Birnan (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Birnan (12/17/2010 20:00:24)


Location: The Crossroads (Books 1 and 2), The Sandsea (Book 3) -> 3 Right

Quests given

Shops owned

The Crossroads (Books 1 and 2)

Birnan: Excuse me, traveller. You don't happen to know which way to Oaklore, do you?

  • Sure do!

    • South-East
      Birnan: Hmm. Looks like my suspicions were correct, then. I should've known better than to trust that old coot. Thank you, <Class>.

    • South-West
      Birnan: Oh wow, so I am heading in the right direction after all. Thanks! I hope I get this medicine to Cratlina in time.

    • North-East
      Birnan: Hmm. Looks like my suspicions were correct, then. I should've known better than to trust that old coot. Thank you, <Class>.

    • North-West
      Birnan: Hmm. Looks like my suspicions were correct, then. I should've known better than to trust that old coot. Thank you, <Class>.

  • Nope. Gotta run.
    Birnan: Oh, well thanks anyways.

    The Sandsea (Book 3)

    Birnan: Stupid scorpions and their dumb stingers, stinging me and being mean and dumb and stupid.


    Thanks to
    -- Silver for Sandsea dialogue.
    -- Zyrain for correction.

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