The Customization Guide for Star Captains (Full Version)

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Selutu -> The Customization Guide for Star Captains (12/12/2010 0:24:39)

The Guide to Customization for Star Captains

Note to readers: The weapons and mechas mentioned in this guide don't include rares, NG items or House items (excluding the House Builds and Some Builds to Consider section.


Introduction ---- [Intro]
Level 1 to 5 ----- [L1L5]
Level 6 to 10 ----- [L6L10]
Level 11 to 15 ----- [L11L15]
Level 16 to 20 ----- [L16L20]
Level 21 to 25 ----- [L21L25]
Level 26 to 30 ----- [L26L30]
Level 31 to 35 ----- [L31L35]
Level 36 to 40 ----- [L36L40]
Level 41 to 45 ----- [L41L45]
Salvageable Items ---- [SAI]
Some Builds to consider ----- [Builds]
House Builds ----- [HB]
Credits ---- [CRD]


This is a guide in order to give you ideas on how to customize your mecha. There are many different types of play-style in MechQuest, thus meaning there are many different weapons which are used in different purposes.

So what exactly are builds?
A build is a Mecha Chassis customized in order to achieve a purpose, it might be to defeat a certain enemy or not get hit. However outside of those types of purposes, there are still many other purposes un-named, such as dealing high damage, or inflicting the enemy with Damage Over Times. As it is very difficult to describe in a few words all of the different play-styles there are in MechQuest, please read further on some build types in the "Some Builds to Consider" section of this guide.

Why should we customize?
Customization is a way of allowing you to play around with the different play-styles and strategies MechQuest has to offer. Although most of the enemies in the game can be beaten with the default weapons on a mecha, customizing allows you to beat them quicker or in a more effective way, because some quest might have a time limit, while other quests may require you to defeat several enemies without a healing option. Another reason that we should customize is because when you are farming for EXP and/or Credits you would want to gain as much EXP and/or Credits as you can in the least amount of time required, for example if you are farming from Level 16 to 17, but you have a Level 15 Mecha Chassis equipped, the enemy would only scale to Level 15, meaning less EXP and Credits you gain from each battle as opposed to fighting a Level 16 enemy. However if you were to equip a Level 16 weapon on the Mecha Chassis, the enemy will scale to Level 16, since the enemy will always scale to the average between the Level of your Mecha Chassis and the Level of the highest Level you have equipped rounded up.

Also please keep in mind when you are reading through this guide that the suggested Mecha Chassis and weapons are not in the order of whether they are "better" than each other or not, but rather depending on what type of play-style and strategy they are more suitable for. So a weapon in the stunning section of the Level Range is not "better" than a weapon found in the Damage Over Time section of the same Level range, because as I said before, there are many different play-styles and strategies in MechQuest and the weapons are all effective in their own way.

[L1L5] Level 1 to 5

When you are on the Dropship, you have 2 choices. Either buy the Level 2 Monthly Rare Mecha or keep your Newbatron for now and wait until you get off the Dropship. Although the defaults at these levels are good enough, this are it if you want to start customizing.

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Ghost Hunter -- A terrible Mecha which when you gain access to it you'll no longer be Level 5.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Volt Thorn v1.0-- A very good mecha, although it has a low HP it makes up for it self with the high EP, EP regen and the default weapons. It's in Tek's Shop in Soluna.
2. Dharmahp-P -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Holy Photon Revolver -- A good weapon in Tek's Shop that Stuns the enemy for 1 turn.
2. Doughnut Blaster -- Same as the above, it stuns your enemy for 1 turn, you can find it in the Police Shop after you reached Rank 12 in it.
3. Rock Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.

Backs Arm:
1. Stun Gun RC1 -- A very good weapon that stuns the opponent for 2 turns, just beware its Energy use of 50 and the Cooldown of 5.

1. Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Damage Over Time:
Front Arm:
1. Rock Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.

Back Arm:
1. Apprentice Fireball - Back Arm -- A very high damaging weapon with a Dot, just beware its Energy use of 50 and the Cooldown of 5.
2. Smokey Flame Thrower -- A good damaging weapon with a Dot and it increases Hit by 1.

Back Arm:
1. Air Gun -- Possibly the most broken BA credits weapon in game, with the chance to do 50% Bonus damage and damage to EP!

Front Shoulder:
The defaults at this level is good enough, but if you really want good ones then these are it.
1. N-UBER Missile (FLX-N) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

Back Shoulder:
The defaults at this level is good enough, but if you really want good ones then these are it.
1. N-UBER Missile (FLX-N) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

1. SC Phaser Eyes -- A great head weapon with a chance for extra damage.
2. Cranium Phaser V4 -- A nice damaging that can increase your Boost.
3. Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

[L6L10] Level 6 to 10

This is where you start to really make use of customizing your mecha.

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Any House mechas (e.g. Mystraven) -- These mechas are far outdated by today's standards.
2. Geekatron Biped -- An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.
3. Geekatron Quadruped -- An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Extra Sauce Mecha-Roni -- A high damaging mecha that can apply buff over time, stun and apply Dot.
2. Dharmahp-P Fighter -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Iron Frying Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Shining Electron Sniper -- A great weapon that have 100 % chance of stunning the opponent for 1 turn.
3. Quartz Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.

1. Big Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Hrund -- A mecha with a variety of Dots while the Head can increase your damage and the body can decrease the opponent's damage.
2. Star Tyranno -- An amazing damaging chassis with a good DoT BD and high damaging defaults.

Front Arm:
1. Quartz Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.

Back Arm:
1. Magma Cannon -- A good weapon with a guaranteed Dot.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Extra Sauce Mecha-Roni -- A high damaging mecha that can apply buff over time, stun and apply Dot.
2. Elite Squad Defender -- A good mecha with a body attack that increases your defense by 50% for 2 turns.
3. Dharmahp-P Fighter -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.
4. Star Tyranno -- An amazing damaging chassis with a good DoT BD and high damaging defaults.

Front Arm:
1. Rocket Revolver -- A good weapon that have a chance to do 150% damage.
2. Fastflash Blaster -- A great damaging weapon with a chance for increased damage.

Front Shoulders:
1. Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
2. Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
3. N-UBER Missile (FLX-1) -- Although a NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an having increased Crit chance.

Back Shoulders:
1. Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
2. Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
3. N-UBER Missile (FLX-1) -- Although a NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

1. Tiny Bulk Blast -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
2. Scanner Pulse -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
3. Scanner Blade -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
4. Cranium Phaser V8 -- A nice damaging that can increase your Boost.
5. Big Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

1. Skunk Spray Badge -- A great mod that increases both Power and Perception.
2. Star Ring -- A great mod that increases your HP and EP.
3. Impervious Couplings -- If you want to have more Reflex that this is the mod for you.

[L11L15] Level 11 to 15

Now you need to start to really think about what style you're going to play.

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Any House mechas (e.g. Mystraven) -- These mechas are far outdated by today's standards.
2. Incredible Geekatron Biped -- An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.
3. Amazing Geekatron Biped -- An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.
4. Amazing Geekatron Quadruped -- An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Secret Sauce Mecha-Roni -- A high damaging mecha that can apply buff over time, stun and apply Dot.
2. Dharmahp-P Fighter/ Dharmahp-P Battler -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Ancient Frying Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Crystal Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.
3. Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Front Shoulders:
1. Super Vul'Khar -- Chance for a 1 turn stun and Crit.

1. Large Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Hlokk -- A mecha with a variety of Dots while the Head can increase your damage and the body can decrease the opponent's damage.
2. Star Fierce Tyranno -- An amazing damaging chassis with a good DoT BD and high damaging defaults.

Front Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V2 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
2. Crystal Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.
3. Techdorah Flail -- A good weapon with a chance of Dot for 4 turns.
4. Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V2 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.

Front Shoulders:
1. Cold Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

Back Shoulders:
1. Cold Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Secret Sauce Mecha-Roni -- A high damaging mecha that can apply buff over time, stun and apply Dot.
2. GLaDERP Security A-15 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% damage or more.
3. Dharmahp-P Fighter/ Dharmahp-P Battler -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Iron Arm of Zeus -- Chance for Crit on the next usage.
2. HastyFlash Blaster/ QuickFlash Blaster -- A great arm that have an increased Crit chance.

Back Arm:
1. Dynamic Air Gun/ Energetic Air Gun -- Possibly the most broken BA credits weapon in game, with the chance to do 50% Bonus damage and damage to EP!

Front Shoulders:
1. Incredible Dual Strike/ Amazing Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
2. Incredible Rockets/ Amazing Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
3. N-UBER Missile (FLX-2) -- Although a NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.
4. Cold Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
5. Super Vul'Khar -- Chance for a 1 turn stun and Crit.
6. Chilly Blast -- An awesome shoulder that has a chance for a damage boost each hit.

Back Shoulders:
1. Incredible Dual Strike/ Amazing Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
2. Incredible Rockets/ Amazing Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
3. N-UBER Missile (FLX-2) -- Although a NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.
4. Cold Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
5. Chilly Blast -- An awesome shoulder that has a chance for a damage boost each hit.

1. Big Bulk Blast / Intimidating Bulk Blast -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
2. Incredible Scanner Pulse/ Amazing Scanner Pulse -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
3. Incredible Scanner Blade/ Amazing Scanner Blade -- A great head that has a chance for increased damage.
4. Cranium Phaser V11/ Cranium Phaser V14 -- A nice damaging that can increase your Boost.
5. Large Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

1. CDB Warp Core -- A great Mod that decreases the damage you take.
2. Stinkin' Armpit Badge -- A great mod that increases your damage output and chance of dodging.
3. Cor-Demi Tech Powercell -- A great Mod that increases your damage output and decreases your EP usage.
4. AI Software Engine -- A good NSC mod that increases your accuracy.

[L16L20] Level 16 to 20

Now you need to start to really think about what style you're going to play.

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Quickflash -- Although it like its previous levels have a Nerfing ability we have much more better mechas to choose from now.
2. Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC16 -- A mecha that would only come in use when used against Shadowscythe enemies.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Elite SWAT Defender -- A good mecha with a body attack that increases your defense by 50% for 2 turns.
2. Brynhildr -- An awesome mecha that can Buff your damage, Nerf your opponent's and do a variety of Dots.
3. Corrupted Drakel Armor L17 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
4. Steampunk Model A-1/ Fiery Steampunk Model A-1 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
5. Dharmahp-P Battler/ Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. E3 DH91F -- A good Front Arm that can Nerf the opponent's damage and buff your accuracy.

Back Arm:
1. Finger Zapper C-20 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Deadly Orboret -- A great head with a guaranteed Dot and it can buff yourself, while Nerfing the opponent.
2. Shock Head -- A great head that can Buff your Defense or your Damage.
3. Smoldering Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.
4. Huge Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Khael Diamondback -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.
2. Dharmahp-P Battler/ Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Corrupted Drakel P-WVG20F -- An awesome Front Arm that have a high chance for a 1 turn Irresistible Stun.
2. Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

Back Arm:
1. Finger Zapper C-20 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Xtreme Vul'Khar -- Chance for a 1 turn stun and Crit.

1. Huge Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Brynhildr -- An awesome mecha that can Buff your damage, Nerf your opponent's and do a variety of Dots.
2. Khael Diamondback -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.

Front Arm:
1. E1 D472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
2. Icy Starfire V3 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
3. Ruby Fist -- A good damaging weapon with a chance for damage over time and/or stun for one turn.
4. Strong Techdorah Flail -- A good weapon with a chance of Dot for 4 turns.
5. Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

Back Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V3 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
2. Forceful Air Gun -- Possibly the most broken BA credits weapon in game, with the chance to do 50% Bonus damage and damage to EP!

Front Shoulders:
1. Shadow Rocket II -- A great shoulder with a guaranteed Dot, sadly it does not stack with the Back Shoulder.
2. Frigid Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Rocket II -- A great shoulder with a guaranteed Dot, sadly it does not stack with the Front Shoulder.
2. Frigid Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

1. Deadly Orboret -- A great head with a guaranteed Dot and it can buff yourself, while nerfing the opponent.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Equinox Star Steed -- A good damaging mecha with 2 chances of Dot and Energy Steal.
2. Steampunk Model A-1/ Fiery Steampunk Model A-1 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
3. Elite SWAT Defender -- A good mecha with a body attack that increases your defense by 50% for 2 turns.
4. Dharmahp-P Battler/ Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. E1 D472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
2. Silver Arm of Zeus -- A good front arm with a chance for double damage on the next usage.

Back Arm:
1. Finger Zapper C-20 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Frigid Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
2. Frosty Blast -- An awesome shoulder that has a chance for a damage boost each hit.
3. N-UBER Missile (FLX-3) -- Although an NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.
4. Rocket Boot C-20 -- Probably the best non-rare Front Shoulder you can find. It has increased damage and an increased chance for crit.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD16 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
2. Frigid Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
3. Frosty Blast -- An awesome shoulder that has a chance for a damage boost each hit.
4. N-UBER Missile (FLX-3) -- Although an NSC weapon it is still a good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.
5. Bronze Kanabo -- A great back shoulder that has an increased chance for a critical hit, lower enemy's Defense AND Boost.

1. Smoldering Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.
2. Huge Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

1. Gravitronic Rotator -- A rather average Mod that can increase your Accuracy by 8.
2. Rotten Egg Badge -- A great mod that can increase your Reflex and Power.

[L21L25] Level 21 to 25

At this level there are much more strategies than before.

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Quickflash -- Although it like its previous levels have a Nerfing ability we have much more better mechas to choose from now.
2. Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC22 -- A mecha that would only come in use when used against Shadowscythe enemies.
3. Star Sheriff -- An a bit cheaper-than-normal mecha, but perhaps only because of the lack of a Body attack and bad default weapons.
4. Supreme Master Form C22 -- An-unequippable mecha with only 1 default weapon that does 3 kinds of attacks.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Steampunk Model A-S1/ Fiery Steampunk Model A-S1 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
2. Rifle Guard -- An amazing Build-A-Mecha that can give your enemy an instant -70 Bonus to Hit for 4 turns, best of all the effect activates even if you missed the attack!
3. Elite Forensics Defender -- A good mecha with a body attack that increases your defense by 50% for 2 turns.
4. Angry Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
5. Corrupted Drakel Armor L23 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
6. Ha'nt Hunter -- A rather average mecha with an amazing BD that increases your defense by 50% for 5 turns.
7. Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Makinaga S23P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
2. E3 NH91F -- A good Front Arm that can Nerf the opponent's damage and buff your accuracy.
3. Derizion Plasma Bolt C-23 -- A Front Arm weapon that can nerf the opponent's damage and defense.
4. Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
5. Juugeki SC22 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. San-set-ku-u SC23 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
2. Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-21 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-22 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Uniblaster C-22 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
4. Vladic Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-23 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Uniblaster C-22 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Tengu Owl Wing -- An amazing back shoulder that can buff your Bonus and nerf your enemy's.
4. Vladic Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

1. Beard Fist C-25 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Straw Hat S -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
3. Evil Sam Rye HDSC22 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
4. Disc Driver C-23 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
5. Univora S-22 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Giant Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Khael Diamondback -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.
2. Angry Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
3. Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Disruptor Blade OC -- A great FA that can do increased damage and stun.
2. Glowing Frying Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
3. Ideal Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

1. Disc Driver C-23 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
2. Giant Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Lord Mechula II -- Definitely the best non-rare DoT mecha available since the BD attack does 2 1x HP DoTs, 2 1x EP DoTs as well as a -24 Defense. Other than that, the damage output is not bad either.
2. Khael Diamondback -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.

Front Arm:
1. Snake Master C-24 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Icy Starfire V4/ Icy Starfire V5 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
3. E1 N472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
3. Bright Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
4. Ideal Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

Back Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V4/ Icy Starfire V5 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
2. Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-21 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-22 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Mer'a Ice Laser IE-1 -- An amazing DoT weapon that has 1 guaranteed DoT and a high possibility to conduct a separate HP sap effect.
4. Shivery Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD23 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
2. Shivery Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

1. Straw Hat S -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Elite Forensics Defender -- A good mecha with a body attack that increases your defense by 50% for 2 turns.
2. Angry Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
3. Dharmahp-P Striker -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. ShS Trog FASC21 -- A great FA that can gain a massive damage boost.
2. Snake Master C-24 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
3. Makinaga S23P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
4. E1 N472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
5. Disruptor Blade OC -- A great FA that can do increased damage and stun.
5. RapidFlash Blaster -- A great arm that have an increased Crit chance.
6. Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
7. Ace Hand -- A 1 hit weapon that has a guaranteed damage boost with a variety of other effects.
8. Bright Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
9. Juugeki SC22 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. Tiger Claw C-22 -- A moderate Front Arm that increases damage with each use.
2. Yo-yu-mi B24 -- A good Back Arm with increased critical chance on both hits.
3. San-set-ku-u SC23 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
4. Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Okami C-22 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
2. Uniblaster C-22 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Power Dual Strike/ Super Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
4. Power Rockets/ Super Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
5. Vladic Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.
6. Shivery Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
7. N-UBER Missile (FLX-4) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-23 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Power Dual Strike/ Super Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
3. Power Rockets/ Super Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
4. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD23 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
5. Uniblaster C-22 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
6. Vladic Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.
7. Shivery Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
8. N-UBER Missile (FLX-4) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

1. Beard Fist C-25 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Crane Master C-23 -- A great Head with a guaranteed damage boost.
3. Straw Hat S -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
4. Evil Sam Rye HDSC22 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
5. Univora S-22 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Giant Smilie Face -- A great head that increases your boost and has a chance to stun your enemy among other great specials.

1. Star Log -- A decent Mod that buffs your HP and EP.
2. Star Overclocked Chip 24 -- A Mod that buffs you Efficiency and Power.
3. Pulse Overdrive -- A nice Mod that buffs your Perception and Accuracy.

[L26L30] Level 26 to 30

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC26 -- A mecha that would only come in use when used against Shadowscythe enemies.
2. Supreme Master Form C28 -- An-unequippable mecha with only 1 default weapon that does 3 kinds of attacks.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Steampunk Model A-S1/ Fiery Steampunk Model A-S1 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
2. Marksman/ Sniper -- An amazing Build-A-Mecha that can give your enemy an instant -70 Bonus to Hit for 4 turns, best of all the effect activates even if you missed the attack!
3. Corrupted Drakel Armor L29 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
4. Roaring Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
5. Spectre Hunter -- A rather average mecha with an amazing BD that increases your defense by 50% for 5 turns.

Front Arms:
1. Makinaga S26P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
2. E3 VH91F -- A good Front Arm that can Nerf the opponent's damage and buff your accuracy.
3. Derizion Plasma Bolt C-27 -- A Front Arm weapon that can nerf the opponent's damage and defense.
4. Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
5. Dimitri's Bats -- A simple nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus up to -40.
6. Juugeki SC28 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. San-set-ku-u SC26 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
2. Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.
3. Finger Zapper C-28 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-27 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-29 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Uniblaster C-27 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-29 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Uniblaster C-27 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Tengu Eagle Wing -- An amazing back shoulder that can buff your Bonus and nerf your enemy's.

1. Beard Fist C-30 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Straw Hat M -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
3. Evil Sam Rye HDSC26 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
4. Disc Driver C-27 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
5. Univora S-27 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 2900dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Fiery Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Khael Taipan -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.
2. Roaring Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
3. GLaDERP Security A-27 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.

Front Arm:
1. Weighty Saute Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Corrupted Drakel P-WVG30F -- An awesome Front Arm that have a high chance for a 1 turn Irresistible Stun.
3. Unreal Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

Back Arm:
1. Mystery Backgun -- A great stunning weapon that can lower Immobility Resistance and Stun.
2. Finger Zapper C-28 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Disc Driver C-27 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Lord Mechula II -- Definitely the best non-rare DoT mecha available since the BD attack does 2 1x HP DoTs, 2 1x EP DoTs as well as a -24 Defense. Other than that, the damage output is not bad either.
2. Khael Taipan -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.

Front Arm:
1. Snake Master C-30 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Icy Starfire V6/ Icy Starfire V7 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
3. E1 V472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
4. Glowing Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
5. Akana's Blade v27 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
6. Unreal Volt Strike -- A great weapon that stuns against equippable enemies and deals HP and EP DoTs against un-equippable ones.

Back Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V6/ Icy Starfire V7 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
2. Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-27 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-29 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD28 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.

1. Straw Hat M -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Roaring Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
2. GLaDERP Security A-27 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.

Front Arms:
1. Snake Master C-30 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Makinaga S26P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
3. E1 V472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
4. Hyped-Up Flash Blaster -- A great arm that have an increased Crit chance.
5. Ace Shuffle -- A 1 hit weapon that has a guaranteed damage boost with a variety of other effects.
6. Glowing Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
7. Juugeki SC28 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. Tiger Claw C-27 -- A moderate Front Arm that increases damage with each use.
2. Yo-yu-mi B30 -- A good Back Arm with increased critical chance on both hits.
3. San-set-ku-u SC26 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Okami C-29 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
2. Uniblaster C-27 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Superstar Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
4. Superstar Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
5. Rocket Boot C-26 -- Probably the best non-rare Front Shoulder you can find. It has increased damage and an increased chance for crit.
6. N-UBER Missile (FLX-5) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-29 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Superstar Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
3. Superstar Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
4. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD28 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
5. Uniblaster C-27 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
6. N-UBER Missile (FLX-5) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.
7. Finger Zapper C-28 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Beard Fist C-30 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Crane Master C-29 -- A great Head with a guaranteed damage boost.
3. Straw Hat M -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
4. Evil Sam Rye HDSC26 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
5. Univora S-27 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 2900dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Fiery Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

1. Star Overclocked Chip 29 -- A Mod that buffs you Efficiency and Power.
2. Chivalrous Escort -- A great Mod that buffs Power and Reflex.

[L31L35] Level 31 to 35

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC31 -- A mecha that would only come in use when used against Shadowscythe enemies.
2. Supreme Master Form C34 -- An-unequippable mecha with only 1 default weapon that does 3 kinds of attacks.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Steampunk Model A-S2/ Burning Steampunk Model A-S2 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
2. Sharpshooter -- An amazing Build-A-Mecha that can give your enemy an instant -70 Bonus to Hit for 4 turns, best of all the effect activates even if you missed the attack!
3. Corrupted Drakel Armor L34 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
4. Raging Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
5. Spectre Hunter -- A rather average mecha with an amazing BD that increases your defense by 50% for 5 turns.
6. Dharmahp-P Ruler -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Makinaga S32P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
2. E3 QH91F -- A good Front Arm that can Nerf the opponent's damage and buff your accuracy.
3. Derizion Plasma Bolt C-33 -- A Front Arm weapon that can nerf the opponent's damage and defense.
4. Incredible Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
5. Dimitri's Dark Bats -- A simple nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus up to -40.
6. Juugeki SC34 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. San-set-ku-u SC32 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
2. Incredible Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.
3. Finger Zapper C-35 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-34 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-35 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Uniblaster C-31 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
4. Vladic Shadow Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-34 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Uniblaster C-31 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Tengu Hawk Wing -- An amazing back shoulder that can buff your Bonus and nerf your enemy's.
4. Vladic Shadow Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

1. Beard Fist C-35 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Straw Hat L -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
3. Evil Sam Rye HDSC32 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
4. Disc Driver C-33 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
5. Univora S-31/ Univora S-35 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 3400dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Scorching Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Khael Viper -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.
2. Raging Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
3. GLaDERP Security A-33 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.
4. Dharmahp-P Ruler -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Weighty Saute Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Corrupted Drakel P-WVG30F -- An awesome Front Arm that have a high chance for a 1 turn Irresistible Stun.
3. Shocking Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Puzzling Backgun/ Enigmatic Backgun -- A great stunning weapon that can lower Immobility Resistance and Stun.
2. Finger Zapper C-35 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Disc Driver C-33 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Lord Mechula II -- Definitely the best non-rare DoT mecha available since the BD attack does 2 1x HP DoTs, 2 1x EP DoTs as well as a -24 Defense. Other than that, the damage output is not bad either.
2. Khael Viper -- A fun mecha that can Stun and do Dots.

Front Arm:
1. Snake Master C-30 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Icy Starfire V8 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
3. E1 Q472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
4. Light Mace/ Sun Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
5. Akana's Blade v31 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
6. Shocking Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Icy Starfire V8 -- A great weapon that have a guaranteed Dots.
2. Incredible Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-34 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-35 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
4. Boreal Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD34 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
2. Boreal Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.

1. Straw Hat L -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Raging Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
2. GLaDERP Security A-33 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.
3. Dharmahp-P Ruler -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Snake Master C-30 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Makinaga S32P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
3. E1 Q472ZF -- 1st and last hit has increased damage, 2nd and 4th hit has a chance for Crit while the 3rd hit deals a Dot.
4. Akana's Blade v31 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
5. Ace Shark -- A 1 hit weapon that has a guaranteed damage boost with a variety of other effects.
6. Light Mace/ Sun Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
7. Juugeki SC34 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. Tiger Claw C-32 -- A moderate Front Arm that increases damage with each use.
2. Yo-yu-mi B30 -- A good Back Arm with increased critical chance on both hits.
3. San-set-ku-u SC32 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
4. Finger Zapper C-35 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Okami C-35 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
2. Uniblaster C-31 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Superstar Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
4. Superstar Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
5. Rocket Boot C-33 -- Probably the best non-rare Front Shoulder you can find. It has increased damage and an increased chance for crit.
6. Vladic Shadow Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.
7. Boreal Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
8. N-UBER Missile (FLX-6) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-34 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Superstar Dual Strike -- An awesome shoulder that can do increased damage.
3. Superstar Rockets -- An awesome shoulder with a chance for an extra hit.
4. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD34 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
5. Uniblaster C-31 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
6. Vladic Shadow Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.
7. Boreal Cannon -- Guaranteed Critical chance on next usage, does a Dot as well.
8. N-UBER Missile (FLX-6) -- A good shoulder weapon with an increased Crit chance.

1. Beard Fist C-35 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Crane Master C-34 -- A great Head with a guaranteed damage boost.
3. Straw Hat L -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
4. Evil Sam Rye HDSC32 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
5. Univora S-31/ Univora S-35 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 3400dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Scorching Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

1. Star Glass - A decent Mod that buffs your HP and EP.

[L36L40] Level 36 to 40

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC36/ Shadowed Arthurian Lion SC40 -- A mecha that would only come in use when used against Shadowscythe enemies.
2. Supreme Master Form C40 -- An-unequippable mecha with only 1 default weapon that does 3 kinds of attacks.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Steampunk Model A-S2/ Burning Steampunk Model A-S2 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
2. Corrupted Drakel Armor L37/ Corrupted Drakel Armor L40 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
3. Dharmahp-P Ruler / Dharmahp-P Commander -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Makinaga S37P/ Makinaga S40P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
2. Juugeki SC38 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.
3. Derizion Plasma Bolt C-37 -- A Front Arm weapon that can nerf the opponent's damage and defense.
4. Amazing Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
5. Dimitri's Nightmare Bats/ Dimitri's Shadow Bats -- A simple nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus up to -40.

Back Arms:
1. San-set-ku-u SC37/ San-set-ku-u SC40 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
2. Amazing Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.
3. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-39 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Uniblaster C-38 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
4. Vladic Dark Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-40 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Uniblaster C-38 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Tengu Falcon Wing -- An amazing back shoulder that can buff your Bonus and nerf your enemy's.
4. Vladic Dark Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

1. Beard Fist C-40 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Straw Hat XL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
3. Evil Sam Rye HDSC37 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
4. Disc Driver C-37 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
5. Univora S-39 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 4000dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Blazing Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

Mecha Chassis:
1. GLaDERP Security A-37 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.
2. Dharmahp-P Ruler / Dharmahp-P Commander -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Weighty Saute Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Corrupted Drakel P-WVG40F -- An awesome Front Arm that have a high chance for a 1 turn Irresistible Stun.
3. Astonishing Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Enigmatic Backgun -- A great stunning weapon that can lower Immobility Resistance and Stun.
2. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Disc Driver C-37 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Lord Mechula II -- Definitely the best non-rare DoT mecha available since the BD attack does 2 1x HP DoTs, 2 1x EP DoTs as well as a -24 Defense. Other than that, the damage output is not bad either.

Front Arm:
1. Snake Master C-36/ Snake Master C-40 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Solar Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
3. Akana's Blade v37/ Akana's Blade v40 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
4. Astonishing Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Amazing Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-39 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD40 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.

1. Straw Hat XL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Raging Bull -- An amazing mecha that deals high damage with a some decent effects.
2. GLaDERP Security A-37 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.
3. Dharmahp-P Ruler / Dharmahp-P Commander -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Snake Master C-36/ Snake Master C-40 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Makinaga S37P/ Makinaga S40P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
3. Akana's Blade v37/ Akana's Blade v40 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
4. Ace Shark -- A 1 hit weapon that has a guaranteed damage boost with a variety of other effects.
5. Solar Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
6. Juugeki SC38 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. Tiger Claw C-37 -- A moderate Front Arm that increases damage with each use.
2. Yo-yu-mi B36/ Yo-yu-mi B39 -- A good Back Arm with increased critical chance on both hits.
3. San-set-ku-u SC37/ San-set-ku-u SC40 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
4. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
2. Uniblaster C-38 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Rocket Boot C-40 -- Probably the best non-rare Front Shoulder you can find. It has increased damage and an increased chance for crit.
4. Vladic Dark Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-40 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD40 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
3. Uniblaster C-38 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
4. Vladic Dark Pulse -- A high damaging shoulder that can nerf the enemy's Bonus, too bad it doesn't stack with the other shoulder.

1. Beard Fist C-40 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Crane Master C-38 -- A great Head with a guaranteed damage boost.
3. Straw Hat XL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
4. Evil Sam Rye HDSC37 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
5. Univora S-39 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 4000dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Blazing Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.


[L41L45] Level 41 to 45

NOT Recommended Mecha Chassis:
1. Supreme Master Form C44 -- An-unequippable mecha with only 1 default weapon that does 3 kinds of attacks.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Burning Steampunk Model A-S2 -- Probably the best Nerfer you can find in the game.
2. Corrupted Drakel Armor L40 -- An awesome mecha that can reflect 40% of the damage you take and increase your damage and defense.
3. Dharmahp-P Commander/ Dharmahp-P Dominator -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arms:
1. Makinaga S43P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
2. Juugeki SC38 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.
3. Derizion Plasma Bolt C-45 -- A Front Arm weapon that can nerf the opponent's damage and defense.
4. Power Treaker/ Super Treaker -- A incredible weapon that has a Bonus BoT and a small Boost nerf.
5. Dimitri's Shadow Bats -- A simple nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus up to -40.

Back Arms:
1. San-set-ku-u SC43 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
2. Power Venter/ Super Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.
3. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-39 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
3. Uniblaster C-44 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-40 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Uniblaster C-44 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Tengu Falcon Wing -- An amazing back shoulder that can buff your Bonus and nerf your enemy's.

1. Beard Fist C-40 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Straw Hat XXL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
3. Disc Driver C-45 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.
4. Univora S-43 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
5. Tiger Roar 4000dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
6. Blazing Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.

Mecha Chassis:
1. GLaDERP Security A-45 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.
2. Dharmahp-P Commander/ Dharmahp-P Dominator -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.

Front Arm:
1. Weighty Saute Pan -- A great front arm that have a chance to stun the opponent for 2 turns.
2. Corrupted Drakel P-WVG40F -- An awesome Front Arm that have a high chance for a 1 turn Irresistible Stun.
3. Transcendental Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Enigmatic Backgun -- A great stunning weapon that can lower Immobility Resistance and Stun.
2. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

1. Disc Driver C-45 -- A rather average Head weapon that can nerf the enemy's defense by 20 as well as heal yourself based on the damage done on the second hit or stun the enemy for 1 turn.

Damage Over Time:
Mecha Chassis:
1. Lord Mechula III -- Definitely the best non-rare DoT mecha available since the BD attack does 2 1x HP DoTs, 2 1x EP DoTs as well as a -24 Defense. Other than that, the damage output is not bad either.

Front Arm:
1. Snake Master C-40 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Solar Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
3. Akana's Blade v40 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
4. Transcendental Volt Strike -- A great Front Arm that can disable the enemies's weapons on equippable enemies and do a DoT that increases every time it is inflicted on un-equippable enemies.

Back Arm:
1. Power Venter/ Super Venter -- A amazing weapon which has two DoTs, a Bonus nerf and heals you.

Front Shoulders:
1. Ghost of Mantis C-39 -- A weapon that can do up to 3 different nerfs on the enemy and 1 HP DoT.
2. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.

Back Shoulders:
1. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD40 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.

1. Straw Hat XXL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.

Mecha Chassis:
1. Dharmahp-P Commander/ Dharmahp-P Dominator -- An amazing mecha that has deals high damage with a variety of effects.
2. GLaDERP Security A-45 -- A great mecha with all default weapons doing 120% normal damage or more.

Front Arms:
1. Snake Master C-40 -- A good FA with increased damage and 2 separate stronger than normal DoTs.
2. Makinaga S43P -- A 2 hit weapon that can nerf you enemy massively and has increased damage and critical chance.
3. Akana's Blade v40 -- A high damaging weapon that either does 2 HP DoTs that heals you or 1 2x HP DoT.
4. Ace Shark -- A 1 hit weapon that has a guaranteed damage boost with a variety of other effects.
5. Solar Mace -- An amazing damage FA with a DoT that heals you.
6. Juugeki SC38 -- A high damaging weapon that nerfs the enemy's Bonus.

Back Arms:
1. Tiger Claw C-37 -- A moderate Front Arm that increases damage with each use.
2. Yo-yu-mi B39 -- A good Back Arm with increased critical chance on both hits.
3. San-set-ku-u SC43 -- A nice damage weapon with a decent Bonus nerf.
4. Finger Zapper C-40 -- This might be the only good damaging Back Arm of this level range, but it certainly makes it up for the increased damage and critical chance as well as the possible irresistible stun and the guaranteed Defense nerf.

Front Shoulders:
1. Okami C-40 -- A great should weapon with increased damage, a defense nerf and a DoT.
2. Uniblaster C-44 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).
3. Rocket Boot C-40 -- Probably the best non-rare Front Shoulder you can find. It has increased damage and an increased chance for crit.

Back Shoulders:
1. Banana Bonanza C-40 -- Increased critical chance on 1st and 3rd hit with the 2nd hit chance of giving the opponent -100 Boost for 1 round.
2. Shadow Proton Shooter SCD40 -- An awesome shoulder that does 1.25 times damage against normal enemies and have even more effects when used against Shadowscythe ones.
3. Uniblaster C-44 -- A rather average set of nerfing shoulds that stacks the permanent nerf with each other and deals an above average damage (Better used for longer battles).

1. Beard Fist C-40 -- A great HD that increases your bonus and Boost while dealing massive amount of damage.
2. Crane Master C-38 -- A great Head with a guaranteed damage boost.
3. Straw Hat XXL -- A good head with a Defense buff, good damage, damage nerf as well as a chance for an increasing EP DoT.
4. Evil Sam Rye HDSC37 -- An awesome Head with a passive +5 Hit and can give you a +8 Bonus each turn for 4 turns, as well as increased damage.
5. Univora S-43 -- A good head weapon that buffs both your damage and accuracy with a good chance of a Crit.
6. Tiger Roar 4000dB -- A high damaging weapon with a nice Bonus Buff and permanent Boost Nerf.
7. Blazing Sugegasa -- A high damaging head that buffs your damage and nerf the enemy's bonus.


[SAI]Salvageable Items

What are they?
The Salvageable Items are weapons that are obtainable through Salvaging a Salvageable Item that you found in the Salvage Hunting Quest. They can all be identified with the word "Salvaged" in front of their names.

Front Arm:
(Level 1-10)
Salvaged Pumpkin Toss - It can either nerf the enemy's Boost if it is un-equippable or force a 4 turn cooldown on a weapon on the enemy if it is equippable.
Salvaged Shadowblade 9GS - A great weapon that can deal a 1.5x HP and EP DoT with a high Crit Chance.

(Level 11-20)
Salvaged Shadowblade 19GS - A great weapon that can deal a 1.5x HP and EP DoT with a high Crit Chance.

(Level 21 -30)
Salvaged Sea Dog's Colichemarde - A rather average weapon with increased critical chance.
Salvaged Shadowblade 29GS - A great weapon that can deal a 1.5x HP and EP DoT with a high Crit Chance.

(Level 31-40)
Salvaged Pirate's Colichemarde - A rather average weapon with increased critical chance.
Salvaged Shadowblade 39GS - A great weapon that can deal a 1.5x HP and EP DoT with a high Crit Chance.

(Level 41-50)
Salvaged Master's Colichemarde - A rather average weapon with increased critical chance.
Salvaged Shadowblade 44GS - A great weapon that can deal a 1.5x HP and EP DoT with a high Crit Chance.

Back Arm:
(Level 1-10)
Salvage Missilebay - A nice nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus and Boost permanently.
Salvaged Star Jantraba - A high damaging back arm that deals a 2x HP DoT.

(Level 11-20)
Salvage Missilebay SE - A nice nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus and Boost permanently.

(Level 21 -30)
Salvage Missilebay LX - A nice nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus and Boost permanently.

(Level 31-40)
Salvage Missilebay DLX - A nice nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus and Boost permanently.

(Level 41-50)
Salvage Missilebay SLE - A nice nerfing weapon that can nerf the enemy's Bonus and Boost permanently.
Salvaged Star Jantraba - A high damaging back arm that deals a 2x HP DoT.

Front Shoulder:
(Level 1-10)
Salvaged Awe Launcher Std - A great damage nerfing shoulder.
Salvaged Needler SS9 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 11-20)
Salvaged Awe Launcher Ltd - A great damage nerfing shoulder.
Salvaged Needler SS18 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 21 -30)
Salvaged Awe Launcher Pro - A great damage nerfing shoulder.
Salvaged Needler SS26 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 31-40)
Salvaged Awe Launcher Mega - A great damage nerfing shoulder.
Salvaged Needler SS37 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 41-50)
Salvaged Awe Launcher HiFi - A great damage nerfing shoulder.
Salvaged Needler SS44 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

Back Shoulder:
(Level 1-10)
Salvaged Tankturret SS10 - A great nerfing shoulder with high damage.
Salvaged Needler SS9 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 11-20)
Salvaged Tankturret SS17 - A great nerfing shoulder with high damage.
Salvaged Needler SS18 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 21 -30)
Salvaged Tankturret SS23 - A great nerfing shoulder with high damage.
Salvaged Needler SS26 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 31-40)
Salvaged Tankturret SS32 - A great nerfing shoulder with high damage.
Salvaged Needler SS37 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 41-50)
Salvaged Tankturret SS42 - A great nerfing shoulder with high damage.
Salvaged Needler SS44 - A great DoT shoulder that deals both a HP and nerf the enemy.

(Level 1-10)
Salvaged Thunderbulb - A great damaging HD that buffs your Boost and can potentially nerf the enemy's Bonus while dealing them a DoT.
Salvaged New Year RoboFlash - A average damaging HD with a variety of specials.

(Level 11-20)
Salvaged Fierce Thunderbulb - A great damaging HD that buffs your Boost and can potentially nerf the enemy's Bonus while dealing them a DoT.
Salvaged New Year RoboFlash SE - A average damaging HD with a variety of specials.

(Level 21 -30)
Salvaged Raging Thunderbulb - A great damaging HD that buffs your Boost and can potentially nerf the enemy's Bonus while dealing them a DoT.
Salvaged Harvest Pilgrim - A great head that buffs both your Bonus and Boost.

(Level 31-40)
Salvaged Violent Thunderbulb - A great damaging HD that buffs your Boost and can potentially nerf the enemy's Bonus while dealing them a DoT.

(Level 41-50)
Salvaged Tempestuous Thunderbulb - A great damaging HD that buffs your Boost and can potentially nerf the enemy's Bonus while dealing them a DoT.
Salvaged Granger Pilgrim - A great head that buffs both your Bonus and Boost.
Salvaged Firework Viewer 44D - A nice head that can nerf both the enemy's Boost and Bonus while dealing them an increasing HP and EP DoT.

Some builds to consider
The following are some builds of which have been used by players (Note: The following builds may include some rare or promotional items).


The Healer vIII
Chassis: Hunter Eidolon
HD: Glorious Pheonix (Rare)
FA: Nightmare Talons (Rare)
BA: Snowman Automatic (Rare)
FS: Ticklish Zorbo/Santa Zorbo SC (Rare)
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41 (Rare)

Activation Order: HD > FS > Any
Explanation: The Hunter Eiedolon is definitely one of the best Healing Chassis in game with the unique ability to heal itself instantly by paying 1 Ghost stored that it shares with Hunter Wraith. Always use the HD first as it provides 1 HP Dot and 1 EP Dot to the enemy that'll also heal your HP/EP by the same amount. The BA, Snowman Automatic, heals you over time if all hits connects, but each hit has a different Nerfing ability. The FA is the Nightmare Talons which heal yourself equals to the amount of damage done by the attack as well as giving your opponent a Defense nerf of 50 and a Dot. The FS is one of the most famous weapons in game, over-riding your Defense effects and setting it to 100 which is then decreased by 25 each turn until it reaches 0, while healing 25% of your lost health. The BS is a really good shoulder to use with this build as it increases your EP regen by a large amount while the attack using 0 which is perfect for this build as its original EP regen is 0.

This build is probably one of the healing builds in the game as all weapons on the build heals, it is more of a defensive build so you would want to use mods which increases your Efficiency or Perception. An alternative version of this build is to use a RH Cloverblade or a Lucky Cloverblade which has a 50% chance to perform a 99 turns Dot to the opponent, the RH Cloverblade's Dot is for EP while the Lucky Cloverblade's Dot is for HP, so Lucky Cloverblade would be better. Also even if the Dot effect doesn't activate on the Cloverblade, you will receive extra temporary Luck stats which allows you to Crit more, letting you closer to victory quicker. This is a good combo because with the other healing equipments on this build, it is nearly impossible for the enemy to kill you.


EP Drainers
Chassis: Insatiable Imbiber (Rare)
FA: Energy Drill (Rare)
BA: Heart Ray Ultra (Rare)
FS: Default
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41 (Rare)
HD: Granger Pilgrim (Rare)/Face of Frostval Past (Rare)
Activation Order: Granger Pilgrim version: FS > HD > BD > Any
Face of Frostval Past version: FS > BD > HD
Explanation: So basically the idea of this buil again is to drain your enemy's EP as fast as you can. The Chassis is a great Chassis that can Crit at 2x EP cost as well as inflict half of the damage done to the enemy's EP. The FA can drain 33% of the enemy's EP and give it to you. The BA does a 1.5x HP DoT and a 1.5x EP DoT, nothing that special. The FS inflicts a 1.5x EP DoT and restores you EP in scale to your EP regen. The FS is basically the best EP draining weapon there is as it is able to stop EP regen give you extra EP regen and do a 1x EP DoT, while the attack is at the cost of 0 EP. The HD is 2 choices: the Granger Pilgrim which drains EP and increases your Boost and Bonus by 30 each or the Face of Frostval Past which gives the enemy a 2x EP DoT and a -40 Bonus whether the hits connect or not.


Chassis: Ice Mecha 09 (Rare)
FA: Humongous Pipe (Rare)
BA: Enigmatic Backgun
FS: Seed Shooter R
BS: Ice Ten (Rare)
HD: Default
Activation Order: HD > BA > Anything
Not a very complicated build. The main purpose of this build is to stun-lock the enemy, thus rendering them harmless. Although this build would be much better with the BallDrop Mace series from the New Years Shop of 3011, that item is a NG item, making it not suitable for the build, but the Pipe series from the Friday the 13th shop of 3011 would be a great replacement as it is able to nerf the enemy's Immobility Resistance and stun!


DoT machine
Chassis: Lord Mechula III
FA: Volt Strike/Salvaged Shadowblade/Salvaged Deluxeblade
BA: Venter
FS: Salvaged Needler
BS: Graphel ALB
HD: Macabre Circlet
Activation Order: Anything
This build revolves completely around DoTs with the BD able to deal up to 4 DoTs, each arm and shoulder dealing 2 and the HD dealing up to another 4, the enemy will very quickly be covered with DoTs! The Salvage Deluxeblade is probably the best Front Arm for the build, but too bad it's NG-only, so the Shadowblade or Volt Strike would do fine, since in the case of the Shadowblade each DoT is just 0.5x less than the Deluxeblade's and the Volt Strike needing to be used twice to get the DoT to 2x. The BA is amazing, nerfing, healing and 2 DoTs! The Front Shoulder is a simple DoT-ing weapon with 2 small nerfs, while the BS has 0 Cooldown, and deals a HP and EP combined IDoT for 10 turns! The HD is another amazing weapon, with Boost and Bonus NoT, increased Crit Chance and up to 4 DoTs!

House Builds

Note: The following builds may include some rare or promotional items, also they might contain a few NG items which will have a non-NG alternative.
All of the builds below will only be able to be build and used by 1 House.

Mystraven Builds:
Mystraven builds usually focuses on nerfing the enemy, dodging their attack and Crits.

Dodge and Crit Ravens
Chassis: Advance Raven SCm V5 (Can be replaced with Lucky Advance Raven or any other Advance Ravens)
FA: Turkey Talons (Rare)
BA: Snowman Automatic (Can be replaced with Finger Zapper C-40) (Rare)
FS: TLaPD 3010 CF44 (Rare)
BS: TLaPD 2010 CB44 (Rare)
HD: Blazing Sugegasa
Mods: 2x SC dB45 (Rare)
Stats Build: 200 Reflex, 70 Luck

Activation Order: BD -> HD -> FA -> BA -> FS -> BS -> Spam any weapons that are avaliable
Explanation: The point of this build is to dodge most attacks while inflicting the most damage to the enemy. The BD and the HD together can already bring you to the damage cap and the enemy to the Bonus Nerf cap. The FA is used mainly for damage and the -40 defense and the +40 Bonus, which when comboed with the BA can bring the enemy to the defense nerf cap as well! This will nearly ensure you to land every single hit.

Wolfblade Builds:
Wolfblade builds usually focuses hitting hard and killing your enemies as fast as you can.

But... EP Drainer for Wolfblades???

Chassis: Advance Wolf V5
Front Arm: Super Treaker
Back Arm: Super Venter
Front Shoulder: Salvaged Needler SS44
Back Shoulder: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
Head: Default
Modifier: Stella di Cadutta x2(Rare)
Stat Build: 200 Accuracy, 70 Power

Activation/Explanation: HD > Anything
Simply to drain the enemy's EP as fast as you can with an Advance Wolf V5, because the HD is a great damage buffer without its accuracy nerf after the buff on the Level 35 and up versions, along with weapons like the Treaker (and Doublebarrels if you have NGs to spare to Salvage them) it is able to drain the enemy's EP very quickly. Also a change for all those WB players who want to drain EP while dealing a large amount of damage.

Runehawk Builds:
Runehawk builds usually focuses on EP draining and tanking, thus meaing long battles.

RH EP Drainer
Chassis: Advance Hawk SCm V5
FA: Runehawk Cloverblade Mc44
BA: Super Venter
FS: Mana Piercer F45
BS: Earth Day Solar Panels SC41
HD: Macabre Circlet
Stat Build: Accuracy, Efficiency/Reflex

Activation Order/Explanation: FA > BD > BS (Or continue spamming the FA until the EP DoT activates) > FS > Anything
A simple RH EP Drainer. The FA is the key to this build while the BA helps you to survive. The RH Cloverblade does a 99 turn EP IDoT, which while combined with other EP Draining weapons make this build drain the enemy's EP quickly while also surviving at the same time.


Drakyloid -- For typos and inspiring me on this.
furryfeet7 -- For reminding me that I have not added a credits section and for typos and broken links, the Railguns should not be included and the inability to access the Level 5 Mod.
forumlogin -- For giving me a better way of laying out the guide, the unrecommended section and color usage and of course, reminding me of the Air Gun series
hauntar,Ð and Waddles and Co. - For creating the Ultimate Mechquest Spreadsheet for me to refer to.
Theifboy109 - For reminding me to use the break.
PD - For reminding me that the SPD mecha is a great damage dealer after the buff.
ArchMagus Orodalf - For reminding me a few issues regarding grammar and broken links.
Gus - For suggesting to have an intro section
The MQ team - For creating this game and if they didn't this guide wouldn't exist.

forumlogin -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/12/2010 1:26:03)

While I'm not sure how useful this guide will be, considering the SCMMs are pretty much better than any non-rare weps in almost every way, I will suggest different categorization methods.
I'd suggest you arrange weapons by special first, and then split them into subsections of equipment slot.

furryfeet7 -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/26/2010 17:59:45)

Probably 35% of Mechquest's players are Star Captains, so this would kinda be useless.

Drakyloid -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/28/2010 3:02:52)

Looks eerily like my customization guide...

You might want to put a Table of Contents later, and I'm not exactly sure if there are any chassis that are better than the SCMMs. Plus, they're rares, and in your note, you said, "The weapons and mechas mentioned in this guide don't includes rares or NG items." Oh, and it's "don't include rares", not "don't includes rares". [;)]

furryfeet7 -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/28/2010 20:47:28)

Yeah. What Drakyloid said. At least you should give him some credit, Selutu.

Selutu -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/29/2010 19:48:45)

I thought I did but I see I didn't so I'll do it now.

furryfeet7 -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (12/30/2010 18:26:24)

Here I am again, with some of your typos:


Either buy the Level 2 Monthly Rare Mecha or keep your Newbatron for now and wit (wait) until you get off the Dropship.


A very good mecha, although it has a low HP it makes up for it self with the hight (I have no idea what you were trying to say, so now it's up to you.) EP, EP regen and the default weapons.


Apprentice Fireball - Back Arm -- A very high damging (damaging) weapon with a Dot, just beware its Energy use of 50 and the Cooldown of 5.


Front Shoulder:
The defaults at this level is good enough, but if you really want good ones then these are it.
1. N-UBER Missile (FLX-N) -- A good shoulder weapon with hits 1 and 3 having increased damage as well as hits 2 and 4 having a n increased (having increased) Crit chance.


Back Shoulder:
The defaults at this level is good enough, but if you really want good ones then these are it.
1. N-UBER Missile (FLX-N) -- A good shoulder weapon with hits 1 and 3 having increased damage as well as hits 2 and 4 having a n increased (having increased) Crit chance.

forumlogin -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (1/1/2011 19:32:51)

Just a note--never, ever use the Yellow color in any posts. Ever.
Hurts the eyes and makes it hard to read.
Also, I'd recommend telling players which mecha are not recommended--the Geekatron, for example, isn't a good idea.

Thiefboy109 -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/28/2011 16:29:02)

I think it would be easier to look at if you seperated the level ranges using

Otherwise nice work.

forumlogin -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/28/2011 22:41:37)

At levels 1-5, you put the Sheriff badge thing for a mod, which I guarantee will be impossible to unlock at that level.
SC Phaser Eyes link in the same area (heads, to be more precise) is broken.
At levels 6-10, the House Mecha are still viable. Admittedly, still not as good as the Werewolf and Mecharoni, but still good.
In 6-10, the Hospital Mecha is not included under recommended mecha, despite you recommending it in the DoT Chassis section.
The Railguns suck. Seriously.

And I will get back to this as soon as possible.

PD -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/28/2011 22:46:18)

How in the world did you forget the Crusader's Shining Repeater?

Even if it's a NSC Weapon, you should still include it because it does like... massive damage. Of course it requires a DA/Guardian to access.

Selutu -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/29/2011 9:40:42)

That's the reason I have not included it...

The SC Hospital mecha is actually quite good with the DoTs and the Buff and Nerf on the BD/HD
The Sheriff Badge was un-lockable before the revamp, but I'll take it off now...
The Railguns are usable, maybe not as good as the Dual Strikes, but still usable, though I'll take it off.

forumlogin -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/29/2011 19:10:33)

Nevermind my Hospital comment, I misread your format. XD
Including NSC weapons can still work, so long as said NSC weapons are actually good.
For example, you may want to stick in the Air Guns and all that stuff if you haven't already. From what I've heard Air Gun is pretty much the most useful wep during most of those levels anyways.

And that's why the Railguns suck. They're outclassed by weapons you can buy in the same shop. :P
The Rocket, for example, has the same spec, but it gives +50% damage instead of +20.

BTW, Police Mecha in the 16-20 area sucks. Sucks at 22, sucks at 8, and I might have used it at 16 too but my memory is hazy. Still, it sucks. TBH I think the Quickflash would be more useful (and it actually isn't that bad, from when I used it at 20).
The Quickflash's SC-only spec of -50 to hit for several turns would be extremely handy, too. Only thing is, it can't actually customize.

Selutu -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/30/2011 5:33:14)

The SPD Mecha is getting a buff and also, it is one of the few mechas with a +defense BD... How could I have forgotten the Air Guns! The Quickflash isn't included since you can't customize it.

PD -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (9/30/2011 23:31:47)

Might want to add the SPD Series, now that it's been buffed.

They're great for Dodging Builds, as well as power builds or EP Draining builds.

Selutu -> RE: Customization Guide for Star Captains (Unfinished) (10/1/2011 3:50:09)

It is already included, but now they're in the Damage section as well.

Gus. -> RE: The Customization Guide for Star Captains (2/4/2012 2:19:05)

Before I can approve the guide, I would like for you to add more descriptions throughout the guide. Explain the purpose of the guide, how it's organized (are items ranked from best to worst or something else?), things of the sort.

Also, I know that the index does mention there being a section on builds, but it'd be better if you explicitly mention it (in an introductory paragraph about the guide or something) since a more inexperienced player might not be fully familiar with builds and might read the guide in sequential order (thus reading things about builds and strategies without really knowing what they are). I apologize if that wasn't very clear.

The rest of the guide seems to be good. Hopefully it should be a quick fix and your guide will be approved. :)

Selutu -> RE: The Customization Guide for Star Captains (2/4/2012 2:49:41)

Okay no problem, I'll fix that now.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: The Customization Guide for Star Captains (2/4/2012 8:06:52)


An extremely expensive mecha which only have a body attack with high Cooldown.

You use "have" several times for singular subjects-- could this be fixed?

Also, your link for Star Ring is broken.

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