2011 AE Community Pack (Full Version)

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Jokester -> 2011 AE Community Pack (2/21/2011 9:20:18)

We are going to be starting a community resource pack. If you don't know what that is, it's when the whole community compiles resources into a single pack by the community for the community. The pack will include, if available, stocks, textures, c4ds, fractals, etc. We need everyone to chip in to make this great.


  • Make sure that you are allowed to take the resources and they aren't copyrighted. Good places to find stocks are www.Tumblr.com and www.Flickr.com (Most images on Flickr are copyrighted but some are free to be redistributed, make sure to check before you take)
  • Please keep every image appropriate and follow the =AE= Comprehensive Rules and the Showcase Rules
  • Please send all of your resources to me. Please upload the resources to a website like www.mediafire.com . Then please send me the link to download the resources.
  • Please keep in mind that stocks and textures will probably be the easiest to collect. We really need the most help in getting fractals and c4ds. I know we have some guys that make great ones here.
  • You are free to make the resources yourself and then give them to me.
  • Have fun! :)

    Tell me if this is audacious (yup, fancy vocab) but I was thinking somewhere around: (although more of any is perfectly acceptable)
  • 300 stocks
  • 25-50 Textures
  • 10-30 C4Ds
  • 5-25 Fractals
  • 30-50 PSDs
  • 30 Renders

    I have not decided on a deadline yet, I was thinking until the end of March. Just post what you guys think a good deadline would be. Good luck and have fun! :)

  • _Depression -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (2/21/2011 20:07:37)

    I can make C4Ds yo.

    Jokester -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (2/21/2011 21:11:53)

    Thanks yo. Those Tron ones are hot btw.

    _Depression -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (2/21/2011 22:07:41)

    xD Thanks m8

    Nexolous -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (2/22/2011 19:37:08)

    Well of course I can get stocks, and I could contribute some .psd's.

    Jokester -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (2/22/2011 20:04:44)

    Thanks Nex. :)

    Jokester -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (3/26/2011 11:29:56)

    I've extended the deadline to the end of April since I have 0 contributions. :P Let's step it up guys. :P

    Dark slytherin -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (4/6/2011 14:56:30)

    I'll help with some of the textures :P

    Tormenter -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (5/1/2011 18:49:22)

    Tormenters here to save the day with the pro-est dam c4ds you ever dun seen.

    Jokester -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (5/6/2011 17:36:12)

    There is no more deadline since I don't have a lot and I'm really lazy. :P Just hand in stuff when you can and we'll be fine. Tormenter, those are some of the hottest C4Ds I've seen man, thanks so much. <3 That finishes off the C4Ds, I really just need fractals and some psds and some renders and I can get the rest. Thanks guys.

    Ronin -> RE: 2011 AE Community Pack (5/7/2011 2:34:53)

    I am really looking forward to this ^____^ If you need any .flas for weapons (:3), PM me. I'll be glad to help!

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