Basic Sig workshop [hiring] (Full Version)

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prince valkdoorr -> Basic Sig workshop [hiring] (2/16/2011 21:06:34)

haiii guys i decided to make a sig workshop for all of you

Note : im still not too good at this so i may not be able to do too much super fancy stuff but when it comes down to it i can make you a pretty decent sig

Request format :
Text :
Text color :
Anything special done to to text (i.e. flaming text) :
Background color or image:
Main image :

examples of my sig's :




Examples of Kristeen's :




D1F3Forum :




Blade Of Darkness :



PM me if you wanna join mah sig shop
Hiring Format :
Programs used :
Experience :
Activity Level 1-10 :
3-5 Examples or a link to your gallery :

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 17:12:28)

plz welcome kristeen to the team ^^

xShadowHunterx -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 18:11:12)

I'm working on the banner, and I'd say were officially open for requests! We should have something epic, so off to planet renders I go!

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 20:40:33)

lol have fun ^^ i'd request that u start saving images to photobucket but if u dont want to its fine ^^

2046808 -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 20:48:11)

Request format : Signature!
Text : 2046808
Text color : Cyan-ish!
Anything special done to to text : A white glow to it?
Background color or image: Something dark, be creative.
Main image : This little fella.

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 20:49:47)

allrighty here you go


anything else u want me 2 add? i couldnt get the glow to work

2046808 -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/17/2011 23:06:28)

Looks good, thanks.

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/18/2011 6:22:17)

np man thanks for being teh 1st customer

Padfoo -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 11:54:10)

Request format : Sig!
Text : The One and Only
Text color : Bluish
Anything special done to to text (i.e. flaming text) : The text to correspond to the image
Background color or image: Bluish white
Main image :
The signature you have right now?

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 12:26:18)

@padfoo im sry but i cant let u hav my sig =P plz choose another main image and plz be mor specific about ur text effect...

xShadowHunterx -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 12:38:54)

I'll be happy to make you one like his though! Would you like that?

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 12:43:42)

lol go ahead kristeen =D hav funz

D.Soul -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:07:56)

Request format : Signature
Text : Holy Darkness
Text color : Black
Anything special done to to text : a Golden Glow
Background color or image: Something dark/Purple something Cool
Main image : Rite Here Could You Make It Centered

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:22:04)

i'll get right on that ^^ not sure how the glow will turn out but i'll PM you when its finished ^^ ty for coming to the basic sig workshop

crud my gimp just broke down..... now i hafta use paint..... oh well ill have it done when i can

D1F3Forum -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:33:46)

What software are you using for these???

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:38:52)

i normally use gimp but it just broke down im having to use paint *rolls eys at thought of using paint* srry if u are unsatisfied with the result of your paint made sig i will redo it once i get gimp working again cuz man gimp is so much better than paint

D1F3Forum -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:41:36)

Well that's good...I use Gimp too. Problem is...I don't know how to use it [&:]
1) How do you take a photo and take off all the excess
2) How do you make sigs that DONT lose the value in the lettering
3) Which fonts do you prefer.

I just got GIMP because I heard it was good but I don't know how to use it.

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:46:38)

well in answer to your questions... let me start off by saying i havnt figured out how to fully use it but im pretty good

1) take a screen shot by pressing The Function Key (Fn) and Print Screen (Prnt Scrn) at same time then open gimp go to edit and hit paste i remove the excess by just doing eraser.

2) what do you mean dont lose value?

3) i use picnik for fonts (bleeding cowboys)

D1F3Forum -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 13:51:51)

It seems in my sigs my words always get blurry...
Thx for the help

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 16:51:36)

@kristeen just wondering hav u made padfoo's yet?

@freedom here is your's [img][/img]

xShadowHunterx -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 18:11:12)


Here ya go Padfoo! Sorry for the wait got pulled away from my computer.

@Below Welcome!

Padfoo -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 18:19:08)

Thank you!![:D]

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 18:28:36)

Nice work kristeen it looks awesomesauce although it takes away from the individuality of mine..... Still nice work I'm proud of u

xShadowHunterx -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 18:47:52)

Thx! yours its still epic though!

prince valkdoorr -> RE: Basic Sig workshop (2/19/2011 21:09:59)

Lol ty

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