RE: Assault bot (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 4:42:22)

Good work who bumped this topic long ago. And yes if this will happen, I demand 100% refund too...credits included.

MistaTechMage -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 7:46:43)

It would be silly to say 30k creds its a lot I spent 69k creds just to buy and enchance my armor without varium IMO if ever released a bot should cost at least 30k if not more

altimatum -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 7:50:50)

make nonvarium bots that are on less par than assault n gamma.... it'd have to have no special abilities but can do normal attack? [:(]

jegaggin -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 7:57:51)

40k with snaip idea its very good and damage would be -1 lower

Thylek Shran -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 8:27:41)

There should be just another robot that could be bought by credits.
So the people who bought a varium robot canīt ask for a refund.

And robots shouldnīt be more strong than other attacks. The idea
of a debuff repair is good but 80% is way to high. Its like an extra
buff that doesnt cost energy which is worth around 5 skill points.

unQualified -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 8:33:13)

how about 100k ?

RKC -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 8:44:35)

Guys you can get the bot in the arcade for only tokens. No need to put it in creds.

8x -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 8:56:41)

Wtf... 20k credits for bot that costs 1250 varium? It's bad enough that they put it in arcade... If you want non-varium bot suggest new one.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 9:30:05)

Guys 30.000,45.000 and 50.000 WTH!!! No. That is insane you pay all that for a bot is not even logical. Just because the bikes cost that doesnt mean anything not even the bikes should cost that much. the maxium should be 20.000 - 25.000 I mean come on 50.000 credits for a simple Assualt Bot you can get for 10.000 credits and 1.350 varium? No its not worth it.

pinoy idols -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 10:39:44)

@RKC well, it seems u r very lucky, then, but there are still others who arent so lucky

RKC -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 10:44:37)

LOL I only have enough tokens for one arcade battle and I won it[:D]

To the main point we all have an equal chance of winning the bot.

Yugiew -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 11:37:00)

Create a new bot, slightly underpowered than the other two and put it's price at 200,000 Credits.
There's my opinion! [:)]

Cookielord12 -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 11:43:13)

make a new non var bot with debuff and PHYSICAL attack. good for bounties to make most of smoke and good for mages against merc flippers. mercs are very strong already but can benefit with lack of physical attacks (because some use all energy stuff)

pinoy idols -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 11:48:45)

are u guys really THAT rich to afford 200 000 credits? i mean, im stumped; heck, 20k alone would take me a hell of a long time to earn
and I ain't kidding when I said that
I mean, come on! not ALL players can farm 200k in a jiffy, so 20k is the best possible and viable price

Cookielord12 -> RE: Assault bot (5/6/2011 12:03:40)

i can do 4k at least from power hour alone. its not too hard

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