Stronger Items Being Held Back? (Full Version)

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Bladestar X -> Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 17:17:23)

Doesn't anyone notice that the new items never gets released until a week or 2 after the event begins. Take chrismas for example, they first released all of last year's weaker items, and wait about a week or 2 later to release the stronger new ones, like the cyromancer staff and the frostbite claws. At best, they only release one new item at the begining of the event. What are your thoughts on this?

Let's just use in one area instead A Comprehensive Balance Discussion to discuss for balancing. Thanks. :) ~AVA

Snaipera -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 17:39:54)

ways to earn a little bit more varium by the devs [;)]

Drianx -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 18:30:32)

Um it only happened once (Christmas) so it is a bit early to think of it as a habit.

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 20:08:33)

hmm i think they put the weaker weps that comes with varium but in the eye of the people they think they r strong cuz of the (+) and the stats modifiers then after that here comes the STRONGER WEPS IN THE EYES OF ADMINS AND WAYYYYY STRONGER TO THE EYES OF THE PEOPLE SO HERE WE GO BUY VARIUM WASTE MONEY THEN BUY THE NEW WEPS THAT ARE STRONGER FROM THE OTHER 1

DoomBlitz -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 20:32:24)

It's pretty much a thing they do in all their games where the first week is last year's stuff then next week is this year's stuff and they might add on more.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 20:39:16)

Thanks for telling the the whole community of this discovery, you are so correct I was about to lose faith in the game again.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 20:41:08)

if u play AQW and have done seasonal releases, u should know this.
the only good thing about this release azrael bane and thats about it. watch next week as they release better bazookas, guns, and better primaries.
possibly some good armors aswell. idk i wouldn't be surprised. AE has a tendency of popping out with surprises. so for all of u out there got the zookas, or any other wep out there aside from azrael bane. u just waste ur money.

ZirakogluED -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 21:35:45)

I wouldnt say you wasted you're money since most of the last year valantines weps work out fine and the stronger weps are just a bonus :)

Larcell -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 21:40:20)

Azarel Bane does 31 damage. My Frostwrath does 32. Even with the new release, I find my frost weapons better...

Rayman -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 21:56:59)

i want hearbrakerz armors
with a heart in the midle color custom heart :)

and zoocas custom stats is like ur zooca have 16 stats modifers u can get 8 str 8dex or 4dex 4tec4supp4str customize ur stats can be cool
but better heartbrekerz armors :) first.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 22:02:11)

how is it a waste if all i have are space warrior armors 2 mage armors, beta weps. dragon buster sword frostbane and azrael bane. with halloween zookas.
both acp and both frost gun (frostbolt and skullfire)
not really a waste since i didn't buy anything that isn't good

yeadudes -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 22:09:58)

Azrael's Bane is basically the energy Frostbane, which is kinda fail. I regret getting Frostbane now. Eh.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 22:14:31)

u mean the phy version of frostbane

and it isn't really bad tho
some techmages might want energy primaries with good stat modifiers
while BH might want physical version of frostbane aswell

yeadudes -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 22:16:23)

Yeah thanks for the correction. xD

Azrael's Bane reminds me of Dantae's Inferno o _o

ZirakogluED -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/30/2011 22:17:22)

I wasnt saying you wasted you're money i was saying that the last years valantines day weps isnt a waste since most of them still work pritty good and just the stronger weps will be a bonus.

Bladestar X -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (1/31/2011 18:23:01)

@Zira: do I know you, cuz ur name is very familiar......

Now, there are reasons why some of the higher level players with varium don't buy much at the begining of the event. IF you have ever actually been through all of beta testing, you would know that buying the most recently released items, like the heartbreaker items, would just be usuing varium on not needed items, unless ur under level 28.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (2/1/2011 2:59:27)

Admins put lots of weps in special day what you want more , we wanted the Valentines day weps back and they put them , If you think the current weps is uped or they will release betters than dont buy them nobody force you to buy.For me i only get Azrael from old weps because its perfect for support build and if they release better weps it will be more good.

For me i get a huge dissapoint when i dont see achievment for Valentines , i saved 2500 tokens only for that and now i cant be 6 stars only 1700 left :(

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (2/1/2011 10:32:15)

@^ You can't blame them, when the achievement system was released, they had the HeartBreaker achievement in there already.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (2/1/2011 11:08:04)

^ Yes but its Not a seasonal Rare :S i think we need Azrael Achievment or different Valentine topic Achivement

SCORPIOZZz -> RE: Stronger Items Being Held Back? (2/1/2011 12:23:56)

i myself hate 1st thing that was i made 2 accs i got for both var :/ but the thing is if something new and i got now var i want items for both so i need to buy twice var and i pay by prepaid phone 50$ ==>64$ witch is a v big amount :O for me so i f*n hate that ;/
2nd i got some var left i was getting heart brake aux (phys ) then i noticed that the one at sharfade was better so i got it today and azrael bane i really think its a total fail ive seen a lot of support merces 100 support + with azrael bane (+5% crit ) and yet they never crit so i really think the crit% is just 1 thing to make ppl buy it :/

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