Future of mage strength builds? (Full Version)

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Ultimate High Lord -> Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:42:03)

I was thinking about the fact that mercs and bounty hunters have strength builds, but mages don't. (Well, we do, but they are not any good)
The reason for this is that mages dont have a powerful skill that increases with strength.

Bounty hunters: Massacre= very powerful; can't be used with rage; unlockable.
Mercs: Berzerker= very powerful; can be used with rage; blockable.

Bludgeon is not in the same category as Massacre and Berzerker. It is in the same category as double strike and cheap shot which are ofcourse, less powerful.

My solution to this is to make Supercharge increase with strength. It would be:
Supercharge= very powerful; can't be used with rage; unblockable...
Just like Massacre.

Thanks to TurkishIncubus for giving me the idea on another thread.

Any comments? Please discuss.

Please use this Tech Mage builds and skills discussion instead. ~AVA

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:45:39)

:D Like i said If Admins make it increase with STR that will bring a mage STR build and make SC a usefull skill than 3 classes will have STR builds fast and high win rate

I support absolutely

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:47:46)

str mages fail cause they dun have a phy/tech good staff that fits the str build. if a str mage have a staff he can use assimilation. and some other unblockable spells. mage also need some more skill to improve with str inorder for a str mage to be possible.

Pyronix15 -> RE: Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:48:11)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're skills improve with tech.

Wouldn't logic dictate that a full malf 90 tech/support build able to pull off the same damage in 4 turns as a 90 attack/dex bounty biuld?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:52:57)

^ the thing is Tech dont increase a Non energy atck like (strike , gun , aux) if we look at the oped builds. STR increase Strike and Masacre , Support Merc - Aux +artilary for a good build we need support increase skill or str

Pyronix15 -> RE: Future of mage strength builds? (1/25/2011 13:55:20)

Tech increases bot attacks.

Further more, Mercs rely on primaries/secondaries because our skills correlate directly to those.

Regardless of weather or not a mage is using a level 1 or 30 staff, the damage he inflicts with overload is constant......hmmm.......

You know, maybe that should be changed.....

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