The Space Moglines! (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> The Space Moglines! (12/14/2010 17:53:37)

The Space Moglines!
Quest Location: The Bridge > Admiral Amada > MISSIONS > SPACE MOGLINES
Quest Given By: Admiral Amada
Requirements: Level 35

Amada: This mission is of the investigative variety, WarpForcer. I know you are up to the task, if you choose to accept it! Scouts have reported a small civilized planet inhabited by genetically-enhanced Moglins...
Amada: The world is called Capurnia. The Moglins practice a strict martial discipline and call themselves the "Space Moglines." We don't know HOW they got there, or WHAT their place is in the scheme of things.
Amada: you need to find out what you can, and make sure the Network isn't involved in some way. If they are, then you have to stop them. Ready, WarpForcer?
  • Meet the Moglines!
  • Back

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flies through space. Your warpfighter flies out and heads to Capurnia.»

    «You»: Admiral, Capurnia is in my sights!
    «You»: I'm going to land as close as I can to the most-settled area on the planet. Wish me luck!

    «Your ship lands on Capurnia.»

    «You»: Admiral, «You» reporting. My ship is hidden out of the way. I'm going to proceed with finding and making contact with the natives.
    «You»: Although I suppose if they ARE actually Moglins, they aren't natives to Capurnia. I'll let you know what I find. Over and out.

  • Search to the North
      1 BATTLE

      After this battle, you return to the center, where you may choose to search in any direction again.

  • Search to the South

  • Search to the East

  • Search to the West
      You see two separate encampments of what appear to be heavily-armored Moglin soldiers! They are keeping a close eye on one another, and are most definitely enemies. Which encampment will you approach?
    • Black-armored Moglins
        Space Mogline: Stop in your tracks!
        «You»: Whoa! Calm down, little guy. I'm «You», of the WarpForce. I represent the planet Lore.
        «You»: I-- uhh-- I come in piece!
        Space Mogline: You're dressed like a warrior of some kind, though we've never seen anyone quite like you before!
        «You»: Yet we're speaking the same language. That's because we're both from the same place. You see, you Space Moglines are actually from Lore, too!
        Space Mogline: What you say makes no sense, stranger. Captain!! We have detained an intruder!!
        Mogline Captain: I overheard, soldier. So, stranger, why have you really come here?
        «You»: I'm telling the truth. I'm here just to learn about you, and help you, if you need it.
        Mogline Captain: If what you say is true, and we ARE from another world-- YOUR world-- then finally we have proof that it was NOT the Emperor who created us!!
        Mogline Captain: We are right, and the Loyalists have forever been wrong!
        «You»: So that other camp is made up of Loyalist Space Moglines? And you're at war with them?
        Mogline Captain: They call us traitors because we have never believed in the Emperor. They say their Emperor performed miracles! Can you believe that? We have never witnessed magic!
        Mogline Captain: Now that you know, and since you have brought us the proof of our own beliefs, I ask you this:
        Mogline Captain: Will you join us and help us battle the Loyalists?
      • Fight the Loyalists! (After the battles, dialogue continues below)

      • Visit the Loyalist Camp (gives the same dialogue as if you chose "Blue-armored Moglins")

    • Blue-armored Moglins
        Space Mogline: hold, there! State your business!
        «You»: Whoa! Calm down, little guy. I'm «You», of the WarpForce. I represent the planet Lore.
        «You»: I-- uhh-- I come in piece!
        Space Mogline: You don't LOOK like you come in peace. I'd bet my left ear that you are a warrior of some kind.
        «You»: I'm not lying. Think about it. We're speaking the same language-- because we're both from the same place. You see, you Space Moglines are actually from Lore, too!
        Space Mogline: ... I guess that's too much to be mere coincidence. Captain!! We have someone here you need to see!
        Mogline Captain: Right-- I was listening. I am definitely curious. We have been protecting the Emperor's Temple for many years, and upholding the Emperor's teachings.
        Mogline Captain: Those Traitors in the other camp have chosen not to believe in the Emperor's power, and his gift of life to us on this green world.
        «You»: Well, all you have right now is my word that your kind, and my kind, are from the same world. Somehow, something brought you Moglines HERE, to Capurnia.
        «You»: But this place is your home right now, and you are welcome to stay. You need to find a way to live here in peace, though.
        Mogline Captain: For generations we have trained in war. Any Mogline who can walk can also fight. We are afraid of nothing. And we love all things on our world-- all except those Traitors!
        Mogline Captain: They say the Emperor doesn't even exist. they lie! We know he exists. We have seen his teachings. He could heal the sick. He could turn one fish into many to feed the hungry!
        «You»: Healed? On my world, your kind are called MOGLINS. And they have nature magical abilities to heal! The fish part... I can't explain.
        Mogline Captain: The Emperor's temple has remained sealed for generations. He sleeps, waiting for a day when there are no more Traitors. Will YOU help us stop them??
      • Fight the Traitors! (After the battles, dialogue continues below)

      • Visit the Traitor Camp (gives the same dialogue as if you chose "Black-armored Moglins")

  • Healing Kits Left: X (where X is an integer from 0 to 3 and decreases for each time that you use one to fully restore your HP and MP)

    The Emperor's Temple

    «You»: The Temple of the Emperor! According to the Moglines, it's been sealed for generations.

    «The door opens and Twang exits.»

    «You»: !!!!
    ???: Bow befowe me mowtal! Bow befowe the mighty Empewow Twang!
    «You»: I know you-- You're Twig the Moglin, from Lore! How did you get here?? And why did you put all the other Moglins here, too??
    Emperor Twang: ......... Actuawwy, I just WOOK wike Twig. I am rewwy a CWONE of Twig, made when the WEAL Twig tewepowted himsewf to two pwaces at one time--
    Emperor Twang: Accidentawwy, of course.
    «You»: Wow-- I never heard about that. I guess Twig didn't feel it necessary to tell anyone he helped his clone create a new society on another planet. Things seem to have gone downhill.
    «You»: All of your fellow Space Moglines are fighting because you just told them to believe in you, then locked yourself away and left them by themselves for generations.
    Emperor Twang: This is MY wowld! I gave the Mogwines evewything... What they chose to do with it was theiw business. No one can come hewe and chawwenge my pwans! You wiww PAY for your insowence!
    «You»: You just grew a foot taller! ... And the real Twig was a lot nice than you, too.
    Emperor Twang: I am STWONG whewe my owiginal is WEAK! I have total contwol over my body, from heawing to growing to fighting. You cannot beat me. Now, you will feel my WATH!!
    «You»: Okay, Emperor, but I should warn you: I don't like all-powerful intergalactic overlords very much. I tend to go around defeating every one I find.
  • Fight!

    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    «Twang's pauldron breaks.»

    Emperor Twang: Oh no! My pauwdwon!! I'm going to need a new set of cwothes!

    «Loyal Mogline and Traitor Mogline enter.»

    Loyal Mogline: We heard the door of your temple crash open and hurried here as quickly as possible! I can't believe it is actually YOU-- our Emperor!!
    Traitor Mogline: Ha! Your Emperor was just defeated in battle by this stranger to our world! How could he be as all-powerful as you believe?
    Emperor Twang: I-- I was tiwed! It's not wike I could have expected this!
    «You»: It's time for you to tell them the TRUTH, Twang. Tell ALL of the Moglines the truth. And from now on, help them all work together to survive on this planet.
    «You»: I'll be back to check on you and see how things are coming along. And remember-- keep the peace. Work together to make your world better. And no more hiding in a temple.
    Emperor Twang: I will twy... It wooks wike we have our work cut out for us, fewwow Mogwines.

    «Scene: Your fighter flies off Capurnia.»
    Mission Debriefing:

    Amazing what you discovered on Capurnia, WarpForcer! I still find it hard to believe that Twig actually created a clone of himself by magically teleporting himself to 2 places at once! You know, Gravlax has been experimenting with teleportation technology, though it's of a non-magical variety. It all sounds a bit scary-- You won't find me teleporting anytime soon!

    It's good to know that the Network hasn't infected the Space Moglines with their evil agenda. Hopefully we can keep them from ever touching our newly discovered Mogline world...

  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    WarpGuardian Mogline Sword (35)
    Mogline Flamer (45)
    Mogline Flamer Z
    Mogline Sword (55)
    Mogline Sword Z
    Mogline Flamer (65)
    Mogline Sword (75)
    Mogline Flamer (85)
    WarpGuardian Mogline Sword (95)
    Mogline WarpGuardian Flamer

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf

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