Fusion Dragons: The Assault on Battleon (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Fusion Dragons: The Assault on Battleon (2/2/2011 15:41:35)

Fusion Dragons: The Assault on Battleon

Location: Travel Map » Dragonspine » Fusion Dragons 2

«Scene: Dragonspine Mountains. «You», Cyrus, and Sheila are on the left, facing Galanoth and Zephyros on the right.»

You may skip this cutscene at any time.

Zephyros: «You», have you been able to gather enough Adventurers and Guardians to mount a respectable defense of Battleon?
«You»: I think so. We’ve repelled dragon attacks before. These new dragons are a challenge, though. They definitely tip the scales in Kessendra's favor.
Lord Cyrus: Battleon has the Vartai, Dracomancers and Dragonslayers on her side this day, friends. We will not fail you.
Galanoth: Hey, that was my line! Only I was going to leave "Vartai and Dracomancers" out of it.
Lord Cyrus: Thoughtful as always, Helmed One.
Sheila: Whatever happens, we must also try and find Gaspar. I do not believe he is willingly helping Kessendra...
«You»: We'll protect Battleon and get Gaspar back... I promise you!
  • Go!

    «Scene goes black and then fades in Battleon, where four Crystal Dragons gather.»

    Fusion Dragons: Attack on Battleon!
    The Dracomancer Kessendra has somehow managed to unlock the flesh-melding secrets of Doom armor using Gaspar's help, and is now laying siege to Battleon! We must save town, find Gaspar, and stop Kessendra's treacherous plan before her powerful dragon army, led by her fusion dragons, destroys all in its path!
  • To Battle!
  • Dragon Blade! (Sends you on the Quest for the Dragon Blade!)
  • Back to Town

    Guardians can click on the potion bag to refill their potions if they have less than 4 potions on hand. They may also click on the Treasure Chest to have Dragonslayer Twilly join them in battle.

    Galanoth the Dragonslayer
    Sheila the Dracomancer, sister of Lord Cyrus
    Zephyros the Treasure Hunter
    Lord Cyrus the Dracomancer

    Twilly: Oh no's!! Watch out for all of those dangewous dwagons!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

    To Battle!

    See final section for encounters.

    Who will you go into battle with?
  • Galanoth
  • Lord Cyrus
  • Sheila
  • Zephyros
  • By yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      Optional Full Heal
      Optional Full Heal

    After 100% of the Dragons were defeated...

      Optional Full Heal
      Optional Full Heal

    «Scene: Battleon in flames. «You», Sheila, and Cyrus enter from the left while Kessendra enters from the right.»

    Sheila: Kessendra! Where is my brother?!!
    Kessendra: You have put up quite a valiant fight. Perhaps you DESERVE to get your kin back...
    Kessendra: ... but he is still far too useful to me. You'll have to fight your way to him!

    «Kessendra leaves.»

      1 BATTLE: Fusion Dragon
      Full Heal

    «Scene: «You», Cyrus, and Sheila come upon a cave near Dragonstone.»

    «You»: A cave! You Vartai really love your cave lairs, don't you?
    Sheila: There's always a dragon guarding them, too--
  • Fight!

      1 BATTLE: Crystal Dragon
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Inside the cave, Gaspar is hung up on chains.»

    Sheila: GASPAR!!!
    Gaspar: Sheila...
    Sheila: Kessendra told us that you were helping her. But-- that's not true!
    Gaspar: ........ It is no longer true.
    Sheila: What does that mean?

    «Kessendra enters on the right.»

    Kessendra: Tell her, Gaspar.
    Gaspar: At first, Kessendra's plans seemed to make sense to me. She knew that learning the power of fusion from the Doom armor would further empower dragonkind.
    Gaspar: I... agreed with her. She soon discovered that to control the bonding process and separate it from the Doom armor, she would need the blood of a fully mature vartai-- MY blood.
    Kessendra: And you gave it to me, of your own free will. The process worked, as you have seen. The dragons gain power from whatever they are fused with.
    Kessendra: It also works in reverse, allowing me to craft items fused with draconic flesh, imparting them with their properties!
    Gaspar: By the time I realized Kessendra's intentions were based in a lust for power, it was too late. I was too weak, and could not stop her.
    Kessendra: And now here all of you are. Ready to feel the power of my Fusion Dragonblade??
  • Fight!

    «You»: Let's take this little reunion outside. I'm getting a little claustrophobic in here...
    Sheila: Thank you, «You». My family thanks you...
  • Victory!
    Fusion Dragons Two

  • Fusion DragonBlade (31)
  • Fusion DragonBlade (56)
  • Fusion DragonBlade (74)
  • Fusion DragonBlade Z (87)
  • Fusion DragonBlade (88)
  • Fusion DragonBlade (97)
  • Fusion DragonBlade (107)
  • Guardian Fusion DragonBlade (119)

  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield Z
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Guardian Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
  • Play again!
  • Leave
    There should be a 50% chance of fighting a single Fusion/Crystal Dragon, and a 50% chance of fighting two random monsters.

    When you're fighting a single dragon, it's a 75% chance of fighting a Fusion Dragon:

    Level 0-35: Fusion Dragon (25)
    Level 36-55: Fusion Dragon (45)
    Level 56-75: Fusion Dragon (65)
    Level 76-95: Fusion Dragon (85)
    Level 96-115: Fusion Dragon (105)
    Level 116+: Fusion Dragon (125)

    ...and a 25% chance of fighting a Crystal Dragon:

    Level 0-35: Crystal Dragon (25)
    Level 36-55: Crystal Dragon (45)
    Level 56-75: Crystal Dragon (65)
    Level 76-95: Crystal Dragon (85)
    Level 96-115: Crystal Dragon (105)
    Level 116+: Crystal Dragon (125)

    And, the random monster list. This uses the RA formula:

    Wyvern Hatchling (4)
    Baby Fire Dragon (5)
    Baby Light Dragon (6)
    Baby Ice Dragon (6)
    Baby Water Dragon (6)
    Baby Energy Dragon (6)
    Baby Earth Dragon (6)
    Baby Wind Dragon (6)
    Blue Wyvern Hatchling (7)
    Female Void Dragon (10)
    Void Dragon (10)
    Young Darkness Dragon (10)
    Young Water Dragon (10)
    Young Energy Dragon (10)
    Young Wyvern (17)
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Young Fire Dragon (18)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (19)
    Young Energy Dragon (19)
    Young Earth Dragon (19)
    Young Wind Dragon (19)
    Plasma Dragon Worker (19)
    DoomScale (20)
    Young Blue Wyvern (22)
    Wyvern (34)
    Void Dragon (35)
    Red Dragon (38)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Wind Dragon (39)
    DoomScale (40)
    Female Void Dragon (40)
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Ice Dragon (50)
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    Void Dragon (55)
    Water Dragon (55)
    DoomScale (60)
    Great Wyvern (61)
    Female Void Dragon (65)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Light Dragon (70)
    War Dragon (70)
    Light Dragon (71)
    Ice Dragon (71)
    Water Dragon (71)
    Energy Dragon (71)
    Earth Dragon (71)
    Wind Dragon (71)
    Void Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    DoomScale (80)
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Ancient Blue Wyvern (89)
    Flame Dragon (90)
    Female Void Dragon Wyrm (90)
    Light Dragon (91)
    Ice Dragon (91)
    Water Dragon (91)
    Energy Dragon (91)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    Wind Dragon (91)
    DoomScale (100)
    DoomScale (120)

    Write up thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf. Corrections from bassetbookworm.

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