Expand the storiline (Full Version)

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Mortarion -> Expand the storiline (1/6/2011 17:01:19)

I think that all the players want this, so please with the next update add a storiline quest, I am not angry at the team I am just a litlle dissapointed and I needed to tell this

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Expand the storiline (1/6/2011 17:02:26)

I don't know if you noticed, but the past two WERE storyline quests. Rather important ones, I should think.

Mortarion -> RE: Expand the storiline (1/6/2011 17:14:47)

but I mean to the main storiline, btw wich last 2?

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Expand the storiline (1/6/2011 19:05:27)

Unaga, Star Dragon. They were the SAME storyline, too.

The "Main" Storyline is presumably going to be VERY involved with the Unaga and the Star Dragons; they're so tremendously powerful and important that I don't see how they cannot be.

As for what you refer to as "Main"... You probably mean the "WarpForce Saga" and the line continued with Novus. That one's not going to continue for a while, since the staff have said that they're adding mid-level quests before they do the high-end ones.

Mortarion -> RE: Expand the storiline (1/6/2011 20:17:43)

ok, and warptrackers don't meet the unaga till star dragon

Nex del Vida -> RE: Expand the storiline (1/7/2011 10:45:07)

In addition, the Autarchs arc--which is probably what you are thinking of as the main storyline--is over. We defeated all four of them. So in order for the staff to "expand the storyline" they first have to write a new storyline. The real "main storyline" of WF is the destruction of the Network, but that by itself is not particularly cohesive, so there need to be subplots within it to organize our efforts.

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