My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (Full Version)

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Karika -> My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/18/2011 19:31:14)

My Tiny Green Pwntern I
In brightest day, in blackest night, beware this Pwny's might!
(No DA Required)

Location: 2011 HHD Shop
Price: 25 Gold
Sellback: 3 Gold

Level: 5
Damage: 7-11
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Crit +1

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy and with its horn, it gains speed as it rams the enemy for one hit of 100% Magic Nature damage

Karika -> RE: My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/18/2011 19:32:35)

My Tiny Green Pwntern II
In brightest day, in blackest night, beware this Pwny's might!
(No DA Required)

Location: 2011 HHD Shop
Price: 155 Gold
Sellback: 16 Gold

Level: 25
Damage: 11-15
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Crit +4, Bonus +1

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy and with its horn, it gains speed as it rams the enemy for one hit of 100% Magic Nature damage

Karika -> RE: My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/18/2011 19:35:16)

My Tiny Green Pwntern III
In brightest day, in blackest night, beware this Pwny's might!
(No DA Required)

Location: 2011 HHD Shop
Price: 565 Gold
Sellback: 57 Gold

Level: 45
Damage: 17-20
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Crit +6, Bonus +3

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy and with its horn, it gains speed as it rams the enemy for one hit of 100% Magic Nature damage

Slayer Zach -> RE: My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/8/2015 11:22:09)

My Tiny Green Pwntern IV
In brightest day, in blackest night, beware this Pwny's might!
(No DA Required)

Location: 2011 HHD Shop
Price: 800 Gold
Sellback: 80 Gold

Level: 65
Damage: 20-22
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Crit +12, Bonus +9

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy and with its horn, it gains speed as it rams the enemy for one hit of 100% Magic Nature damage

Slayer Zach -> RE: My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/8/2015 11:23:15)

My Tiny Green Pwntern V
In brightest day, in blackest night, beware this Pwny's might!
(No DA Required)

Location: 2011 HHD Shop
Price: 1,000 Gold
Sellback: 100 Gold

Level: 80
Damage: 22-26
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Crit +15, Bonus +12

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - Runs up to the enemy and with its horn, it gains speed as it rams the enemy for one hit of 100% Magic Nature damage

Niki -> RE: My Tiny Green Pwntern (I-V) (2/8/2015 11:31:27)


Thanks to
-- Stephen Nix for main and attack images.
-- Peachii for Rare tag.

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