Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (Full Version)

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Niki -> Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:47:45)

[image][/image]Snowpacolypse Day Scythe I
When Lore declares a snow day, all the heroes come out to play! This weapon has a chance to hurl a blizzard at your opponent! This item requires a Dragon Amulet.
(No DA required)

Location: Snowpacolypse Day
Price: 200 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 180 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 50 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 24
Damage: 41-57
Element: Ice
Stats: Crit +1, Magic Def +1, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, INT +1, DEX +1, STR +1
Resists: Fire +5

Rarity: 5
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Other information
  • The description incorrectly states that the item requires a Dragon Amulet, while it doesn't.

  • Niki -> RE: Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:48:25)

    [image][/image]Snowpacolypse Day Scythe II
    When Lore declares a snow day, all the heroes come out to play! This weapon has a chance to hurl a blizzard at your opponent! This item requires a Dragon Amulet.
    (No DA required)

    Location: Snowpacolypse Day
    Price: 300 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 270 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 75 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

    Level: 34
    Damage: 51-67
    Element: Ice
    Stats: Crit +2, Magic Def +1, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, INT +2, DEX +2, STR +2
    Resists: Fire +6

    Rarity: 5
    Item Type: Scythe
    Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
    Equip Spot: Weapon
    Category: Weapon

    Other information
  • The description incorrectly states that the item requires a Dragon Amulet, while it doesn't.

  • Niki -> RE: Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:51:31)

    [image][/image]Snowpacolypse Day Scythe III
    When Lore declares a snow day, all the heroes come out to play! This weapon has a chance to hurl a blizzard at your opponent!
    (No DA required)

    Location: Snowpacolypse Day
    Price: 375 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 338 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 94 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

    Level: 44
    Damage: 53-79
    Element: Ice
    Stats: Crit +3, Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +2, Melee Def +2, INT +3, DEX +3, STR +3
    Resists: Fire +7

    Rarity: 5
    Item Type: Scythe
    Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
    Equip Spot: Weapon
    Category: Weapon

    Niki -> RE: Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:52:02)

    [image][/image]Snowpacolypse Day Scythe IV
    When Lore declares a snow day, all the heroes come out to play! This weapon has a chance to hurl a blizzard at your opponent!
    (No DA required)

    Location: Snowpacolypse Day
    Price: 425 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 383 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 106 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

    Level: 54
    Damage: 65-83
    Element: Ice
    Stats: Crit +4, Magic Def +4, Pierce Def +4, Melee Def +4, INT +4, DEX +4, STR +4, Bonus +2
    Resists: Fire +9

    Rarity: 5
    Item Type: Scythe
    Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
    Equip Spot: Weapon
    Category: Weapon

    Niki -> RE: Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:52:45)

    [image][/image]Snowpacolypse Day Scythe V
    When Lore declares a snow day, all the heroes come out to play! This weapon has a chance to hurl a blizzard at your opponent!
    (No DA required)

    Location: Snowpacolypse Day
    Price: 475 Dragon Coins
    Sellback: 428 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 119 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

    Level: 64
    Damage: 68-92
    Element: Ice
    Stats: Crit +6, Magic Def +5, Pierce Def +5, Melee Def +5, INT +6, DEX +6, STR +6, END +4, Bonus +3
    Resists: Immobility +2, Fire +10

    Rarity: 5
    Item Type: Scythe
    Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
    Equip Spot: Weapon
    Category: Weapon

    Niki -> RE: Snowpacolypse Day Scythe (I-V) (2/13/2011 10:55:00)

    Activate your weapon's special!

    Effect: 1 hit of 300% damage.

    Cooldown: 10 - [(Player LUK/50), rounded down]
    Charge Time: 5 - [(Player LUK/100), rounded down]



    Also See: Snow Day Scythe (I-IV)

    Thanks to
  • Peachii for original I-V entries.
  • Veya for the special attack image and other information.
  • gmill711 for image.
  • Mordred and Stephen Nix for corrections.
  • Baron Dante for information.

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