Petrified (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Petrified (12/16/2010 22:34:08)


Petrified, «» round(s)
Unable to act. Wind resistance is increased by 1.5x Earth resistance.

As described. The change to the monster's Wind Resistance is not displayed to prevent bugs, but it still takes effect.

If you (the Player) are petrified and you do not act for a turn, then during that turn all Pet and Guest attacks deal 0% Stats damage.


Resist Petrification +«»
Provides a bonus to any saves against petrification.

As described. When making a save roll, you gain a bonus of the listed amount.


Resist Petrification thanks to BlackAces.

Ianthe -> RE: Petrified (12/28/2010 6:43:39)

Things that Petrify Monsters

  • Robocockatrice Blades: Normal and Z-Token versions.
  • Meduso Bow

  • Geomancer's Robe; Lv. 10 skill - Earthquake

  • Experimental Robocockatrice: Guardian and Z-Token versions.

    Things that Petrify Players
  • Robocockatrice
  • Meduso

    Things that grant Petrification resistance:

  • Morningstar Badge Z, Badge, Brand, Mark, Token, Insignia, Hallmark, Emblem

  • Page: [1]

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