CAD Sword (Full Version)

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Dev -> CAD Sword (2/1/2011 23:05:41)

CAD Sword

Also see the Guardian CAD Sword

Level: 3Z
Power Level: 41
Price: 385 550 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 347 495 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 193 275 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 8-23
BTH: 5

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 133% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 88% Lucky Strike Damage
BTH: +22
Rate: 20%

Straight from GameHaven, this weapon may be 8-bit, but it's 64-bit when it comes to power! As powerful as a Level 41 weapon!

Rarity from stratuscone.


The CAD Sword starts off with a standard level 41 special. Gets +5 bth, with *85/90 special damage to compensate. *1/4, as its 4 hits.

Dev -> RE: CAD Sword (2/1/2011 23:07:14)

CAD Sword

Also see the Guardian CAD Sword

Level: 33Z
Power Level: 56
Price: 805 1150 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 725 1035 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 403 575 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 9-27
BTH: 7

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 172% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 111% Lucky Strike Damage
BTH: +29
Rate: 20%

Straight from GameHaven, this weapon may be 8-bit, but it's 64-bit when it comes to power! As powerful as a Level 56 weapon!

Rarity from stratuscone.


The CAD Sword starts off with a standard level 56 special. Gets +5 bth, with *85/90 special damage to compensate. *1/4, as its 4 hits.

Dev -> RE: CAD Sword (2/1/2011 23:08:44)

CAD Sword

Also see the Guardian CAD Sword

Level: 63Z
Power Level: 76
Price: 2275 3250 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 2048 2925 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 1138 1625 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 11-31
BTH: 10

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 222% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 142% Lucky Strike Damage
BTH: +37
Rate: 20%

Straight from GameHaven, this weapon may be 8-bit, but it's 64-bit when it comes to power! As powerful as a Level 76 weapon!

Rarity from stratuscone.


The CAD Sword starts off with a standard level 76 special. Gets +5 bth, with *85/90 special damage to compensate. *1/4, as its 4 hits.

Dev -> RE: CAD Sword (2/1/2011 23:09:53)

CAD Sword

Also see the Guardian CAD Sword

Level: 93Z
Power Level: 103
Price: 5320 7600 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 4788 6840 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 2660 3800 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 13-37
BTH: 13

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 282% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 184% Lucky Strike Damage
BTH: +48
Rate: 20%

Straight from GameHaven, this weapon may be 8-bit, but it's 64-bit when it comes to power! As powerful as a Level 103 weapon!

Rarity from stratuscone.


The CAD Sword starts off with a standard level 103 special. Gets +5 bth, with *85/90 special damage to compensate. *1/4, as its 4 hits.

Dev -> RE: CAD Sword (2/1/2011 23:11:05)

CAD Sword

Also see the Guardian CAD Sword

Level: 123Z
Power Level: 133
Price: 7210 10300 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 6489 9270 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, then 3605 3800 Z-Tokens
Location: Limited Time Shop

Element: Energy
Type: Melee
Damage: 15-44
BTH: 17

Hits: 4
Type: Ranged
Element: Energy
Damage: 328% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 231% Lucky Strike Damage
BTH: +56
Rate: 20%

Straight from GameHaven, this weapon may be 8-bit, but it's 64-bit when it comes to power! As powerful as a Level 133 weapon!

Rarity from stratuscone.


The CAD Sword starts off with a standard level 133 special. Gets +5 bth, with *85/90 special damage to compensate. *1/4, as its 4 hits.

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