RE: Is the new battle modes are ever going to happen (Full Version)

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HydroMonk -> RE: Is the new battle modes are ever going to happen (2/11/2011 1:08:31)

@Soldeen999 [:D] ))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))) )) )

[sm=darkzard.gif] Yeah *new cool NPC it will B better 4 2vs1


Xxbbooxx -> RE: Is the new battle modes are ever going to happen (2/11/2011 1:18:27)

it will happen, jsut not this week, as this is the week where all artix entertainment designers and artists are taking a week long break from their usual game, to create new miniature games as a competition.
so probably next week

charwelly -> RE: Is the new battle modes are ever going to happen (2/11/2011 20:20:49)

it will come out i think the lvl 50 guy is the 2vs1 boss guy so soon

GodofHades -> RE: Is the new battle modes are ever going to happen (2/12/2011 20:05:24)

what i think would be great was if you could chose your partner you fight with in 2v2

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