Deadly PoisoN -> RE: Seasonal Rares are ruining the game for me? (2/9/2011 6:12:51)
@Silver sky magician,you're one of the rare few people that actually responded rationally to my post,i'll give you a pat on the back for that and also thank you.In epicduel i often feel like a rare breed when it comes to posting meaningfully or with common sense,you sir have given me new hope :) Anyway,the concept of rares in this game is totally wrong.Like all my other posts,this is fairly long,just try to read through.I'll start by using adventure quest as an example,where rares are sought after because they often have a special ability. Azrael's bane is probably more on par with what i would call ''fair'' when it comes to rares in epicduel.Not the power,but the concept.In adventure quest,everyone knows that arguably the best items in the game come out on christmas and go rare.Thy're normally available for a month or so and leave. But the rest of the year strong items are continually released,to give players more options.In epicduel,rares aren't something fun to look out for,they are THE items to have.As in,if you missed them,you're at a huge disadvantage.What kind of message does that send to new players? Then you either have to wait a year to have those same items,or they never return.I mean come on,nightwraith really needs to get himself in gear.You can't build a game by scamming or cheating,you need to build clients through service,do what makes people happy and expand the game in a GOOD way for once.