=MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (Full Version)

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Alpha Atom -> =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 18:24:43)

Ooh that was a lame pun on my initals... >.> Well anyway, I'm gonna be a new AK around here by the looks of things. Just thought I'd post one of these to introduce myself, plus I'm superbored so some questions will be fun! :D I'm gonnnaa sayyy.... unlimited question limit, but only one per page ^_^ Soo uuhh have fun. And Khel, if you don't want it here, you can move it if you like.

I will be editing in: This colour! :O

Ask at will :o

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 18:38:10)

Crae! :D
Why didn't you tell me this earlier? T__T
Literally, you found out about 10 minutes after I did XD But I will be sure if anything important happens, I'll let you know first
You made me sad. I'll be back later once I'm done ;__;
D: sowwy *puppeh eyes*

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 18:38:54)

Hey Alpha!
Hi DigiX ^_^
Can i borrow some batteries for my tv remote?
Hmmm.. No. Bad pun gets no rewards.
Is it better if i stop with these battery puns?
Depends if you value your sanity.
What colour are your shackles?
Want to swap?
Never, it's a beautiful color.
Mcdonalds or KFC?
KFC all the way!
What is your favourite video game?
Probably... Team Fortress 2... it's a classic xD
All from me, cya around!

Dark Savant -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 18:39:32)

Don't eat with your mouth open.
Do you like alliterations?
How fast did I reply?
Too slow, three people beat you.
Really? Unlimited questions?
Indeed :D
I shall ask... Wait do you like references?
Over 9,000 questions! (minus about 8,990)

What is your name?
What is your quest?
To find the Holy Grail
What is the average wing velocity of a laden sparrow?
Getcho references right >.>
Which media do you like most out of these, Books, Video Games, or Movies?
Can you shoot lasers?
From every orifice
Do you know how lasers work?
Wikipedia does
What exactly is your element?
Alrighty then, Bye!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 18:46:25)

Greetings Lorian Archknight, I see you are getting comfy and used to your cell no?
Indeed, I have fashioned an armchair out of pieces of chalk.
What is your favorite animal?
Pandas are cute, but dogs are cooler
How much soda do ye drink in a day?
About one glass
Which do you prefer Healthy happy snacks or Sugary, sweet snacks?
Sugary sweet all the way! :D
Who invented the geometrical designs we see today that involves the complex plane? (Hint Think of a Johnathan Coulton song)
No idea what that means ^_^
Which team would you like to be on Team Victory? Team Oppertunity? or Team GoodGollyGoshGoodnessI'mInsaneARGH!?
Team GoodGollyGoshGoodnessI'mInsaneARGH!
Which AQW Outfit would you present yourself in at a Live Voltaire Concert(by live I mean on the aqw stage)
No class xD
What words of inspiration do you have for any writers out there?
Write stuff... 'cause it's good for you!
And finally What is your favorite type of dragon?
Ones that don't eat me o.o

Solar Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 19:41:58)

Can't believe I didn't see this coming <.>
Get a better crystal ball.
yergfdsfsdfs :DDD
sfdsfsdfgrey :DDD
That's all! Have a good one. :D
Thanks and bai :D

Hogo -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 19:42:05)

Hiyaz Alpha Atom!
Hullo, and thanks for the colour codes! <3
Thanks :D
I actually wrote a huge question list for you but miraculously I managed to delete it really weirdly so it dissappeared forever :(
Majicks :o
Imma try again :)
Ow :3
Why do people call you Matt?
'Cause it's my name :P
If I were to make you a super mountain sized ice cream sundae, what flavour would it be?
Strawberry :o Strawberry ice-cream is the bestest!
Sharks or ponies?
Sharks >:D
Do. You. Like. Coffeeeeeeeee!?
If yes, what kind? (Cappuccino, espresso, etc.)
Latte/Espresso, depends
Velociraptor or T-rex?
Raptors all the way xD
If freedom were a colour which would it be?
It would be #FF3300
Where do penguins rank on your list of awesome animals?
Doesn't even qualify umm... somewhere around middleish xD
If I asked you to make a super awesome penguin siggy for me, would you?
I might try :o
What bird has the longest wingspan in the world?
Wandering Albatross
Which is the only mammal which lays eggs and is poisonous as well?
I dunno but it looks like a platypus or something... actually I think it is a platypus.
Did you know that elephants have the greatest memory of all mammals that have been tested?
Nope xD
Why do you make art?
'Cause it's fun :D
If you were a superhero, which colour spandex would you wear?
Black n' gold xD
Imma stop before you start hating me :P See you on the next page!
Hehe, see you on the next page xD

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 19:44:36)

Hey Matt.
*removes AA batteries*
I has backup nuclear battery from Artemis Fowl :O
So.. are you a robot?
Nope, but I need batteries due to an accident I had when I was 7.
Anyways, congratz and good luck!
Thanks :D
See you around. :)
Baibai ^_^

Khimera -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 19:51:38)

MATT! :O Congratulations!
Why did Vez know before me? ._.
'Cause he found out by magicks and some other stuff too :o
And, uh, I hope this won't interfere with that RPG script >.>;
Shouldn't do, I hardly do any work on it anyway xD
Anyway, congratulations and such. Have fun being all AK-y with your... AK-yness.
Thanks again xD

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 19:58:49)

Hello and congratulations!
Hullo! And thank you :)
Unlimited questions? :o
Yeppers :D
Time for an OOC style shakedown.
Oh noes?
1. Favorite quote?
Go back a little to leap further. -John Clarke
2. Do you think that humans would will ever be ruled by computers voluntarily (e.g. Magi supercomputer system) or involuntarily (e.g. Matrix style takeover)?
Matrix style, perhaps, but not voluntarily o.o
3. Favorite sport?
4. What's your zodiac sign (under the Tropical zodiac, not the crazy new one everyone's jumping on based on constellations >.>)?
Gemini then
5. Who will win the Super Bowl (even if you don't care about American football)?
Who's in it? xD
6. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Half full
7. Have you noticed that I can't come up with original questions yet?
I had actually :3
8. Who is the character in my avvy?
I have no idea, plus I can't see your avatar from the edit message windowy thing.
9. In the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny, if Mr. Rodgers were removed from the field who would win?
Well, it would have quite clearly been the dude in the DeLorean.
10. Are you an animal, vegetable, mineral, other, or unknown?
11. Is it a trap?
I hope not D:
12. Is it a lie?
Is it a cake?
13. Is it over 9000?
I don't know D: These questions are too hard D:
14. Apples to apples time! The green card is "distinguished." You have a "create your own card" card. What do you play?
The green one!
I'm running out of questions so...

15. Which of the above questions were NOT stolen OOC topics (bonus points if you can answer this without going to the board)?
8,9,10,11,12,14 - I didn't go to the board either :3 But it might be wrong :o
See ya around!
Indeed, see you around ^_^

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 20:11:17)

bad title pun indeed...
Oooh but you love it really
so youre allowing unlimited questions?
Yep funfunfunfun xD
thats not too easy...and beware of the one who will have like 20 questions for you in the future :O
Already had Xplayer with 15 :o And Hogo with many.
well, gratz on becoming an AK!
Thanks :D
i guess you're replacing shadowed1
Ooh no I couldn't possibly replace tesswan :3
CA AKs dont come along very often...
well, i'll see you around!
Cya round, bye ^_^
bye then!

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 20:11:21)

Hello! Thanks for the italics :3
Unlimited questions, eh? Have fun with that. <_<
I will xD Questions are fun :P
I've got one question.

Would triple A batteries work on you?
Of course not D:<
Congratulations and have fun.. or else. :3
:o Will do xD Thanks

Jokester -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 20:46:44)

Thanks :D
<Insert lame pun on the pun you made about AA batteries here>
*hands cookie for not actually punning*
Good Luck!
Thanks again :D
Bye :)

Ashari -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 20:47:52)

Ooh, I nearly missed a MtaK!

Heya Matt! Congratulations on your AKship.
Hiya! And thanks :D
Any connection between your name and Atom Ant? :3
Nope xD I dunno who Atom Ant is :S
I'd keep going, but I see Xplayer1 already gave you the brutal rundown. I'll give ya a break! [;)]
Yay! Thanks :D
Have fun in this little artsy corner... I might come and visit one day.
Will do, and you should come and visit :3
Ciao and Good Luck!
Thanks :D And bai :D

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 21:16:30)

Hey Alpha!
Hey Zhukai!
Thankies :D
Nothing much to say really... Good luck! :)
Hehe, thanks again :D

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 21:36:26)

Nice job Matt it's always nice to see a familiar face AKing ^_^
Thanks :D
Good luck and all that stuff :P

:P Thanks again xD

Artemisia -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 21:39:23)

Just wanted to wish you... Merry times? Trying to be original. [&:]
XD Thanks :)

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/14/2011 22:05:09)

Hi Matt!
I totally saw this coming.
Well, congrats or getting AK, and good luck!
Thanks :D :D
~Alpha Atom

Ronin -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 1:48:00)

Matt...this was expected. Hope you don't stop tagging or teaching ME to tag though.
Was it? But no, I'll never stop tagging, or teaching ^_^
Gratz! ^_^ Question hour!
1) Enjoy being an AK?
Yep :P
2) How old are you? :P
A million!
3) Male or Female?
Male - Did you not know? xD

Knew that before. Just playing around with you. *No doing anything bad to me...*

Thanks ;3

Axios -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 5:20:02)

Hehe, heyas Alpha Atom!
Welcome aboard!
Thanks :D
Shackles fitting nicely?
Indeed, don't tell Elnaith but they're actually a little loose :3
Enjoying the mass chaos?
Indeed, very fun :D
Hehe, that's all from me, for now..
Ohnoes :o...for now xD
Oh yeah, watch out for the.. You'll see..

:O * Alpha_Atom is scared D:

Also, most all(D:) of it's in bold, but it's not my fault and I'm too lazy to fix it D:

Driger89 -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 7:17:10)

gratz. now make some tags.
XD I made a tag, check out mah gallery :P Thanks anyway :P

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 7:31:20)

Hiya's, Alpha Atom. I like your title by the way. :P
Haha! Silleh puns :D
Congratulations on your promotion!
Thankies ^_^
Take a cookie! That's all from the one called Laos, Cya.
/me inspects the cookie and then noms happily ^_^
~Alpha Atom

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 7:44:45)

*Snugglehugs Matt* <3
*snugglomps teh Zyrain* <3
No questions... Yet.
Yet :o scared D:
I'm just dropping by to say congratulations and I told you so. ;)
Lies, xD Thanks though :P

Gibby -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 7:47:10)

Congrats AA.
Thanks! :D
you're superbored? well... can't let that happen then.
How do you make a slow AK fast?
Cookies, lots and lots of cookies ^_^
Can skating on thin ice get you into hot water?
Ummm... uhhh yeah XD
Is what a bullfighter does avoidable?
Of course :o Otherwise... it would be dead :o
How do you feel about hyperbole?
It's overused, everyone uses it ALL the time, EVERY post on the forums has hyperbole >.>
Is making macaroni a good way to pasta time?
Now THAT is using your noodle.
That'll do. Congrats again.
Thanks xD I like the puns :P

PyroPuppy -> RE: =MtAK= Powered by AA Batteries (1/15/2011 8:17:39)

DUDE! You are AK!
Supercool questions:
So... AK... How is it?
It's fun, but there was much reading to do D:
Why orange?
Because... it looked cool xD
Why italic?
Because bold is too mainstream
If you had one cookie, what will you do with it?
Eat it! :D
Can I be an AK too?

Pretty pwease with ice cream on top?

So... Cya ya later, and good luck with your new AK, and congratulations!
Thanks :D Cya around and on IRC ;3

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