Silver Sky Magician -> Combo System (2/1/2011 7:40:52)
As EpicDuel progresses, the creativity of players in making effective builds, as well as the success of non-varium players in defeating varium players, drops. Now I'm not here to criticize this, but I would like to introduce an idea that will encourage creativity and increase the chances of non-varium players being able to beat varium ones. The Combo system! When you do a combination of three skills, you will have a bonus effect. For example, a merc doing Maul+Double Strike+Berserker will have a Berserker that ignores 20% defense. Some of you will lambast this example, with all the usual arguments of mercs being overpowered. This is not the point. The special effect could be an unblockable, added damage, reduced MP cost, changing element (physical/energy) to the opponent's defense/resistance depending on which is weaker, destroying rage, increased critical chance, added defense, increased stun chance, life drain, passive HP/EP recovery for the next few turns etc. Again, if a Bounty Hunter does Smokescreen+Cheap Shot+Venom Strike, the Venom Strike can do 13 poison damage instead of the usual 11 at max. Or if the Bounty Hunter does Reflex Boost+Stun Grenade+EMP grenade, there can be an added effect of disrupting the opponent's combo (i.e. the opponent does not get the added effect when he completes the combo) Tech mages could use a Bludgeon+Malfunction+Assimilation combo for a drain of 50% of the opponent's max EP. The possibilities are endless! Strength mercs, using the earlier example, will have to add more to energy to utilise the combo system. Lesser-used skills, like technician, could suddenly become useful again with this system. Skills can be part of multiple combos, for example Reflex Boost could be used for the Reflex Boost+Stun Grenade+EMP Grenade combo, as well as a Reflex Boost+Energy Shield+Field Medic combo resulting in 30% more heal. There could be some requirements, for example at least one skill in the combo being maxed out, and that the three skills have to be done all in a row before the combo effect can be activated. Maybe they will all need to hit (for blockable skills) for the combo effect, maybe not. The combo system will give rise to a myriad of new builds. Best of all, the combo system (which skill goes with which other skills for a specific combo) will NOT be reflected in the skill tree! It's a matter of time when all the combos surface on the forum, but meanwhile happy experimenting everyone! [:D] I know some of my examples may be ridiculously bad, but please don't comment on them. Please DO comment, however, on your thoughts about this combo system. Let's just use in one area instead A Comprehensive Balance Discussion to discuss for balancing. Thanks. :) ~AVA