Special effect Enhancements (Full Version)

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BlueKatz -> Special effect Enhancements (1/28/2011 22:49:31)

Well, seeing the new 5% Crit, I think it's pretty unfair if there's only few weapon have special. 'sigh' what the point of focus when everything can be abused.

Anyways, seem like ED team made another code successfully, allow them to add more special stat in game. In this case %Crit. Do you think that we should be able to add more of those kind of stat into game by some kind of Enhancement system

Personally I think we can have such thing like:

HP MP (they should make HP MP base on Focus system too so we will be able to pull point into MP HP by gear without abusing)
Damage ignore


Feel free to discuss this new system feature

This sames a suggestion/would be one. Suggestions bedong in the ED Suggestions forum. Locked!

IzzyluvsU -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/28/2011 22:55:51)

As Shaniqua has said before, "Evolve or die", Meaning, If you do not wish to evolve with the game, then do not participate.
the Bonus is totally fair, And worth the money paid for it, this is just a test of weapons with special effects, So just wait, there will be more.

od -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/28/2011 23:28:26)

Yep this game is slowly but steadily comming together, if a player from 6 months ago came back, he'd be amazed

edwardvulture -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 0:18:53)

Its more like bs or you won't win nowadays.

BlueKatz -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 0:21:58)

uhh the point of the thread is discuss about the new feature plus its future o.o. The complaining about the balancing is just a side effect actually ;/

edwardvulture -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 0:43:07)

Its not evolve or die, its buy variums or die. The concept has evolved over time.

diablo452 -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 0:58:31)

The point of an evolve or die is simply everything cant evolve not at once atleast.
Anyway back on topic. This is helpful but it also has disadvantages.
(pros; i can finnaly beat nightwraith,
(cons; 1v1 my opponent has 93 dex total :( not very helpful now is it.

InTheSky -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 3:19:21)

Yeah, that's basically it edwardvulture.


TurkishIncubus -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 7:34:55)

It should be 1 effect for 1 type of wep because if every wep type give critical than it will be

primary %5 critical
secondary %5 critical
aux %5
armor %5

in total %20 critical which will allow crit abuse builds and it can be oped

for making balanced i think primaries can give crit , secondary can give stun , armor can give block , aux can give dmg ignore

goldslayer1 -> RE: Special effect Enhancements (1/29/2011 8:11:57)

i wouldn't be surprised if they add custom enhancements on robots next.
i can already see gamma robot having more custom stat slots than assault robot.
meaning more people will buy varium packages

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