Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Thats it eitheir Mercs need a nerf or Mages need a buff! (1/31/2011 19:53:46)
The main element that is causing problems is the continued stat inflation with every release. Because many of are at level 32, the extra stats just continued to be added. With agility and focus, it has compressed this game and with those continued stats either from newer weapons or enhancements, it is suffocating creativity and uniqueness. Mages one main skill that is their strongest is reroute, but anything over 110, it get penalized. I ponder the reason of medic increase and also agility was not balancing the but to shorten the game due to the players not happy with longer matches. I also feel mercs became stronger once agility became installed. A compressed merc has many challenges with a mage with reroute, medic to reset skills, and whose build was created to expand and absorb damage. This was proven in the past. Right now Mages are playing in the realm of mercs while bounty hunters can adapt with shadow arts and bloodlust. It is the nature of the game, and I will continue to do the best I can. I still compete well, but the diversity in the game has really disappeared. All the classes behave the same. With George Lowe armor, they now look the same too. :) With the addition of Robots, the park and attack mode is simple and effective. This adds another element which makes compressed builds behave the same. A bounty hunter with max shadow arts and high dex, their robots are quite effective, and other classes are reluctant due to that fact. All builds are compacted and they are mainly decided by a block, crit or a deflect. It is only a matter of time when there will be 5 crits in one match. As I continue to write, I see more areas that do bother me, but I will be positive and they will be improved upon. ~JZaanu