[Quest] Rejuvenation Saga - Feedback (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> [Quest] Rejuvenation Saga - Feedback (1/26/2011 14:49:44)

The world of Lore has persevered, surviving many comings of the Devourer, almost biweekly wars, and the rise and fall of countless kingdoms.

Can it be that it is finally coming to an end?

Of course not. However, heroes will have to step up to stop it.

Hence the premise of the Rejuvenation Saga. Dark Madder has come and gone, weakening her homeworld with a tool originally used for Creation, but converted to a weapon used for Destruction. Lore is slowly spiraling to a sticky end, an end with no magic in sight.

I've only written the first quest, but I have outlines for the rest. I mainly wrote it to more firmly define the races and geography of Lore. For example, "Water" will involve the Pheron, Mermazons, and Sarkanians under the Great Sea, "Earth" will involve the Ulgathi and Elani settlements in Greenguard Forest, and Light will involve the Cyclopes in Skraeling.

Comment, post feedback, etc., if you would.

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