=DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (1/9/2011 17:10:14)

Oh wow...


Your options are as follows:

Search for Greed as you fight your way through his mind-trapped minions
Eradicate the ChaosWeavers hungering for your death as they swarm into Pellow Village
Defend the ChaosWeavers and try to make recompense for the death of their Queen

Holy cow, what a war! And with this, comes great stories! So, here is the official story and poetry thread of the Ravenloss War.

Remember to follow all the L&L and AE rules.

Post at your heart's content.

Make us all proud with your storytelling!

Discussion goes here: Ravenloss War Stories and Poems discussion 2011

Threads were merged, as this is the official thread for the war stories and poems discussion and Shinobi Shadowmaster got a bit too excited about the stories. Which, is NOT a bad thing! So thanks to Shinobi for his exuberance in writing and creativity.

Razen -> =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (1/24/2011 18:59:19)

The community is rallied, let not our spirits die!

My first poem for this war.

Thief of Ravenloss:

In the darkness vein of the underground metropolis, I prospered now.
I skipped shadow to shadow, unseen.
This place had practically become part of my being.
Yet, this day, I heard a new sound, that of war, this I know.

The ChaosWeavers chanted in a melancholy beat.
Their numbers were immensely great.
Their anger fueled their hate.
So, War begins with a single stone, and on the line is my soul.

Master K -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/4/2011 20:20:50)

Ravenlost...Or Is There Hope?

Down the streets, past the pain...
Past the ruined building chains...
Weavers, spiders, monsters abound.
No one is safe, no one is sound.

Impending chaos and evil will be freed...
If that wheel gets into the hands of greed...
It will overtake all those weak...
It truely seems all is bleak...

But the heroes and warmongers rise...
Surely to bring Greed his demise...
They are the just and the fair.
They're fighting in the Ravenloss war...will you be there?

Womba -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/4/2011 20:35:15)

-Blue Blur-
As the heroes of Lore rushed onto the battlefield, at incredible speeds, many of the chaosweavers, and greedlings dropped infront of their eyes. All the heroes saw was simply a large blur moving far too fast for their eyes to follow. Some of the curious ones (the heroes) checked the remains of the fallen foes. They saw, some were charred with electrical burns, and others were buried in large puddles of water... As the blur raced around the warzone, Chaosweavers and Greedlings would keep on falling to the ground as it passed them. A few of the warmongers managed to catch a very short glimpse of the creature. What they saw stunned them, with both fear and awe. A large blue-haired wolf, covered with scales on it's schnozz, and back, electricity shrouding its swift feet. Fin like spines ran across the scales along its back, having dragon-like eyes, and a tail resembling that of a shark. They (the heroes) noticed, it wasn't just 1 beast, but a fusion of many. It stopped (the beast) for a split second. The heroes all seeing it for that brief moment, even the foes of the heroes stood to look at it. The creature roared so loudly, sounding like a mix of a wolf, dragon, and whale. Everything on the battlefield was deafened by it, the screech was so loud... Then as soon as their ears stopped ringing, they looked at the beast again, but noticed it was gone. When returning to camp the heroes named it... Awesome - The Blue Blur. Many thought it an ally, or simply a feral beast... None know for sure.

With long stuff like this you needa keep an eye open for typos... [&:]

Master K -> RE: DF Ravenloss War Stories, Poems, and Prose (2/4/2011 20:41:00)

Weave With Me

Weavers, weavers, all around!
Threads, strands, spirits abound!
Colors explode through the sky!
Weavers, weavers all arise!

Threads, strands, shards dance...
Weave whatever; Take a chance!
The wars being fought, but we don't care!
Eric, Chisagen, and the crew are there!

We weave magic for them to use!
Items so magical they cannot refuse!
Were so happy, filled with glee...
Won't you come, and weave with me?

Zork Knight -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/4/2011 21:00:00)

Ravenloss Corruption

During the Ravenloss War, a hero came down there to help in the battle. Spiders, Chaosweavers, Greedlings. He would defeat anything. During a battle against lots of Chaosweavers, he slashed them in one strike. But what he didn't saw became his demise. A drop of the Chaosweaver's toxic blood fell on his arm, and was absorbed by the skin. After that moment, he kept fighting normally. A few hours later, he started to have some kind of headache. He started to become dizzy, whit a weak vision. A few time later, he became more agressive. Then he became weaker. After being attacked by a group of Greedlings, he fell on the ground, on a shadow part of the town... people started to hear weird sounds from that place. They saw, through the little bit of light on that part, that something was happening. And from that part of the town that a Chaosweaver came, holding a Weapon from outside Ravenloss. A weapon that only humans have. A weapon that the hero who came down there had. And, whit a smile on his face, the Chaosweaver said: "LONG LIVE THE NATION!" and attacked the humans.

Master K -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/5/2011 10:03:58)

Quite Adept

Through the swirling void of the gate, the person-thing entered Pellow Village. Equally ruined as Ravenloss, but overflowing with monsters and mystery, it was the perfect place. To cause mayhem and destruction. The person was overjoyed to cause destruction and get rewarded.
"So this is where this so called war is? Looks like a dump...but oh well." The person said to himself.
He drifted off, his silvery hair, and the collection of magical autumn leaves blowing as he floated through the streets.
Suddenly, some Greedlings appeared.
"HA! Thats it?" The person laughed to himself.

He raised his claw, and a swipe of darkness eliminated the greedlings.
"I want a challenge! Bring it on!" The person shouted.

Within an instant, several chaosweavers and some back ally beetles appeared.
"HAHAHAHA RED TIDE AT NIGHT!" The person shouted.
He raised his claw, and a red orb appeared near the monsters.
They started to back away, but the orb erupted, sending water flying everywhere.
The creatures were flung from the force of the explosion.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The person laughed.
He quickly hovered through town, and went back to the war camp.
Several people looked at him with odd looks.

"He looks like a warped squid..." Said Chisagen
"I think hes all tentacles." Said Chainsword.
"Whatever he is, he helped us." Eric R. Said.

This so called stranger was a Kathool Adept.
A half insane one, that is.

Oddball -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/5/2011 12:19:48)

A Story Written By Oddball...........

A Week Before The Start Of The War

Oddball Shuffled his feet, He wasn't used to being underground for long periods of time

Oddball: Darned Sewers, It's hard to move.. Hmm wonder if anyone else is down here?

Oddball called out, His voiced echoed through the sewers,There was a faint reply

???: Hello?! Can You Hear Me?

Oddball: Yeah, Just.. Where about's are you?

???: Near where the void key was found

Void key?, What is that? Oddball thought to himself as he broke into a run, going in the direction where the voice was coming from

Meanwhile, A few heroes of Falconreach were gathering near the Equilibrium gate
Guthixnite: WARRRRRRR!!!!!

D.A: Guthix, Y'know it's not out yet for another week??


Laughter is heard, Guthix and D.A Turn around to see someone sat on the edge of the gate

Majesticstar: I thought everybody knew THATMajestic looks at Guthix But Apparently, some people are idiots

Guthixnite: Are You picking a fight with me?

Majesticstar:Maybe I am Majestic readies his NBOD, Guthix's spirtlooms glow a purpley colour

Guthixnite: Then bring it on!

Guthixnite And Majestic were just about ready to fight, when a Katana raises in between the middle of them

Mordred: GUYS this is no time to be fighting amongst ourselves!

D.A: Mordred right guys, Save the fighting for greed

Guthixnite+Majestic: Fiinnee

Oddball was getting closer to that voice, he could feel an immense flow of energy

Oddball:I feel it, whatever I'm chasing, Is right around this corner..

Oddball could hear voices.. But more than one?, He decided to peer around the corner, to check who or WHAT was there, So He did, and sighed of relief

Oddball: I'm glad to see that I'm not the only Human down here

???: Rightfully so

??? Can we trust him Sir?

"Sir?" Oddball thought "It seems this person is respected, and this aura of power he gives off is incredible, He would be a very good ally in this Quest of mine"

Oddball: Yeah you can trust me!!!

???: Very well then[/color

One of the figures stood in the shadows steps forward to reveal himself as an elite fighter, and he looked like he could crush Oddballs skull in one swift blow

???: My Name.. Is Drake Amatsu

Oddball: I'm Oddball

The second figure stood out beside Drake, It was a purple and black Dragonlord, The person took of their helmet and was revealed to be..

???: My name is Mritha,

Drake And Mritha? Oddball thought to himself.. Those names seem.. Familiar somehow

Drake: Have we met before?

Oddball: Funny.. I was thinking the same thing

More had arrived outside the gate, They were all waiting for something, But one was staring off into the distance

Guthix:Is That?.... TOMIX!

Guthix ran over to see if it was Tomix or not, and surprise surprise.. It Was~

Tomix: And who might you be?

Guthix:Ummm.. I..I.

???: He's Guthixnite, A BIG fan of yours, as you could probably tell

Tomix looked over Guthix's shoulders to see a person stood there.. With a greedling

Shadow: I'm Shadowbird, But most people just call me Shadow

Tomix: I See, and why exactly is THAT following you?

Shadow: Who.. Him? Shadow pointed at his greedling He's my friend

Tomix: Interesting...


G.I.G.A. -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/5/2011 16:34:02)

(If any of this doesn't make sense, you may want to read my fanfiction Downward Spiral, as this story takes place after it.)

An Errand:

How did he end up here? The sky… why was it so brown?

Vesis emerged from another one of his blackouts into the familiar confusion. This was more bizarre than usual, though; everything was just wrong. It didn’t seem at all like the world he had come to know. He began to look around, searching for answers, any sort of clue that would tell him where he was. All he found were broken buildings and flickering shadows. None of it provided the tiniest clue, until he looked to the sky again.

Vesis was underground. This simple fact caused him pause for a few seconds. He had never heard of a city being built underground before. How could the ceiling not collapse on it? He began to look around frantically, a wild look in his eyes, as if the surroundings could wake him up from what was surely a bad dream. He was going to suffocate, the ceiling was going to collapse; so many disasters could happen at any moment. This place wasn’t safe; he had to get away from it.

All of a sudden, that presence was in Vesis’s mind, soothing him. It was okay, he could stay here. He was here for a purpose, yes he was. He had to continue, to seek out a certain section of the city. His legs began to move. Shakily at first, but eventually he took confident strides, interrupted only by an occasional shuffle or stumble. As he walked, a grin began to spread across Vesis’s face. Yes, he had to go where the master was directing him. He had to obey, to crush any and all that opposed the master.

All of a sudden, the presence left Vesis, confused and reaching, as would a baby that was suddenly taken from its mother. His grin was immediately wiped off his face. Panic began to bubble up inside him as his earlier fears returned. He clamped down on the panic immediately. The master must have left for a reason. His goal must be around here somewhere. What could it be? Vesis scanned all around the empty square he was in, searching for any kind of clue. If only the master could come back and tell him what exactly needed to be done…

And just like that, he found it. A gate, purple and swirling, stood on one side of the square. As soon as Vesis saw it, he knew that he had found his answer. He shuffled toward it, his grin returning. Yes, this is what he had to do. Walk through the gate and deal with whatever was on the other side. That’s what the master wanted from him. Closer, closer the gate approached. Closer to his goal, closer until it was within reach.

Power washed over him. A pop, and it was done. He was on the other side. The question was, where was the other side? Where had he ended up? He saw ruined buildings, purple eyes, the gleam of steel.

War. That’s where Vesis was. He had emerged into the middle of a war. Everywhere he looked, humans were slashing at spiders or taking on crowds of odd yellow spirit-things. He began to lose track of time marveling at the entire scene. This was where he belonged. Not in some tiny village that no one had ever heard about, but in the middle of the fray.


He turned his attention back to reality to find a crowd of enemies gathering around him. Spider-people and spirit-things formed a dense circle that was growing ever larger, and every single one of their expressions was contorted in hate and hostility. Vesis’s grin grew even wider, and he began to get a crazy look in his eyes. He knew what the master wanted with him now. He was to lay waste to all that posed a threat. Not the humans, though. They were on his side. Anything else, though, was fair game.

Larger the crowd grew. The only thing stopping them from attacking was his appearance. They had obviously not seen anything like him before. Vesis was excited now. A stanza from a childhood song sprung into his head suddenly. Oh, but that wouldn't do, no it wouldn't. He changed the lyrics, twisting and contorting them to fit the situation.

”Oh can’t you hear it, the song of the creek?
Down from the depths, it orders me!
My sword in hand and a flood at bay,
You shall all fall before me.”

And with a gleeful shriek, it began.

majesticstar3800 -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/5/2011 18:39:46)

Special Mission:

*Me, Oddball, Guthix, Megachibi, legofan, raven, and shadowbird are standing in front of the gate*

Me: I wonder what's in it?*Pokes portal*
Oddball: Let's go in, maybe we can spy on Greed.
*Chaosweavers surround them*
/me faceplam oh no...
Shadow, legofan, and raven say: WE'LL TAKE CARE OF THEM; Go in the portal and spy on them!
*They start fighting the CWs*
Me: Come On! Let's go!
*Me and Oddball go into portal*
*They arrive in Pellow Village*
Oddball: WOW.
Me: Look! There's Greed! Let's hide...
*Greed is there in the center Of Pellow Village, with-*
Oddball & Me, at once: LUST AND ENVY!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: What could THEY be doing there.... thye must be forming a truce!
Oddball: Oh no, we've got some company....
*Tomix Appears*
I'll take care of this!*One-Shots them*
Greed: Calm Down... You know that ....HERO? I'm sure you want to kill him, right....?
Lust& Envy: Yessssssssss..........!
Greed: Then I'll need BOTH of your help!
Lust+Envy: Fine, then after this, we go off our own ways...
*Us runs away with Tomix into the portal again to Ravenloss*

All Of us: PHEW! That was a close one!

More coming soon Dx

guthixnite -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/5/2011 18:52:29)

The ChaosWeaver Crusade

The scene opens with a SoulWeaver and a DragonLord walking around on the battlefield. Out of nowhere, the ChaosWeavers attack. The DragonLord isn't paying attention and gets blindsided, and knocked out. The SoulWeaver instantly becomes enraged and slashes the ChaosWeaver that struck her. The glow of his spiritloom shows that they are surrounded by the ChaosWeavers. The SoulWeaver darted at ChaosWeavers striking them each down with one hit and darting to another in an attempt to protect the DragonLord. He fights for hours and the ChaosWeavers do not give up. They keep coming and getting closer until he is to the point that he is standing over the unconscious DragonLord stabbing and kicking ChaosWeavers on all sides. The SoulWeaver yells, "I SHALL NOT LET YOU HARM HER!!!!!" and strikes faster but with each of the ChaosWeavers he strikes down, there are 5 to replace it. When they get to the point he cannot fight anymore, he lays himself over the DragonLord to take all the hits from the ChaosWeavers. He remembers the promise he made to her. The promise where he stated that he would die to protect her. The ChaosWeavers strike him, impaling his back with their poisoned Kama, but he just lays there protecting her.

“Is he alive?” a voice asked. I would’ve answered if I could, but my body wasn’t responding
“I think so. Do you recognize him, Drake?” a second voice said
“Yea, this is Razor. He seems to have been slashed by something, but I’m not sure exactly what. I’m also wondering why he isn’t bleeding, or at least cut,” a third voice said. I suspected that was Drake. “Pick him up. We need to get him to the camp,” Drake said. I felt somebody picking my body off the ground and putting me over their shoulder, but I couldn’t tell who. ‘At least they’re friendly,’ I thought to myself.

I felt my body being laid down on something soft.
“What happened to him Drake?” a woman’s voice asks
“We’re not sure. We found him laying face down with the back of his armor slashed, but oddly he wasn’t harmed,” Drake replied.
“We better give him some time to rest then figure it out,” the woman said.
I realized I was actually tired. ‘A little sleep never hurt anyone,’ I thought to myself. I fell asleep very soon, knowing I would need to rest up to save Mritha.

I shot awake once I heard the sounds of fighting. I was in a tent on a straw bed, and there was fighting going on. I quickly shot out of the tent and activated my spiritlooms, ready to fight. There were ChaosWeavers everywhere. I saw one of the fighters holding off three of them, with a fourth sneaking up on him. I shot at that ChaosWeaver and cleanly sliced the upper body in half and sliced it off of the main body.
“So you’re awake,” He said. I recognized him.
“So you’re here too, Eric,” I replied. “You good here?” I asked him.
“Yea, go help Dornalca. She looked like she needs some,” He replied
I took off in her direction ready to strike down ChaosWeavers, but when I got to her there were none.
“After we’re done fighting, we need to talk about when you were found earlier,” Dornalca said to me.
Beacons of Hope poem
If you need help, you should never fear,
You will get help if you need.
The Beacons of Hope will always be near,
Especially to strike down Greed.
May the Beacons of Hope never fall,
May their weapon strike true.
May they always have a brawl,
As long as they don’t have the flu.

The Odor -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/7/2011 11:44:29)

As the troops started to return with the wounded to the war camp through streets of the Village there was seen a shape in flowing robes kneeling in the center of Pellow Village. He had thrust a Naginata in to the ground kneeling in front off it. A small dragon was laying next to him. A Warrior called to him: "Hey Mage get out of there. They will soon launch another attack and we want to switch troops." The Mage did not in any way give notice of him so the warrior raced towards him. He reached him and started to try to pull him away but the mage was not to be moved. Suddenly the warrior saw dozens of greedlings and bugs swarm towards him. He drove his blade while muttering to his silent companion: "If we die here I will never talk to you again." The mage opened an eye. "Well we cant have that can we". He rose to his feet grabbing the blade out of the ground and turned to the monsters rushing towards them. His hands stared burning with a light so sharp it burned the eyes. "BRING IT ON." He roared as he charged.
The warrior stod paralysed behind the mage as he butchered his oponents. "Werent you wounded?"

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/7/2011 23:43:53)

A fight to the finish
We fight for the judgment wheel,
Our will Greed cannot steal.
SoulWeaver Class awaits,
we will put Greed in his place.
Fight the battle to its fullest,
This battle is the coolest! (Not quite a rhyme there, but almost.)

Paperclipkiller -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/7/2011 23:58:49)

The Enemy We Face

It is time we vanquish our deadly foe
The one who has caused so much woe
He who first appeared one Mogloween
Even then he caused quite a scene
A corrupted being, a corrupted spirit
You could say he's a type of bandit
What he steals though is not money
He stole peoples freedom and created an army
Such a being we call Greed
Let us catch him before the deed

G.I.G.A. -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/8/2011 1:00:58)

They Remain:

If the the front lines are breached,
If the troops retreat,
If soldiers fall dead by our feet,
If the enemies advance,
If the skies turn black,
If the land itself turns against us,
Hope shall remain, like a steady flame,
Burning through all that oppose it.
If all else fails, the Beacons shall stay,
Fighting, inspiring, undying.

Razen -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/8/2011 20:15:29)


The Soldiers of war,
I will tell you so,
Fight on,
And the Heavens will bless you,
When you and your comrades face defeat,
The Heavens will save thou.

Oh, Heavens bless the soldiers,
Oh Holy Templars of War,
Oh Righteous Knights of Battle,
May the Heavens come with many songs sung.

Elementer -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/8/2011 20:30:42)

The darkness has settled around the city,
The city that time showed no pity,
The city that was left underground in the eternal dark,
The city now tainted by the spiders, the ugly Chaosweavers' mark,

But now a strange feeling has descended!
And the bright cities above are being from it defended,
Heroes rush here and ho!
Flying, running, hiding, all vanquishing together the foes!

The elements fly wild as swords and spears strike true!
Blasts of purple, splots of red, and flashes of blue!
It is time to DEFEND my fellow comrades!
Gather your magic and draw your blades!

Vanquish the monstrous spiders and Emboidments with relentless unity!
For to Good we have unbended fidelity!
Flash those lights and cut through the wave!
For we are fighting for the innocent and the naive!

Let us not stand back today my friends!
Let them think they can defeat us, but our will will not bend!
The Beacons of Hope and fellow heroes, we will fight till breaking dawn,
Until then, BATTLE ON!

Chaos101 -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 12:39:11)

Ptolemy and the RAVENLOSS WAR:
By Morzan
ID: 29799978

Ptolemy See
Ptolemy Fight
Against the Chaos weavers

Ptolemy Help
and Ptolemy please
The Spider woman,
Ptolemy frees

Ptolemy lives
Ptolemy crawls
beneath a city
Without laws

Without a sun
or moon or stars
sometimes he eats
but most he starves

Ptolemy now,
a creature good
He longs for sea,
and cliff and wood

To see the sky,
above the city,
be moved by grace
and love and pity,

But now, to Hero
and his friends
His tooth, and claw
and tool he lends,

Side by side
(and ceiling and floor)
he and Hero
go off to war,

through Ravenloss
past caverns deep
Justice and peace
are all he seeks,

And when that Greed,
and embodiments
with chaos weavers,
who torment

are gone from
Ravenloss his place of birth
but born through pain
and toil and mirth

He may once more
dare to dream,
To see the sky and sun
he's never seen

But before that time
though be it good
there is a task that
he should

first complete,
before he goes
uptop to see what
life shows

He will work
with Hero and
Tomix friend
to free this land,

Lest Ravenloss
and all of Lore
all he's seen
and all he saw
Be comsumed

By The Ravenloss war.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 15:21:28)

ok you fought for it so here it is.....

Nix located on old friend of his to try and eliminate the one who started the riot in the Frostval war, so he talked with the man named Sneed. Sneed is a ruler among the sneevils but he was too blind to realize that Stephen was scheming one of the sneevils, the Highlord that he was the one who started the Zardbie war with the Sneevils. Alas from there the King was lied upon. 2 wars broke out and the most recent one sent the King to a panic, as the 4 crystals that summon "The Dark 4" if they were to ever be summoned again Sneed would be in trouble, and so would his people....when the 2nd war was over Nix turned to Sneed and claimed that he must leave with the one named......GREED!........and we continue!......

King Sneed: ..........hey Nix, where do you think your going?
Stephen Nix: I'm off to help aid support to the one they call Greed!
Stephen Nix: Don't worry I'll be back!.....But I'm after the judgment wheel for an ally of mine!
King Sneed: When will you be back, that dratted Box Thief Sendai is still in possession of the crystals.
Stephen Nix: I know, but I don't think he'll be attacking again until I get back.
Stephen Nix: Anyway, I'm off to Ravenloss for the next few weeks. Wish me luck.

Stephen Nix leaves the room. King Sneed hears laughing in the background

King Sneed: Huh? He probably just knocked a few boxes on the ground, that makes me laugh every time.

Scene changes to Nix hidden in a secret cellar.

Stephen Nix: Muahaahhaah! I summon you to the field Greed!

A yellow fog rolls in and Greed makes his appearance

Greed: Yessssss, Nix?
Stephen Nix: Are you ready with the schematics?
Greed: Yesssss, everything'ssssss move ahead of ssssschedule!
Stephen Nix: Then we strike on the 4th!
Greed: That sssssoundss good to me! I'm ready when you are!

Greed disappears, Nix holds up the three crystals

Stephen Nix: I won't be needing you this time.

Nix hides them in a treasure chest and then places a lock on it. He then walks off and Mechajin rises.

Mechajin: That's what he's planing eh...

Around this time a war was ready to rage on against the people of the underground! The Chaosweavers lead one side and Greed's followers the other. Tomix is ready to get into battle but is awaiting the arrival of the BOH and MOP. But along the walk not everyone agrees with the heroes true intentions.......and old friends become enemies.....

Drake Amatsu: Wow....what a beautiful day out, are the pillars ready for war?
Prius: Yes sir!
Eric Ravenwing: Yes, and the mastery's are waiting for battle!
Kangi: The war will need its constant balance, the world needs the weavers eliminated, than so be it. From Darkness to Light, we must clinch our foes from this formidable fight!
Dornalca: Don't worry Kangi, my pillar will bring the light to the lost souls!

Drake Amatsu: And how about our younger members to the BOH, how are you doing this afternoon?

Saber1001: Well.....ummm.....sir...umm......I'm ready I suppose!
Drake Amatsu: Don't be scared child a war is a gruesome place, you must embrace the fear to win the war!

G.I.G.A.: I'm still not for this war against the Weavers, they may have served our trial and failed, but I still think they can be peaceful!
Mareth: Agreed, I don't think they did anything wrong.....I for one think they're the victim!
Razen: Yeah, it's not like they want to attack us, they're just defending their homes.
ChainSword: But guys you have to remember, they didn't have to attack us in the first place!
Saber1001: But if you think about it Chain, wouldn't you want to protect your people from outsiders?

Eric Ravenwing: Enough arguing guys......we're getting near the tunnel going into Ravenloss.
Mritha: Just relax guys, were almost there, and we need for Greed to be eliminated all together!
Chisagen: I just hope there's a level 70 fish weapon!
All: *stare at chisagen*
Chisagen: ......what, o come on you just realize I have a thing for fish?
Prius: ....Just remember sergeant where you are on the totem pole!.....I will hurt you if I have to!
Chisagen: .....sorry.

Once the heroes are about to enter in the tunnel.....

Dornalca: Ok, guys we've made it!
Drake Amatsu: Right! Than it looks like we're ready to get started, Tomix will be looking for us as soon as we get down there, any questions?
Guthixnite: ...........I got one!!!!!!
Mechajin: Oh, here we go....
Guthixnite: Are we going to meet Tomix? I want to meet him, can I shake his hands, he's soooo awesome, I got a plushie named after him, he's the most best NPC in the world I want to be more like him, I wonder if he'll let me be a soulweaver....
All: *shake their heads at Drake*

Guthixnite is still going on about Tomix and how awesome he is...

Eric Ravenwing: Did you have to ask that.....especially after the Tomix point you made!????
Drake Amatsu: Sorry.......didn't think he was that crazy about him.

Guthixnite still going on about Tomix and how awesome he is...

Mechajin: OKOKOK.....Guth, not so many Tomix questions.....and for gosh sakes, if your going to be talking to Tomix tuck in that armor would you?
Guthixnite: *with a big grin on his face* Sir...yes sir!! hehehehe I can't wait to meet him!
Drake Amatsu: Can someone from the MOP look after him please?

3 people point at Mritha

Mritha: Oh, come on I looked after him last time.......
Mechajin: Fine, I'll do it, but just make sure you don't get in my way kid, and just leave me alone with my catapults......we got a bound, her and I.


Everyone turns around

Dornalca: What's wrong, Shinobi?
Eric Ravenwing: They made their choice, they choice to attack the heroes, and they choose to side with their evil queen.
G.I.G.A.: FINE THEN, lets make a vote. All who wish to slay the weavers, go into the tunnels, anyone else who think the weavers aren't the problem stay here.

The crowd is DEAD silent

Slowly people start moving towards the tunnels except 4 people..... G.I.G.A., Razen, Saber1001, and Mareth

Mritha: Come on, guys we need your help!
Kangi: /stick his hand out from going towards them They've made their choice youngling.
Mritha: But captain, please I don't want to leave anyone behind.....Drake please say something....

As all the heroes start going into the tunnels all but the captains and Drake stand there and look at the 4 who don't want to fight the weavers

Drake Amatsu: You....know, we could really use your help.
G.I.G.A.: We've made up our minds, sir, if you don't mind we don't wish to fight the weavers.
Prius: Sir, if I may, perhaps its best they stay here, you know, in case another Sneevil riot is to break out.
Eric Ravenwing: But they are too young, Prius, they would need more help.

Drake Amatsu: Captains, go into the tunnels and leave me with the 4.

Prius, Eric, Dornalca, and Kangi go into the tunnels as Drake moves closer to the confused members of the BOH

Drake Amatsu: Now guys, it's your choice. If you want to stay behind, so be it. I have no regrets, leaving you back on base. I'm sorry for what we have to do.
Saber1001: Than you know we can't help you. Good luck in the war, sir.
Drake Amatsu: Thanks soldier, and I'll see you all back at base, just remember that Greed will be gone forever.
Razen: Yeah, well good luck on....on...on your genocide....sir!

Drake shakes his head and walks into the tunnels, the four members start to walk back to the BOH tower together, that is until he appeared....

???: Greetings heroes, I just heard the bad news.
G.I.G.A.: Who are you?
Razen: Wait a second I remember you, aren't you....

Stephen Nix: Indeed, heroes it is I.
Saber1001: What do you want Nix?
Stephen Nix: I need help. The Chaosweavers from the underground need someone to defend them. The heroes are going after Greed and the weavers, but the key is if the weavers lose, they could become extinct all together.
Saber1001: Hold on, though aren't you helping him???
Stephen Nix: Now let me come clean with you heroes... I am sided with Greed Saber, I am technically a cause in this war, my penguins aid him. But I looked at this logically, and if the weavers lose their rights in this home, the Chaosweavers will cease to exist, and I'm trying to help them as well by defending them, but I don't have enough people to aid the cause!
Razen: Oh, so this time you don't want to fight the heroes, but you want to keep a race alive...I see now, you got quite the pickle there!
Stephen Nix: Please, heroes help me, I know you also care about them as much as I do.........we could use your help!
G.I.G.A.: But, Greed, he is our sworn enemy!
Stephen Nix: How true hero he is your enemy, but you won't even see him around, seeing as there is 2 towers one for Greed and one for the weavers! Now technically I am in both, but I side more with the weavers!
Saber1001: *Turns around* Well guys, should we help the weavers and fight off some heroes?
Mareth: I don't know this doesn't seem right? I think Drake and our Captains would have a field day with us if we sided with Nix.
Stephen Nix: ....even if it's for the right cause?
Razen: ....he's got a point, and not all the heroes are from the BOH and MOP.....we can get them for attacking the homes of the weavers.
Mareth: *sigh* Alright, Nix, you've convinced me....I'll do it.
Saber1001: The BOH is getting rid of the Chaos Weavers and I'm pretty sure this will suffer hugely in the balance theory all together. Ok I'm in!
G.I.G.A.: No tricks Nix?
Stephen Nix: No, no tricks, I promise! *Behind his back he crosses his fins*
G.I.G.A.: Than I'm in, where do we go Nix to get started?
Stephen Nix: Right through there guys, I'll be there i about 5 minutes!

The heroes walk into Nix's lair in Ravenloss

Stephen Nix: *On his mic* Come in Greed!
Greed: Yessssss, Nix?
Stephen Nix: I have 4 delusional heroes who think they can help the weavers.........our time has arrived, the war is about to begin, ahahahahhah this will be sooo easy, now that we have 4 heroes from the BOH!
Greed: How did you convince four heroesssssss to side with the weaversssssss?
Stephen Nix: Simple, I threw in dumb logic to confuse them into thinking the true enemies were the MOP and BOH! This war will be perfect for us, right on the money! The boss will be pleased for sure!
Greed: And......if we win, we will get promoted!
Stephen Nix: *Imagines his ice fortress with tons of fish lying around Nix as he lounges around* .......ahhhh, Heaven!
Greed: Now, get back to those heroes before they arise ssssssuspicion!

Completes Quest

nield -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 15:48:47)

WAR: The gift of the Gods

WAR. Know it. Love it.
War is a wondrous thing,
With sides to face as we see fit,
War is a majestic offering.

WAR. Where it comes from,
The Gods. it is their gift.
The give to us, by storm.
And direct us: Charge into the rift.

WAR. Ever raging, ever changing.
War is where men and women,
Become no more, a youngling.
No matter how many die, then.

WAR. WAR. WAR.........

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 15:59:14)

The Kaosu Flower

*While the other Beacons of Hope were fighting to stop Greed, Highlord Sendai was searching to save a rare race of Sneevils recently discovered in the underground city of RavenLoss, The Sneevmole.*

Chapter 0: The Alliance

Highlord Sendai: Turtledude...Turtledude!!!

*A turtle walks in, very slowly*

Turtledude: A Sneevil, what a unexpected surprise, shouldn't you be out stealing boxes right now.
Highlord Sendai: I'm afraid we have worse matters than that, a clan of Sneevils. Unbeknown to us, have been found. Unfortunately, we are at war in the Ravenloss, their home.
Turtledude: And...you come to me. What purpose to you have for doing this.
Highlord Sendai: I wish to discuss a pact with you, the Sneevils and the Turtles
*Another Sneevil walks in*as allies in war.
Turtledude: But why us...
Highlord Sendai: My adviser...advised of it...

Saiai bokkusu: I pick Turtles, because Green like Sneevils who are Green also Shells shiny, pwetty but not as pwetty as box.
Turtledude: I see...
Highlord Sendai: As a sign of our alliance, we will join in if ever you need a friend in battle. *Turtledude nods with intrest*
Highlord Sendai: So, do we have a deal?
Turtledude: It's a deal
Highlord Sendai: We must leave now, to continue the hunt for Sneevmoles. We'll return shortly.
*Sendai and Turtledude high five, then Sendai and Saiai Bokkusu leave. When Turtledude tries to put his paw back down, he falls on his side*
Turtledude: Help...anybody!!! HELP!!!

Chapter 1: A search for Sneevmoles

Hanto: Dirt Sneevils found, they have lots of boo boo's.

*Highlord Sendai looks at him, then grins*

Highlord Sendai: And where did you see him...
Hanto: Near house, attacked by Squigy Yellow Ghostie.
Highlord Sendai: Got it. Turtledude, ready?

*Turtledude slowly plods forward*

Turtledude: Yep, the Sneevil Chargers are ready for attack.

*The Turtles slowly wake in, with the Sneevils on their back*

Highlord Sendai: Lets move.

*Sendai runs out, slowly following his followers. Sendai arrives at the houses, with two on-foot soldiers. He attacks the Greedlings*

Greedling: *Meep*

*Sendai attacks once more, and the Greedlings collapse.*

Highlord Sendai: Sneevmoles. Where are you?

*Sendai turns to his soldiers*

Highlord Sendai: Check out the other houses, I'll look in here.

*Soldiers nod and run off, Sendai then walks into the house infront of him*

Highlord Sendai: I have boxes, pweety boxes. Just for you.

*He turns around, and see a person standing in the shadows.*

Highlord Sendai: Who's there?

*The person steps forward, to reveal a spy*

Megakyle777: ah, the Sneevil Highlord...what a pleasant surprise. No need to worry about your Sneevmoles, they're safe with us.
Megakyle777: *whisper* for now.
Highlord Sendai: Where are they?!
Megakyle777: We've taken them in for some simple questioning. They'll be fine, as long as they don't lie to us.
Highlord Sendai: But why...
Megakyle777: They know something about this Village that we don't and we plan to find out.
Highlord Sendai: Understood. But if you dare lay a finger on them I'll...
Megakyle777: Again, if they follow our rules. My men wouldn't dare touch them.
Highlord Sendai: See that you return them safety.

*Sendai turns to leave, but two spirits appear out of thin air and grab Sendai*

Megakyle777: I can't allow you to leave, not now...

*The Spirits drop Sendai on the ground, and while he is dazed, Megakyle knocks him out with a baseball bat and then whistles.*

Shadowbird1: SQUAWK!!!

*A Bird made entirely of Shadows flies in and grabs the two of them. The two Spirits turn into Smoke*

Turtledude: Sendai...Sendai...where are you?
Sneevil Guard: Look, I found evidence!

*They look at the card, it reads:
Processional Spy of Swordhaven

The rest is crossed out.*

Sneevil Guard: A trip to Swordhaven, I've always wanted to go...


Sneevil Guard: ...So many Boxes.
Turtledude: We're off the Swordhaven then, hop on...

*The Sneevil Guard jumps on Turtledude's back, and he runs off. The other Sneevil Guard runs off screen while this is happening, then Turtledude plods off.*

Chapter 2: Rescue!

*Sendai awakens in a Prison cell with nothing except a small box, a bed, sink with a small bar of soap on the side of it and a toilet. The steel door is thrown open, and Megakyle777 walks in*

Megakyle777: Sorry about earlier, but you see. I couldn't just take you, not with the Beacons alongside you.

*Sendai shoves himself towards Megakyle, but is pulled back by chains.*

Highlord Sendai: Why have you brought me here Kyle?
Megakyle777: Simple, the Oracle informed me of a terrible danger if you continued to battle for the Sneevmoles.
Highlord Sendai: I have yet to cause any non-box related problems to Lore, why would this time be any different.
Megakyle777: You see, not even the Oracle could predict that.
Highlord Sendai: But what of the Sneevmoles, they'll die without my protection.
Megakyle777: Let nature take it's course Sendai, they are destined to die. You were simply slowing the process.
Highlord Sendai: and what of the Sneevmoles they you took in for questioning.
Megakyle777: A simple mirage, created by my friend Trapper King to lure you to my trap.
Megakyle777: Now I must leave...I have a mission to complete, before the war ends.

*Megakyle walks out and slams the door, loud footsteps echo outside getting quieter with every step until their is silence. Sendai sits there, in silence for a few moments until...*


*A round hole, appears in the door. It then falls to the ground. Mritha walks in while Mechajin is blowing the Smoke from his Laser*

Highlord Sendai: Mritha...Mechajin...you found me. But how?
Mritha: The Sneevils and Turtles soon realized you were missing, they came to us for help. Eventually.
Mechajin: They realized that it would take ten weeks to reach Swordhaven from Pellow Village. Two of them probably spend trying to climb up the walls instead of taking the portal.
Highlord Sendai: Well, if one of you can cut the chains we can get going.

*Mechajin blasts the chains with his Laser. Sendai admires it while the chains are quickly falling apart*

Highlord Sendai: What is that thing?
Mechajin: Basically a Portable Catapult. It compresses the...
Highlord Sendai: I'm bored, lets go...

*The three run out, Sendai then returns, grabs the box and leaves again. The Guard grabs him and holds a knife to Sendai*

Highlord Sendai: PUT ME DOWN NOW, I DEMAND IT!
The Betrayer123: Um...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do right now. The book said nothing about escaping prisoners.
Highlord Sendai: You know, if you let me go right now I can go to the library and a pick up the book.
The Betrayer123: Sound fair, make sure you come back. I'd get in trouble if you don't...I think.

*The guard puts Sendai down and he runs, following after Mechajin and Mritha.*


Trapper King: My Box Cam works, as per usual.

*Trapper Laughs*

Trapper King: Kyle, you have a new mission. Get the Judgement Wheel and Capture Sendai.

Chapter 3: Under Judgement

*Highlord Sendai is back into finding the Sneevmoles, this time. He is challenged with finding a group of Sneevmoles in the town square but to avoid being spotted, he goes alone. A glowing golden light, more powerful than any seen previously is spotted*

Highlord Sendai: Whats happening here...

*He runs in to the Town Square and towards the source of the bright light. He see a wheel, the Judgement Wheel*

Highlord Sendai: The Judgement Wheel!

*A apparition appears*

Ki: I am Ki, the Spirit of the Future.
Highlord Sendai: Um...Hi...
Ki: I cannot stop you Sendai, I have not the power. But I have one warning!
Ki: ...make your wish. But remember, there can be no Chaos without it's Weaver!
Ki: Make the wrong wish, and you could possibly doom the planet.
Highlord Sendai: Can you not tell me what happens?

*Sendai waits for a answer, but Ki is gone*

Highlord Sendai: Ok...

*Sendai sighs and then touches the Judgement Wheel.*

Highlord Sendai: I wish for the Sneevmoles to be kept safe, and able to fend themselves from danger.

*The Judgement Wheel glows a brighter Gold than before. Sendai sees no changes in the world, except a small flower growing rapidly by his feet. Almost immediately after, Megakyle and Several Knights storm in. They do not realize the Judgement Wheel has been used*

Megakyle777: Men, it seems we've managed to complete our quest. Get him...

*The Knights grab Sendai and try to attach Handcuffs to him, but on their hurry. They accidently step on the flower, it opens it's self up and releases a Gas Cloud. Making everyone in the area, except Sendai choke. Some manage to escape from the scene and run far from the place, but others fall dead of the flower. When Sendai looks back he sees Megakyle has left, but that isn't the worst of his worries. He see that that one flower that was once there has multiplied into five.*

Highlord Sendai: This isn't what I wished for...

*Ki appears again*

Ki: The Wheel not only grants wishes, but also Judges them.
Ki: But I'm afraid your wish cannot be reversed without worst outcomes.
Ki: I must leave this place now, the upcoming events are too big for me to mess with.
Ki: I suggest you leave too...

*Ki vanishes, and Sendai walks away from the Hall*

Chapter 4: Nix

Happens after events in Nix's Story [Ongoing Saga]

*When Sendai has gone, Nix walks in and picks something of the ground*

Stephen Nix: This is it...
Stephen Nix: Who knew it would be Sendai, of all Sneevils, to help me...

*He raises his seed*

Stephen Nix: I think I'll call you,
Stephen Nix: The Kaosu Flower.

Next Up: The Kaosu Flower: Wacky Weeds

San Robin -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 16:16:03)

A message

Grabbing anything he likes,
Racing around pending town while his army strikes.
Everyone is trying to defeat.
Embodiments and greedlings to take the lead,
Defeating wave after wave.

Mole like sneevils help us in a cave.
Under the ground we fight!
Some heroes fight all night.
Taking a nap now and then.

Flames of war are burning inside all brave woman and man.
After a long time of fighting,
Later this war will be part of a lot of writing
Lets get this war done!

! Battle on!

savyer -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 16:32:20)

Savyer steped through the Gate into Pellow village. A macabre Scene of twisted bodies greeted him fighting had been have near the gate he observed. The area near the gate was oddly quite only the bodies littering the ground. He heard the sounds of war farther from the gate. As he headed towards the wargounds a small gang 5 of Under chaosweavers rushed out from a dark alley. He was suprised but only for moment . He pointed his hand at one and smiled as it aged rapidly till it fell to the grounds as dust and bleached bones. The other four paused eyeing him wearily. One raised his staff and shot a powerful bolt if magic of at him. He smiled that would not touch him. He slowed time and stepped out of the blots way. He suddenly disappered and apeared behind the small gang of Chaos weavers. They blinked once as his blade tore through them. He let out a breath as time returned tonormal. There was no way he was going to lose not when he had control over time.

gatormatt -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 18:16:12)

A Ranger sits in the hunters Paradise inn. He tells the children of the villege his stories from his past, The stories tale of battles with dragons wars with undead a boding with a dragon. The children beg for more stories so he told them, one day the childen asked for his best story so he told them the about the wars against the avatars of elements. He told Them about his unbelevieable courages and the courage of the other heroes. As he told this story some paladins passing through heard him.
Paladin1:Hello there!
Ranger:What do you want cant you tell i am telling a tale.
Paladin2:We Didn't mean to bother you
Ranger:Them why did ya
Paladin3: Well i am gonna asked it are you the Matthew Quickbow
Ranger:I got by Matt now
Paladin1: then you area aware of wahts going on in ravenloss
Matt: Yes
Paladin2: then why are you here
Matt: Because i am not the same person i once was
Paladin123:Yes You are
Matt: No i lsot my beloved Ashlee in battle And i swore never to fight again
Matt: A liitle of greed And Chaosweavers
Paladins Smile Then Here is your chance for revenge
Matt: Greed and VAALL here i come

Razen -> RE: =DF= Ravenloss War Stories and Poems 2011 (2/9/2011 21:05:27)

V.U.E.L.'s entry into an alliance with Vaal:

Vaal: What is this bizarre creature, it imitates other sentient beings, and attempts to claim a host, all at once.
V.U.E.L.: Arrgh...
Vaal: What was that, impostor of emotion?
*V.U.E.L. claims a host, and takes a humanoid form*
V.U.E.L.: I was trying to tell you, I am a parasitic creature created for war.
Vaal: How interesting...Can we converse more, as I feel we may help each other out well.
V.U.E.L.: If such is what you wish, I am used to abuse.
Vaal: Do you know of my creation, the Wheel of Judgement?
V.U.E.L.: I have been hearing much of it, so yes.
Vaal: Well, I believe you are the final piece for what I wish to accomplish.
V.U.E.L.: Now, what could that possibly be?
Vaal: I shall claim the greatness that I deserve.
V.U.E.L.: Oh, how so original of you.
Vaal: Well, I do not wish to do more than such, how is that unoriginal? To claim my destiny?
V.U.E.L.: Now, how can I assist one so great as yourself?
Vaal: Ah, we turn to how I prefer this now...
Vaal: Now, let us begin...
Vaal: You see, I had used my first wish upon the Wheel of Judgement, so I will have make a reasonable wish for me.
V.U.E.L.: But, why should I? What do I get out of this?
Vaal: Don't worry, my parasitic ally, you will get a deserving award...

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