK= Redleafchannel (with great trepidation!) (12/13/2010 3:40:08)

Hi, RedLeaf_Channel!
Gives redleaf a pat on the back.

Have fun!
Thanks ^^
Best of luck.

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