First Contact (Full Version)

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moneybags -> First Contact (12/12/2010 22:31:16)

First Contact
Quest Location: WG Tower > WarpGuardian Missions > FIRST CONTACT
Quest Given By: Temura Ge'Thrak
Requirements: A WGship and Level 65

Temura: Good to see you are ready for another mission! This one is a bit of a mystery. We have reports of what may be a newly discovered race of technological aliens around the world of Syrine IV.
Temura: Some of Captain Daian's scouts already investigated the area, however, and found nothing on the planet. They did, however, measure some residual tachyons in the system that suggests the Syrine aliens warped away.
Temura: Now that we have some markers for their warp drives, we can try to track then. Can you lead this mission and find the Syrines before they encounter the Network?
  • Find the Syrines!
  • Back

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flies through space. The Scene then changes to the Hangar Deck.»

    General Stormfront: «You», I understand that you are leading the search for these missing aliens we're calling Syrines.
    «You»: I am! Any advice?
    General Stormfront: We know very little about the Syrines, but what we DO know shows them to possibly be a dangerous enemy.
    General Stormfront: We know they have warp capability, so their technology is on par with ours.
    General Stormfront: According to our investigations, Syrines are a pure reptilian race that have found a way to harness magical power just as efficiently as technological power in space.
    «You»: Don't worry. I'll go prepared.

    «Temura Ge'Thrak enters.»

    Temura: General, I've decided that I'll go along with «You».
    Temura: I've made a few adjustments to one of our warpfighters to help us match the speed of the Syrine ships.
    «You»: A FASTER warpfighter?!? Wow! Let's get going!

    «Scene: «You» fly your "FASTER" Zhoom 6000 through space. The Scene then changes to show «You» and Temura in your ship.»

    «You»: Alteon, this is «You». I'm on the warp trail of the Syrines. Pursuing in 3... 2... 1...

    «Your ship enters warpspace. It then exits in front of the Syrine ships.»

    Temura: I think we found the Syrines... and I think they were expecting us.

    «Scene returns to the inside of your ship.»

    Temura: What do you want to do now, «You»?
    «You»: Hmmmmm.....
  • Warp away!
  • Extend a peaceful greeting to the Syrines
  • Fire on the Syrine ship!

    Warp Away

    «You»: I don't like this at all, Temura... Let's get out of here!
  • Escape!
    «You»: Alteon, we're headed back to you! The Syrines knew we were coming!

    «Your ship enters warpspace, but then the Scene flashes red and you exit.»

    «You»: Something just blasted us out of warp!
    Temura: We have minor damage to the drive system, and no hull breach. Nothing we can't repair in an hour.

    (Leads to Interim: Questions. See below.)

    Extend a peaceful greeting to the Syrines

    «You»: Uhh... Greetings! We come to meet you in peace! We are from the WarpForce, a fleet of ships on a mission to defend peaceful worlds.
    ???: Squadmates, please resume the survey of this system while we continue here.

    «All ships but one leave.»

    (Leads to Interim: Questions. See below.)

    Fire on the Syrine ships!

    «You»: Alteon, the Syrines were waiting for us in an ambush! Engaging now!

    «A brief skirmish ensues. Then, the Scene returns to the inside of your ship.»

    Temura: We took some damage-- I don't think it's a good idea to pursue right now.
    «You»: It might not have been a good idea to start a fight with them. Did you see how the rest of them just left, and only one stayed behind?
    Temura: Yes. They could easily have defeated us. On top of that, they took more hits than we did and were still able to warp away. So what now?
  • Repair your ship then return to the Alteon
    (Leads to the Alteon Ending. See below.)
  • Repair your ship then pursue the Unaga ship
    (Leads to the Syrine Ending. See below.)

  • Ianthe -> RE: First Contact (6/30/2011 16:31:34)

    Interim: Questions

    ???: Ship of steel, we are Unaga. We have questions of you. Will you answer in truth?
  • Yes, we will answer in truth.
      Unaga: Very well. First, tell us why you have pursued us.
      «You»: We found evidence of your ships around Syrine IV, and hoped to make contact with you before you ran into hostile aliens we call the Network.
      Unaga: So you followed us only to contact us. Interesting. We know of this Network you speak of. They tried often to get us to join them, but we discouraged them with our power.
      «You»: You--? Wow. Are you part of a larger alliance as well?
      Unaga: No. We are Unaga, and only Unaga.
      «You»: How many of you are there? There must be many--
      Unaga: We are few, but our control of magic and technology is very strong.
      «You»: Why so few of you?

      (Continue below)
  • We have questions for you to answer first!
      Unaga: Very well. Please ask your questions, and we will answer in truth.
      «You»: We found evidence of your ships around Syrine IV, and hoped to make contact with you before you ran into hostile aliens we call the Network. Why were you at Syrine IV?

      (Continue below)
    Unaga: We Unaga lost our homeworld long ago. For centuries we have been searching the galaxy for a new home. Syrine IV is relatively barren, but possesses the bare essentials we require.
    Unaga: When our homeworld succumbed to the ravages of a gamma-ray blast from a pulsar, we were able to escape in 40 squadrons of our fighter ships.
    Unaga: All other Unaga died, and the 40 squadrons, a total of 960 Unaga, split up to search for hospitable planets. For the past 3 centuries, whenever we find a good world, some Unaga remain behind on it.
    Unaga: The rest continue on in the 40 squadrons. We have colonized 14 planets so far, and only recently have entered this region of space. Those 14 worlds contain roughly 19 billion other Unaga.
    «You»: !!! How is that possible?? And why do the squadrons continue to colonize more worlds??
    Unaga: Each Unaga is capable of giving birth on its own without a partner. Each Unaga is both mother and father. And we breed automatically, every 2 years.
    Unaga: So over its lifetime, one Unaga creates 40 children. We continue to colonize worlds because we were once nearly made extinct, and want to be sure that never happens again.
    Unaga: Tell us of the civilization you represent. How many habitable worlds do you have? Would you like to sell any to the Unaga?
    «You»: Oh-- Uh, we... have many worlds. Many billions of people call them home. And I don't think any of them would want to sell their planet.
    «You»: It seems to me there are now so many Unaga that you really don't NEED to keep colonizing planets. Some people might see you as a threat, which could precipitate a war.
    Unaga: Your argument is logical, but ultimately the most logical action for us to take is to colonize until the odds of us ever becoming extinct are so minuscule as to no longer be a concern.
    Unaga: We know of this Network you mentioned earlier. They tried often to get us to join them, but we discouraged them with our power.
    «You»: The Network is probably the largest single group of races in the galaxy. If you are so powerful as to intimidate THEM, it may be that you have reached a stage where your race is safe.
    Unaga: We know of forces that far exceed the Network's reach. One is a force of nature that travels the universe in search of worlds to feed upon. We intend one day to destroy this force.
    Unaga: Only then will we be truly safe.
    «You»: You're talking about something called the Devourer... But he cannot be stopped!
    Unaga: With sufficient time, the numbers of Unaga will combine to create a force greater than this Devourer, and we will be able to overcome him.
    Unaga: If any race or force tries to threaten the Unaga until that time, it is our obligation to remove it as a threat to our kind. The Unaga need neither allies nor enemies.

    «Scene returns to the inside of your ship.»

    Temura: This is incredible. We just randomly happened across what may be the most powerful race in the universe!
    «You»: Right. And now we have to decide what to do about it...

  • Ask the Unaga to help repair your ship so that you can be on your way
      Unaga: We realize your ship is not as advanced as ours and you need assistance to be warp-capable sooner rather than later. However, we only perform services in trade for others.
      Unaga: What can you do for us that we cannot do ourselves, or provide us that we cannot obtain on our own?

      (Leads to the Lore ending. See below.)
  • Tell the Unaga that you share the same desire to defeat the Devourer
      «Scene returns outside.»

      Unaga: You desire to destroy this Devourer as well as we do? If this is so, would you say it is a possible outcome of your mission?
      «You»: Well,yes, it is possible. It is only part of what we might be capable of.
      Unaga: If it IS possible, and your WarpForce is capable of even greater power than this Devourer... then the WarpForce, and you, may be an even greater threat to the future of the Unaga!
      «You»: *gulp* No, I wouldn't say that...
      Unaga: The most logical response to a possibility is to treat it as a PROBABILITY. Therefore, the Unaga must destroy you.
      «You»: .......... Wait! We-- may be more valuable to you alive.

      (Leads to the Lore Ending. See below.)
  • Attack the Unaga!
      «You»: Alteon, the Syrines were waiting for us in an ambush! Engaging now!

      «A brief skirmish ensues. Then, the Scene returns to the inside of your ship.»

      Temura: We took some damage-- I don't think it's a good idea to pursue right now.
      «You»: It might not have been a good idea to start a fight with them. Did you see how the rest of them just left, and only one stayed behind?
      Temura: Yes. They could easily have defeated us. On top of that, they took more hits than we did and were still able to warp away. So what now?

    • Repair your ship then return to the Alteon
      (Leads to the Alteon Ending. See below.)
    • Repair your ship then pursue the Unaga ship
      (Leads to the Syrine Ending. See below.)

  • Ianthe -> RE: First Contact (6/30/2011 16:44:22)

    Lore Ending

    «You»: You say that magic is as important to you as technology. Well, my homeworld of Lore possesses much more magic. Perhaps you can learn something of magic there.
    «You»: I can escort you to Lore once you have repaired us and you can speak to one of our wizards or archmagi.
    Unaga: That is quite logical. We will repair your vessel now, and you will lead us to your Lore.

    «A yellow light suffuses the interior of your ship.»

    Temura: Unbelievable! All systems are optimal. They fixed not only our warp drive, but also every single other little thing that needed even the tiniest reworking!
    «You»: Now onto Lore... Let's hope I didn't just make a huge mistake.
    «You»: Alteon, «You» reporting. We're escorting the Unaga to Lore in 3... 2... 1...
  • Go!
    «Your ship enters warpspace and then «You» and the Unaga exit above Lore.»
    Unaga: Take us to meet this wizard of Lore now.
    «You»: Right away! Follow us down to the surface.

    «Your ships land near Battleon.»

    Br^lk: «You» of Lore, I am Br^lk of the Unaga. This is your home colony?
    «You»: Br^lk, nice to meet you face-to-face. Yes, this is my home colony. We call this town Battleon.
    Br^lk: I am an Unaga Mage, specializing in the integration of magic with our technology. When can I speak to your own mage?
    «You»: I called ahead. He should be here any moment now--

    «Warlic appears.»

    «You»: Warlic! Thank you for meeting me here. I'd like to introduce you to Br^lk, mage of the Unaga race.
    Warlic: It's my pleasure, «You». Nice to meet you, Br^lk. What brings you to Lore?
    Br^lk: We Unaga are curious about this world. Our own scans show us that it is indeed one of the most magic-infused planets we have ever encountered.
    Warlic: In our brief conversation before you arrived, «You» told me about the Unaga's situation and goals in our galaxy.
    Warlic: I feel it is my obligation to warn you that though your strategy of extreme population is indeed logical from a survival perspective--
    Warlic: --there will come a time in the future when the Unaga will become an enemy of itself.
    Br^lk: We have thought our line of logic through completely, fellow mage. Biology and physics dictate eventually the Unaga population in the universe will exceed the ability of the universe to provide for it.
    Br^lk: However, well before that pint in history is reached, we calculate that our combine, race-wide magical ability will be adequate enough to open bridges into neighboring universes.
    Warlic: Ah. So you plan to expand infinitely. You seem to have overlooked one thing, however. One thing that even the power of infinity can never overcome.
    Br^lk: Impossible. Give sufficient time, our species can accomplish anything. It is our nature. It is what sets us apart from all others.
    Warlic: Drawing upon many centuries of study, I have come to see that the basic building blocks of the multiverse are magical in nature, and ultimately rely upon the balance between the elements.
    Warlic: If the Unaga reach a point of such vast numbers that they tip that balance, and there no longer remains any force of nature powerful enough to restore it, the entire multiverse will cease to exist.
    Warlic: It will be a cataclysm so total that no Unaga will be able to escape it. It will, in fact, end all of existence.
    Br^lk: .......... That is troubling. you Lorians are bold, to blatantly offend the Unaga with such ideas.
    Temura: If I might interject, I'd like to point out that we did not intend to offend the Unaga. We're just trying to help--
    Br^lk: No. I will not listen to you any longer. You try to stymie us. I must gather the rest of the Unaga squadrons and confer with them on what fate your world should have at the hand of the Unaga.
    «You»: What? I don't think so! Lore will not have its fate decided by anyone but Lorians. you aren't leaving here until you change your mind.
    Br^lk: [image][/image]

    «Two Unaga enter.»

    Br^lk: The Unaga do not appreciate threats of any kind. You should know that by now.
  • Battle with Archmage Warlic's help!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice...

    Br^lk: You have displayed your power to a high degree, Lorian. The Unaga will leave your system now, but we cannot promise our paths will never cross again.
    «You»: Br^lk, please continue to think about the actions your species is taking. The Unaga aren't alone in this universe. You can have friends if you want to.
    Br^lk: I am unable to speak for all Unaga, though I can say that I personally am beginning to understand your thought processes. I will continue to think upon what I have learned this day.

    «Br^lk leaves.»

    Warlic: I hate to say this, but if the billions of Unaga out there really WANT Lore, there is nothing we can do to stop them. The battle would be long, but in the end they would win.
    «You»: On the other hand, Warlic, if we somehow got them to be on OUR side, the Network would be cornered. I'm going to say the next time we meet the Unaga, let's have it be on our terms.

    «Scene shows the Unaga fighter flying from Lore.»

    (Ends in the Mission Debriefing.)

  • Ianthe -> RE: First Contact (6/30/2011 16:47:05)

    Alteon Ending

    «Scene: Your ship exits warpspace to see the Alteon surrounded by Unaga fighters.»

    «You»: ........ Alteon, how are things looking from your end?

    «Scene: The Bridge»

    General Stormfront: «You», we're in some kind of standoff with a small fleet of what we assume are Syrines.
    General Stormfront: Do you mind telling us what you did to get them so excited??

    «Scene: Your ship.»

    «You»: We were able to easily follow them. Since their technology and magical abilities rival ours, I'm sure they were able to easily follow the route we took back to you.
    «You»: As for WHY... well, unfortunately we got into a little scuffle with them. *ahem*

    «Scene: Outside.»

    Mur^Ok: I am Mur^Ok of the Unaga. I am an Unaga Mage, specializing in the integration of magic with our technology. I have led these squadrons to your homeship.
    «You»: I see that. I have come to respect the power of your Unaga ships. You are a very advanced species.
    Mur^Ok: It is good that you understand the futility of any attempts you might make to overcome us. However, it is not in our nature to allow threats to the Unaga to persist.
    «You»: I would like to invite you aboard our ship, the LSS Alteon, so that we might be able to speak without threat from either side. Will you follow me into our hangar?
    Mur^Ok: I cannot say that you have earned the trust of the Unaga, but logic shows that there is nothing you could do to endanger us at this point. We are in the superior position. Lead the way into your ship.
    «You»: General Stormfront, Queen Pra'Mithia, would the two of you like to meet us on hangar deck?

    «Scene: The Hangar Deck.»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: Welcome to our home amid the stars, Mur^Ok. I am Queen Pra'Mithia, leader of the overall mission of the WarpForce.
    General Stormfront: I'm General Leet Stormfront, leader of the WarpForce's planetside warriors.
    Temura: I am Captain Temura Ge'Thrak, leader of the WarpForce's special warrior corp, the WarpGuardians.
    «You»: And I'm «You». I am the pilot of the ship that encountered you.
    Mur^Ok: Interesting. You are an alliance of different races, it appears. Was your cooperation required in order to make your way into the cosmos?
    Queen Pra'Mithia: Yes, it was. The peoples of Lore are of many races, and we pride ourselves on our ability to work together. If it wasn't for our unification, the Network would have taken our world.
    Mur^Ok: Yes, we have met the Network before. They have learned not to attempt anything foolish with the Unaga... such as pressuring us to join them.
    «You»: The Network is learning to respect US as well. We want to chase them out of our corner of the galaxy.
    Mur^Ok: Your WarpForce is not equal to our Unaga fleet in power, yet from what I have seen you may indeed be able to best the Network, if not today, then some day.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I am curious as to how you are able to harness so much magical power, and control it in such a way that it enhances your technology so well.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: My race on Lore, the Drakel, have followed a similar philosophy for thousands of years. Even on a magic-rich world such as Lore, we have not been able to reach the Unaga's proficiency.
    Mur^Ok: We evolved alongside creatures of such magical force that we became imbued with a natural affinity to wield and withstand magical power.
    Mur^Ok: My hasty study of your world of Lore shows that it is a very magical world, but it pales in comparison to the magic of the Unaga's former home planet.
    Mur^Ok: You have a similar creature on Lore to the ones I speak of. You call them DRAGONS. We Unaga lived with our own Dragons in a symbiotic relationship.
    Mur^Ok: Their magic protected us, and we in turn were able to harvest our Dragons' excess magic in the form of crystallized dragon's breath.
    Mur^Ok: Without our talents, the dragons' life cycle was very short, and would end with an overload of magic that would do one of two things:
    Mur^Ok: -- explode them or cause them to sublimate... turn directly from their solid form into a spirit form.
    Mur^Ok: Neither fate was desired much, though the explosive exit from life often led to other casualties in a nest.
    Queen Pra'Mithia: How horrible...
    Mur^Ok: When our world of Unai was destroyed, we few Unaga who escaped were spread far and wide from the Dragons of Unai who also escaped.
    «You»: So these Space Dragons still exist, as well?
    Mur^Ok: Yes. Unai Dragons' magic is such that it is ever-growing in power. Because of this, proximity to a magical world is not necessary for them to retain their magic.
    Mur^Ok: These "Space Dragons," as you call them, continue to be as powerful among the stars as they were on Unai. And they no longer need US, the Unaga, to harvest their magic.
    General Stormfront: This is all very interesting, but we still have the little issue of you surrounding my big ship with a bunch of your little ships. Do you think you could give us a buffer of a few thousand miles?
    Mur^Ok: You have quite a confrontational manner, General. However, you are in no position to bargain with us. The Unaga are superior.
    General Stormfront: Gravlax, this is Stormfront on Hangar Deck. Do you copy?
    Gravlax: (over loudspeaker) I sure do, sir!
    General Stormfront: Have we bought you enough time to complete the shield frequency modulator enhancements?
    Gravlax: (over loudspeaker) Yes you have! Our shields will now reflect Unaga plasma blasts. Glabbus jibbly!!
    General Stormfront: Good. Raise shields!
    «You»: Sneaky, sneaky...
    Mur^Ok: Unaga, attack!!
  • Fight!

    «Scene shows the outside, where the Alteon's shields go up and the Unaga start shooting. The beams are all reflected. The Scene then returns to the Hangar Deck.»

  • Battle with Queen Pra'Mithia's help!
  • Battle with General Stormfront's help!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:
    Queen Pra'Mithia: I wish this meeting had gone much differently...
    General Stormfront: The only OTHER way it could have gone would have been bad for us. There was never any middle ground with the Unaga. Am I right?
    «You»: I imagine having your world destroyed would make you very protective of whatever you had left. The Unaga will stop at nothing to protect what remains of themselves.
    Gravlax: (over loudspeaker) It worked everyone! The Unaga ships just gave up and warped away.
    «You»: Remember, they can track us wherever we warp as well. Let's send the new shield frequency scheme to all other ships in the WarpForce.

    (Ends in the Mission Debriefing.)

  • Ianthe -> RE: First Contact (6/30/2011 17:18:33)

    Syrine Ending

    «Scene shows your ship traveling through warpspace. «You» end up landing on Syrine IV, where Br^lk greets you.»

    Br^lk: «You» of Lore, I am Br^lk of the Unaga. Welcome to Syrine IV.
    «You»: What are you planning to do with this planet?
    Br^lk: We are the Unaga, of Unai. Our world was destroyed centuries ago when our sun went supernova. Only a few of us managed to escape the system in time.
    Br^lk: Our race was nearly made extinct by that event, and we have promised our ancestors that we would not allow such a fate to befall our race.
    Br^lk: To that end, our few squadrons of Unaga have spread throughout the universe, colonizing suitable worlds as we go. This world is barren, but can once again host life.
    Br^lk: Using our technology and magic, we will terraform Syrine IV until it becomes a blue and green world, and we will populate it with generations of Unaga for millenia to come.
    Temura: We need to be sure that the Unaga will not take any aggressive actions against the WarpForce or Lore, and that you won't become allies with the Network.
    Br^lk: Even OUR power does not let us see into the future, but I can assure you that there are enough worlds for the Unaga to acquire, and that we have no need to ally with the Network.

    «A Network battleship lands.»

    Br^lk: !!! What ships are those? Is this some kind of trap? Surround us when we are on the ground?!
    «You»: No-- that's not us! Those were Network ships. It looks like they had the same idea though...
    Temura: Take us both out, make it look like they were never here, and start a war between the Unaga and WarpForce.
    Br^lk: They underestimate us. The Unaga's power lies not within our ships, but within US.
    «You»: Then let's work together and deliver a defeat to these Network assassins. What do you say, Br^lk?
    Br^lk: It is the most logical path for us to take.
  • Battle with Br^lk the Unaga's help!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    Br^lk: Thank you for your assistance, Temura Ge'Thrak and «You» of Lore.
    «You»: You're welcome, Br^lk. so where does this leave us? The Unaga and the WarpForce?
    Br^lk: The Unaga do not make allies or treaties of any kind, though we do make trades. Today you have helped us, but we have also helped you. So our peoples now owe each other nothing.
    Temura: That doesn't sound very promising.
    Br^lk: We know you are not enemies, and we will not attack you without cause. That should count for something.
    «You»: It does, most definitely. Maybe some day we can trade again.
    Br^lk: Indeed.

    «Scene shows your fighter flying back to the Alteon.»

    (Ends in the Mission Debriefing.)

  • Ianthe -> RE: First Contact (6/30/2011 17:34:38)

    Mission Debriefing:

    That was no easy mission, WarpGuardian, but we managed to make it back alive. The Unaga are a very intriguing species with a long history. I'm not going to lie-- Their power and ability to master magic in the void of space is a big concern. Even the Network avoids them.

    There's not way to know when or how we might meet the Unaga again in the future, but at least now we know a little about them and might be able to figure out ways to deal with them either as friends OR enemies...

  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Unaga Staff (65)
    Unaga Staff Z
    Unaga Gun (75)
    Unaga Gun Z
    Unaga Staff (85)
    Unaga Gun (95)
    Unaga Staff (100)

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodolf

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