[Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> [Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (1/26/2011 14:41:41)

Comment thread: here

«Scene: Gray background. Uldor is on the left, talking.»

Sage Uldor: The world is changing.
Sage Uldor: I smell it in the blinding smoke.
Sage Uldor: I see it in the bright lightning.
Sage Uldor: I taste it in the muddy waters.
Sage Uldor: I hear it in the icy winds.
Sage Uldor: I feel it in the Aether.
Sage Uldor: Ever since Vanatia’s assault on Lore, magic has waned upon the planet.
Sage Uldor: Randor the Nova Knight even came from a possible future to tell us that magic will have faded in 1000 years’ time.
Sage Uldor: We must stop this fading. Now.

1. The World is Changing
2. Water
3. Light
4. Earth
5. Fire
6. Wind
7. Ice
8. Darkness
9. Energy
10. The End

(Tentative Table of Contents)

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: ArchMagus Orodalf's [Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (1/26/2011 14:42:43)

The World is Changing: Introduction

«Scene: Battleon»

«You»: A normal day in Battleon.
«You»: Wait… there’s most definitely no such thing.

«Cyrus flies into the scene on the back of one of his Dragon friends.»

Cyrus: Indeed. Even now, something strange is afoot.
«You»: Whoa! Cyrus! Why, what’s happening?
Cyrus: Draschemus requests your help once again. Come with me to his all-Dragon settlement.

  • Fight with Lord Cyrus's help!
  • Fight by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES: Wind-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Wind-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Dwarfhold Mountains, where Draschemus stands, upright.»

    Draschemus: Ah, Lord Cyrus, «You». You have come as requested.
    «You»: When any worthy creature requests my help, I will happily lend it.
    Draschemus: Indeed; we have had more than a fair share of your help in the past.
    Draschemus: This time, however, I feel that we need your help more than ever.
    Draschemus: We dragons, as you know, are one of the most magical creatures on Lore. This is not a boast; it is magiscientific truth.
    Draschemus: Even so, members of my group of reasoned dragons have felt their magic waning of late.
    Draschemus: This is more serious than it seems. Though you humans use magic to improve your lives, we dragons have biological functions that depend solely on our magic.
    Draschemus: For example, I cannot fly without the use of magic, for my wings alone are not proportioned properly to lift a body like mine.
    Draschemus: Water dragons cannot breathe underwater without magic, because they have no adaptations like gills that allow them to do so, and so on.
    «You»: But then why have you called ME here? My magical knowledge is fairly limited. Beleqwaya and Kalanyr haven't begun to teach ArchMagic yet, so I understand such topics only peripherally.
    Cyrus: In that case, we should head to an Archmage with knowhow. Let us see Warlic-- perhaps he and Sage Uldor in town can give us an idea of what's happening.
    «You»: Goodbye, Draschemus. We will return with news of a reason and a cure.

      2 BATTLES: Wind-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Wind-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Warlic's Shop»

    Warlic: Welcome to my magic shop. Here, you can learn new spells, undertake arcane quests, and even use the magic mirror to change your appearance.
    «You»: Must you say that every time I come into your shop? It gets tiresome.
    Warlic: The world is not entirely about you, «You». There are new heroes that come from time to time.
    «You»: And you can't tell using your magic a seasoned hero like me from a newbie?
    Warlic: I am a Mage, «You», not a Sage. The titles may rhyme, but they are not synonymous.
    Warlic: I assume that you had a reason for coming, aside from insulting my repertoire?
    Cyrus: Indeed. There is something strange afoot... come with us to the Inn, where we may consult a Sage in conjunction with a Mage.
    «You»: *Stifles a laugh*
    Warlic: *grumble*

    «Scene: Yulgar's Inn, room on the right, where Sage Uldor is»

    Sage Uldor: Cyrus, Warlic, «You». I sense an aura of foreboding around your persons...
    «You»: When you put it that way...
    Cyrus: Later, «You». First, to the problem at hand.
    Cyrus: Warlic, Uldor, there is something wrong with the Dragons' magic. Draschemus tells me that his Dragons all feel different, as if there were a damper on their powers.
    Warlic: And you didn't realize what's happening, «You»?
    «You»: How should I have? As I said to Draschemus, I have limited magical knowledge; you've had around 5000 years of experience, on the other hand!
    Warlic: Nonetheless, you should have recognized the symptoms. Do you remember Randor?
    «You»: The Nova Knight from the future that came to the past to prevent the last Dragon from dying in 1000 years? Ye--
    «You»: -- Oh no! You don't mean--
    Warlic: -- Yes, unfortunately, I do. Do you remember what he said?
    Warlic: "The magical core of Lore expended much of its power during the time of the WarpForce, in defense of the planet against the Engine of Destruction."
    Warlic: "The most magical creatures were the first to feel the change."
    «You»: Then... that's what's happening? Dark Madder just recently used her weapon against us, so--
    Cyrus: -- so the Dragons are now feeling the strain.
    «You»: But then our problem should be solved, right? We gave O'Scar a second soul, so that should be enough to prevent the Dragons from dying out 1000 years from now.
    Sage Uldor: 1000 years? No. I have a Feeling that we have far, far less than that...
    «You»: But how is that possible? Randor came with knowledge from the future!
    Sage Uldor: But only a future. To him, this is the only past, and the changes he makes will affect his present.
    Sage Uldor: To us, however, things may still happen differently; the time stream can still take other paths.
    Sage Uldor: As I look ahead, however... I do not see Randor's path. I only see imminent danger...
    Warlic: What lies ahead, O Sage?
    Sage Uldor: I see a world without magic, utterly devastated, utterly lifeless but for those who had the technology to survive.
    «You»: Do you see a solution?
    Sage Uldor: It would not be so easy, «You». Our problems we must still solve for ourselves, even if I may see them coming.
    Warlic: And solve this problem we must. If I were you, «You», I would begin by alerting your fellow Adventurers and Guardians and then organizing a way to help all of those in the world who need.
    Warlic: Drakel technology may help us in the short run...
    Cyrus: But for the long run, we must still find a solution.
    Warlic: Yes. As you travel the world, I will gather the other Archmagi.
    Warlic: Meet us on Paxia when the world is fairly stable. There, we will consult with the clan leaders and think of a solution...

    «Warlic fades from the scene.»

    «You»: When the WORLD is fairly stable? How can a bunch of Heroes keep watch over an entire planet?
    «You»: *sigh* What a way to go...

  • ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: ArchMagus Orodalf's [Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (1/27/2011 11:18:42)


    «Scene: Battleon. «You» come out of the Mage Shop, and then Aquella enters the scene.»

    Aquella: «You»! Just the person I needed to see.
    «You»: Aquella, it's nice to see you, too! Why did you need to see me?
    Aquella: Things aren't going well underwater... the Mermazon and Sarkanian nations are on the brink of war.
    «You»: *mutters* Why am I not surprised...
    Aquella: What was that?
    «You»: Nothing!
    Aquella: Hmm... In any case, I think it has something to do with the loss of magic you, Warlic, and Uldor were discussing.
    «You»: How did you know about that?
    Aquella: I have psionic abilities, remember? Now come with me.
    Aquella: I promised to meet Jacques, Princess Sherah, and Prince Merris at the Pheron's Cavern to discuss the problem.
    «You»: Then let's go!

      2 BATTLES: Earth-element RA monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Water-element RA monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Water-element RA monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Pheron's Cavern. The four water dwellers float while «You» stand on the sea floor.»

    «You»: Jacques! Princess! Prince! How have you been?
    Sherah: Wonderfully until now, «You», thanks for asking.
    Merris: Indeed. Until now, we thought we were heading toward peaceful times between our nations...
    Jacques: Ever since the War of the Maelstrom, Sherah and Merris have been acting as ambassadors between the Mermazon realm and the Sarkanian kingdom.
    Sherah: We thought it would not only improve our chances of getting married, but also make safe the Great Sea.
    Jacques: It would have indeed... but now the two nations are at war again because--
    «You»: -- Because of waning magic.
    Merris: No, because-- Oh, you're right. How did you know?
    «You»: The entire world's magic is waning, Merris; how could I not know?
    «You»: Can we be more specific, though?
    Jacques: Yes, "we" can. The two kingdoms are each accusing the other of stealing magic.
    «You»: How is that even possible?
    Aquella: Trust me, it is.
    «You»: But why is this magic so important?
    Aquella: Because, like Water Dragons, Mermazons and Sarkanians lack gills. The only way they can live underwater is through their magical ability.
    Aquella: With no magic, they can't survive...

    «Pheron enters.»

    Pheron: And neither can the Pheron.
    «You»: Whoa! Pheron, don't scare me like that!
    Pheron: If the Pheron were not certain of your mental capability to accept the scare, the Pheron would not have scared you.
    «You»: Fair enough.
    Pheron: The Pheron's Water Orb is failing; the Pheron cannot survive without elemental Water Magics to feed on.
    Pheron: The Pheron will die if a solution is not found.
    «You»: When Magic fails... we must look to SCIENCE.
    «You»: I will be back, guys. Aquella and I need to see a certain Drakel to see if he can make something for you...
  • Fight with Aquella's help!
  • Fight by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      2 BATTLES: Water-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Earth-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Vince's Room on the Isle d'Oriens. «You», Vince, and Aquella stand, conversing.»

    Vince: ... So let me get this straight. The magic in this world is fading and you need my help to create technological solutions on the interim?
    «You»: Yep, that's about right.
    Vince: And the first order of business is to create breathing devices for the entire Mermazon and Sarkanian nations.
    Aquella: And to create a way of cracking Elemental Water energy from the Sea to feed the Pheron.
    Vince: I think I can make something...
    Aquella: Good. When you're done, I will deliver your inventions to the Sea myself, to stop the incoming war and to help the Pheron.
    Aquella: «You», there are probably others that need your help.
    «You»: Indeed, but I must first make sure that the creation of these inventions runs smoothly.
    Vince: What a good idea. «You», do you think you could get me a few things that I need for my machines?
    «You»: Sure, Vince; what exactly do you need?
    Vince: Well, everything I need is in this room-- somewhere-- so you just need to look.
    Vince: Specifically, I need my box of plastic tubing, my water purifier, and my thingamajigamabob.
    «You»: Any descriptive hints?
    Vince: Well, the tubing obviously just looks like plastic tubing.
    Vince: The water purifier looks like a blender filled with water.
    Vince: The thingamajigamabob looks like a tangle of wire arranged in the shape of a crab.
    «You»: Okay, Vince, I'll get searching.

    You've found the tubing!

    You've found the purifier!

    You've found... something...

    «You»: Vince! I think I've found everything you need!

    «Vince re-enters with Aquella.»

    Vince: The tubing, the purifier... even the thingamajigamabob! Perfect! I'll get started right now.

    «Vince leaves.»

    Aquella: You needn't stay here any longer, «You»; the people of Lore need you.
    ???: (from offscreen) «You», I require your help!
    «You»: Right now, apparently. I'll see you later, Aquella.
    «You»: Good luck getting the machines to the Sea!

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  • ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: ArchMagus Orodalf's [Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (1/27/2011 12:20:14)


    Warlic the Archmage and Sage Uldor have told you that Lore's magic is disappearing and that the world will be destroyed unless a solution is found. Just recently, you found a solution to one of the world's many problems, but it appears that there are more...

  • Continue

  • «Scene: Isle d'Oriens, Vince's room. Naab walks in as «You» and Aquella talk.»

    «You»: Naab! Long time no see!
    Naab: Indeed, «You», but I have no time to exchange pleasantries.
    Naab: After the Shadow Master was killed by Nightbane, I was free to leave from Safiria's dungeons, so I journeyed back to Skraeling, where I last saw my clan.
    Naab: When I reached my clan... I realized that something terrible had happened to them.
    Naab: They could not speak to me, and they seemed terribly shriveled... almost as though they had no water to drink for a long time!
    Naab: I ran to Battleon, and there I was told that you would be here.
    «You»: Hmm... odd. I thought it would be something along the lines of "they lost their magic."
    Naab: Why would that be so?
    «You»: It's a long story... Lead me to your clan in Skraeling, and I will help as best as I can.
    «You»: Aquella, good luck.
    Aquella: Good luck to you, too, «You».

      2 BATTLES: Earth-element RA monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Light-element RA monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Light-element RA monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Skraeling Desert, where Bandaru and several other Cyclopes lay on the ground.»

    Bandaru: Nuh... uh...
    «You»: What's that?
    Bandaru: W... at... er...
    «You»: Good thing I always carry extra...

    ««You» raise your hands and the "Riptide" animation ensues. After its end, the Cyclopes get up.»

    Bandaru: Thank you, «You». I knew we did right when provided you with an Orb of Light.
    «You»: What's wrong, Bandaru? Why are you and your clan so dehydrated? I thought you guarded most of the available water in the Desert!
    Bandaru: We did indeed, but that is because we always had a way to replenish our supply.
    Bandaru: Whenever our stocks became low, we went searching for oases in which we may replenish them.
    Bandaru: Recently, however... our magic has waned.
    Naab: !!! «You», didn't you mention something about waning magic?
    «You»: Yes. It's been happening all over Lore. I've been traveling, trying to help all those who need it to sort out their magical problems.
    «You»: But what does disappearing magic have to do with ability to find water?
    Bandaru: We Cyclopes have only one eye. You human types have two.
    «You»: Obvious enough. Continue.
    Bandaru: You don't understand-- Normally, TWO eyes are required for a being to perceive depth.
    Bandaru: Cyclopes have innate magic that functions to give our one eye to perceive depth and the future.
    Bandaru: Without this magic... we could not find water.
    «You»: Then, Naab, how did you survive?
    Naab: «You», I don't know if you know this, but I'm blind. I use my other senses to survive.
    «You»: That explains why you were content to stay in Safiria's dirtiest dungeons...
    «You»: All right, so that adds things to the list... But first thing's first:
    «You»: We must find you water. I know of a place nearby in Yenghaland that may be of some use to you--
    «You»: -- The Well of the Water Lord's Tears.
    Bandaru: A good idea... but is the Well not guarded?
    «You»: It was, but I slew the Energy Dragon that wrested the Well from its proper guardian, so she should be happy to help me in this.
    «You»: Besides, she is an Avatar of the Lord of Water-- surely she would see the need?
    Bandaru: Not if she's gone like us-- then she wouldn't be able to see at all...

      2 BATTLES: Light-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES: Light-element RA Monsters
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Well of the Water Lord's Tears. The well is considerably smaller than when «You» saw it last.»

    «You»: Nalu! Where are you?

    «Nalu appears, composed of much less water than previously.»

    «You»: Nalu! What's happened? You look terrible!
    Nalu: Magic is--
    «You»: --fading, yes, but surely yours would persist? You're a Sentinel of the Water Realm!
    Nalu: Even a Sentinel's magic is constrained by the magic available on a planet.
    Nalu: When worlds are created, for example, Avatars of the Lords must use the Engine of Creation to change their magic into the elemental forces required to create a planet.
    Nalu: In regions without magic, We, too, are helpless...
    Nalu: Why are you here, «You»? Have you come to help?
    «You»: I come to help, yes, but to help these Cyclopes. Their magic, too, has failed them-- they can no longer see correctly and cannot find water.
    Nalu: Then they may replenish their supply here, for now. Eventually, this Well will dry and the Desert will become barren--
    Nalu: -- For not only is it a source of power for my Lord's followers, it is also the source of the power of Water over the entire Desert.
    «You»: Is there no way to fix it?
    Nalu: No, there is not... but it will be some time before it fails completely.
    Nalu: For now, I will let the Cyclopes remain here, for this is all of Lore's problems, and we must help all those in need.
    «You»: Thank you, Nalu. For now, I must be off-- others may need my help.
    Bandaru: «You», receive now my blessing and pray that this calamity ends...

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: ArchMagus Orodalf's [Quest] (AQ/WF) Rejuvenation Saga (2/6/2011 17:12:55)


    From the Well of the Water Lord's Tears in Yenghaland, you traveled West to avoid crossing the mountains to return to Battleon. While traveling in Greenguard, you meet unexpected resistance...

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest»

    «You»: *sigh* The world is ending... What am I to do? What is anyone to do without magic?
    ???: (from off-screen) It's «You»! Get him!

    If you are Chaotic (+6 or lower alignment):
      «You»: Magic or not, we still have to fight, it seems...

      «Scene: Still Greenguard. The ground is strewn with bodies of the Orcs you slew. In front of you stands an Orc Mage.»

      «You»: Now, tell me what you want, foul Orc.
      Orc Mage: Raargh... stupid Humie. You t'ink all Ulgathi foul?
      «You»: Every Orc I've met was foul, violent, and hateful.
      Orc Mage: Raargh... And what you t'ink we t'ink of Humie?
      Orc Mage: All you be racist... t'ink Orc have no culture, t'ink Orc brutish...
      Orc Mage: All you Humie kill us Orc! What you expect we do to you?
      Orc Mage: All t'at left of beautiful Orc in Greenguard be Gulgin Dar...
      «You»: Gulgin Dar? What be-- I mean, what's that?
      Orc Mage: Gulgin Dar be Ulgathi village... Chieftain Margu tell me get you to Gulgin Dar, but you kill my brot'ers...
      «You»: I'm sorry. I should have learned from the coming of The'Galin.
      «You»: You said your Chieftain wanted to see me?
      Orc Mage: Yes... Come to Gulgin Dar. Chieftain want see you.
      Orc Mage: My name be Grishkh.
      «You»: My name is «You». Once again, I apologize sincerely.
      Grishkh: Raargh... I not 'cept apology. I 'cept action...

    If you are Unified (+7 or greater alignment):
      «You»: Perhaps I should wait to see whom it is before I pass judgment.

      «Grishkh and his company of Orcs enter the scene.»

      Orc Mage: Well met, «You». I be hearinh great t'ings 'bout you from my Chieftain.
      «You»: Well met. Who are you to be seeking my presence?
      Grishkh: I be Grishkh, son of Grashkh. T'ese be my brot'ers.
      Grishkh: Our Chieftain, Margu, be telling us to get you to Gulgin Dar.
      «You»: Who is Gulgin Dar?
      Grishkh: *laughs* Gulgin Dar no being. Gulgin Dar be last Ulgathi outpost in Greenguard.
      Grishkh: Chieftain want see you.
      «You»: Why Chieftain want-- I mean, why does your Chieftain want to see me?
      Grishkh: I not know, but what Chieftain wants, we will be doing. Even if need force...
      «You»: Er... that won't be necessary! Take me to Gulgin Dar.

    «Scene shows «You» and Grishkh leaving to the right.»

    ???: (from off-screen) Oh-ho... An Ulgathi leading a Humie to Gulgin Dar? This is new...

    «Scene blacks out, and then fades in Gulgin Dar.»

    Grishkh: This be Gulgin Dar. Chieftain be in t'at long house.
    «You»: Thank you for leading me here, Grishkh.

    If you are Chaotic (+6 or lower alignment):
      Grishkh: Grrr...

      «Grishkh leaves.»

      «You»: Perfect. A diplomatic mistake a day keeps a hero from pay...

    If you are Unified (+7 or greater alignment):
      Grishkh: *pause* You no be like ot'er Humie. You be respecting t'e Ulgathi.
      Grishkh: I be respecting you, too, Humie.

      «Grishkh leaves.»

    «Scene shows you entering the long house. In the long house, an old Orc sits at a long table, waiting for «You».»

    «You»: Hello there. Are you Chieftain Margu?
    Margu: Gulak Dimargi. Yes, I am.
    «You»: Gulak... what?
    Margu: "Gulak Dimargi." It is a High Orcish way of wishing you a good morning.
    «You»: Well, then, Gulak Dimargi. Why did you call me--

    «Culak enters.»

    Culak: He called you here at my request.
    «You»: Culak!

    If you are Chaotic (+6 or lower alignment):
      Culak: Grishkh was very upset by your slaughter of his friends.
      Margu: !!! Culak...
      Culak: Do not worry, father. This is «You», the hero of Battleon... Even if they have a few personality flaws, they will be an asset in the days to come.
      «You»: Once again, I apologize. I did not know that Orcs were so... civilized.
      Margu: And so hold many of your race. I do not blame our racial feud on you, yet you must learn to be more open-minded.
      «You»: Yes, sir. Now, how may I help you?

    If you are Unified (+7 or higher alignment):
      Culak: Grishkh tells me great things about your respect for our kind. For that, I, too, respect you.
      Margu: It seems you were right in asking «You» to come to Gulgin Dar.
      «You»: Thank you for thinking so highly of me, Chieftain, Culak.
      «You»: Now, how may I help you?

    Margu: I have not called you here for your help; instead, Culak requested that I offer my help to you.
    Margu: Kendrel of the Elani of Greenguard has made me aware of the waning magic of the world.
    «You»: !!! How did Kendrel know?
    Margu: He said that your Mage, Warlic, went to his settlement, telling the Elven magi of this fact.
    «You»: Ah, Warlic must be traveling to alert more than just the Archmagi.
    «You»: In any case, Margu, I accept your help. We must stay united in the days to come.
    ???: (from off-screen) Indeed, «You», indeed.

    «Kendrel enters.»

    If you are Chaotic (+6 or lower alignment):
      Kendrel: Yet there are those that would say that your slaughter of the Orcs would belie such a statement.
      «You»: Kendrel... Yet another one to berate me for my choice. I have apologized profusely at this point; will there be no end to such apologies?
      Kendrel: Four lives taken by your hand in cold blood and you ask for forgiveness.
      Margu: Calm yourself, Kendrel. No doubt Grishkh will settle the score on his own, but for now we must ready ourselves for the storm...
      «You»: Is there any way in which I can help?
      Kendrel: The Ulgathi and Elani are like you, Humie. Our survival does not rely on magic. We will not need help, for we will be able to procure our own necessities by ourselves.
      Margu: Kendrel...
      Kendrel: Sorry. As I was saying, Culak and Grishkh will go with you on your journey, and I will stay in Greenguard, helping both the Ulgathi and Elani in the days to come.
      Kendrel: Find a solution, «You»... and be wary that your stereotypes do not cause a premature death.

      «Kendrel leaves.»

      «You»: ...
      Culak: He is ever the dramatic.

    If you are Unified (+7 or higher alignment):
      Kendrel: You are a true agent of Unity in your willingness to aid all of the races of Lore in times like these.
      Kendrel: I, too, place my respect with you.
      «You»: And I in you, Kendrel. Are you absolutely certain that my help is unneeded to both the Ulgathi and the Elani of Greenguard?
      Margu: You need not worry, «You». The Ulgathi and Elani are like you; our survival does not rely on magic alone.
      Margu: Thus, Kendrel will remain behind as a diplomat between our nations; your role is far more important to the world of Lore at large.
      Kendrel: You will not depart alone, however; Culak and Grishkh will go with you.
      Margu: Find a solution, «You»; your world depends upon it.
      Kendrel: May the Creative Impulse guide you on your path.
      «You»: And you, Kendrel.

      «Kendrel leaves.»

    ««You» and Culak leave the hut. Outside, Grishkh is waiting.»

    If you are Chaotic (+6 or lower alignment):
      Grishkh: You be bringing dishonor on my house.
      Grishkh: I be avenging my brot'ers!
      Culak: Grishkh! «You» is a guest of my father's!
      Grishkh: But he be bringing dishonor, and I be having my chance for vengeance!

        1 BATTLE: Orc Mage
        Full Heal

      «You»: I have spared you, Grishkh; I need you in the days to come.
      Grishkh: *huff* *puff* I be not helping with my will. Only t'e will of t'e Chieftain rules my actions from now...
      Grishkh: When t'is be over, I will deliver my family's honor.

    If you are Unified (+7 or higher alignment):
      Grishkh: «You», Culak. Gulak Dimargi. Are we ready to depart?
      «You»: Yes, Grishkh. May we find Hope in what is to come...

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