=AQ= Dev, Story Design Notes for 27Dec2010: What (Full Version)

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Falerin -> =AQ= Dev, Story Design Notes for 27Dec2010: What (12/27/2010 20:31:34)

Recently AQ released a preview of Bizarre Fleck 2. Fleck 2 is just the beginning of a year of some very interesting story aspects, many of which have much to do with Shadow, unexpected relationships, unexpected combination, and dangling mysteries. Fleck 2 itself will tie together the Hall of Memories content, Fleck I content, and a number of loose threads you may or may not have noticed into a big mysterious bow.

Falerin is fragmented and how he comes back together depends on you even as several other NPCs depend upon the player response to another mysteriously ticking clock.

And as to mysterious.... once the mystery unravels "Seth Cay Dhows" will become less mysterious, his origins and behavior will be explored and ultimately he will become a known quantity. Still a somewhat mysteriously motivated quantity mind you, but known enough that his current title becomes less and less adequate.

So what is the true name of Seth Cay Dhows.... the transdimensional transelemental shadow?

Well the fact is... we have no idea... seriously... no idea whatsoever and that my dear friends is on PURPOSE!

Starting sometime this weekend we will be opening up a contest to run for the month of January. The nature of the contest was already implied by earlier hall of memories releases. The true name of Dhows is one that will be given to him, like in Michael Ende's Neverending Story by the Player Character and not just the player character but by the players or "Terns" themselves as Dhows names them.

This is your chance to help define a major villain in AQ history by giving us a name.

The first place winner will get direct recognition of their contribution and use of their name for Dhows in game as well as a prize of 2000 Z tokens. First runner up will receive 1000 Z Tokens and second runner up will receive 500 Z Tokens.

If the submitted names are particularly good we might even use them for other things. However as per usual all submissions to the contest become the property of AE to use as we see fit.

Specific submission guidelines will be forthcoming.

Happy Holidays.


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