RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (Full Version)

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Fish -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 11:59:15)

Thanks worse :D

Plank -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 12:15:39)

# AQW user name : Plank

# What you want the banner to say : Fear the Undead Legion. Fear Plank.

# Font color (name, not HTML code) : Dark Blue and Black.

# Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) This Font

# Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) Dage the Evil's Undead Legion Room.

# Server to meet on (just incase) Sir Ver

# PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) Yes

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 13:25:29)

@Plank: Done! :D


PM'd you the link too! \(^o^)/

Plank -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 13:35:46)

@worse doughnut
wow thx, it's great. you have real talent.

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 14:12:46)

Well, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I would like to work in this shop. i didn't see any hiring form, so I'll make up my own.

Name: G.I.G.A.; Giga; GIGA
Program Used: Photoshop CS5
Will do: Signatures, avatars, renders, pretty much anything. I might be able to do animation, but I haven't tried it.
Activity Level: 4-5 on weekdays, 8-9 on weekends.
Preferences: I don't need to meet up with people; just a character page will be fine, as long as you don't change outfits.



Vamp Lord -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 14:29:52)

glad to see your back :D

* AQW user name : Mage17

* What you want the banner to say : AQWAssassin

* Font color (name, not HTML code) : same as the little skirt thing on the bm :P

* Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) : same as the other sigs youv made 4 me

* Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) : mana elemental map (the sky)

* Server to meet on (just incase) : zhoom

* PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) : yesh plz

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 18:20:16)

@G.I.G.A: yeah sure you can join, your stuff looks epic. I'll use those examples on the staff list too, and if you have a showcase link PM it to me or just edit it into your last post.

@Vamp Lord:K, i'll get to yours now. Done! :D


PM'd you the link too. ^^

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/21/2011 19:13:33)

Thanks for having me. I don't have a gallery yet, but with all the stuff I've been making recently, I might start one soon [8|]

Cylia -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 15:59:23)

@Worse Doughnut: You haven't forgotten me, have you?

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 17:29:34)


I'll take it. Give me a few hours.

xDanix -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 19:08:31)

Do you guys only do AE sigs?

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 19:10:00)

Well, I certainly can do something other than AE. What did you need?

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 19:14:33)

Lol no, we do all kinds of Sigs.

Please use your signature once per page only. Removed signature from post. Please be sure to read all AE Comprehensive Forum Rules before posting. ~Alpha Atom

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 20:15:23)


Holy wow, this font you picked is positively evil. Pixels are everywhere BUT the places they're supposed to be. I'm in the process of cleaning it up, but don't expect perfection.

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 20:30:35)

Lol G.I.G.A, just download it, its easier that way, it looks much better.

Please use your signature once per page only. Removed signature from post. Please be sure to read all AE Comprehensive Forum Rules before posting. ~Alpha Atom

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 20:33:06)


That's the thing. I did download it and install it correctly. Yet, when i type in the font, the pixels are all over the place.

Perhaps this font was meant to be REALLY small...

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 20:39:11)

Lol, really? works fine for me e.e want me to post the render for the words?

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 20:42:28)

Nah, I'll be fine. I'm almost done, and I've been adding in a drop shadow for the words.

frogger3456 -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 21:18:26)

AQW user name ice slayer

What you want the banner to say ice slayer

Font color (name, not HTML code) light blue

Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) kinda big and bold

Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) plz choose me an icy place that would look good...i cant choose...

Server to meet on (just incase) i guess sir ver

make this after u make every elses just if ur bored and wanna make one

PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) yes plz!

Worse Doughnut -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/22/2011 21:25:52)

@DwightL Done (looooooool GIGA)


PM'd you the code too.

Please use your signature once per page only. Removed signature from post. Please be sure to read all AE Comprehensive Forum Rules before posting. ~Alpha Atom

G.I.G.A. -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/23/2011 1:00:46)




Have I redeemed myself yet? =P

Lord_Amaron -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/23/2011 1:46:13)

Need a new one,

AQW user name Lord Amaron

What you want the banner to say Lord Amaron - The Shadow BladeMaster (below Lord Amaron)

Font color (name, not HTML code) Any that fits (different color for Lord Amaron and The Shadow BladeMaster

Font type (kinda describe how you want the lettering to look, and i'll do my best) A thin Japanese font and if you use use Blade 2 for Lord Amaron and Bonzai for Shadow BladeMaster

Backkround (link if its a picture onlline) (name if its an area in AQW) Shadowfall perhaps?

Server to meet on (just incase) Cysero

PM notice once it's finished (yes or no) yes

frogger3456 -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/23/2011 8:42:23)

thx alot looks great = )

xDanix -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/23/2011 11:03:22)

Alright, I would like a Signature that features this following:

And in Black Old English Font can it say "Comrade Danielle for Communist Anarchy!" (not in the quotes though)?

If you have to do a background, I would prefer red or gold.

I've seen some of your work, and I have faith in you guys! =D Thanks.

Cylia -> RE: AE Quality Custom Sigs & Renders II \(^o^)/ [OPEN] [HIRING] (2/23/2011 17:31:50)


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