=MtAK= Laos is in the building! (Full Version)

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Laos -> =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 16:34:56)

Hello All! My name is Laos, and I’m the new ArchKnight for the AQWorlds Guide forum.
Most of you should know me from around and about, but of course if you don’t then this is the place to get to know me a little better! :)

Please abide by these rules when posting:
1. Universal Forum Rules applies.
2. I have the right to not answer personal questions, like my phone number.
3. I am not setting a limit to the amount of questions you can ask me. So you can ask me 5, 10, 20 or even 50+ questions. I’ll answer them so long as they’re not personal. I'll also let you post how ever many times per page as you wish. Just please don't double post.
4. The most important rule of course... have fun!

This thread goes stale on Friday, the 4th of March.
I will edit your posts in this colour!
Oh..I forgot to mention.. First post! >:D


Jason -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 16:39:48)

Jasooon! :D
Grats on AK man!
Thanks very much. I appreciate it.
I don't really have any questions since I talk to you on a daily basis, but yeah
Meh. If you do manage to think of any, then you know where to come...
Thanks. :D


Technomancer -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 16:40:48)

Hey Laos! :)
Hey Technomancer! Thanks for the tags! :D
No questions here, just dropping by to say hello and congratulate you. So ... Congrats! I'll be looking forward to working with you. :D
Thanks. I'm looking forward to working together too. :3

Gale Warrior -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 16:42:19)

Greetings "Laos". May your journey threw AKship help you in your battle against CHAOS! (And Forum newbs)
Greetings, Gale.
Have a great day.
Thank you very much! :P
~Gale Warrior
Pink lens sunglasses + Artix = Eternal rash?
Hmm. Haven't thought about that. I guess. :P

The Legendary d4 -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 16:42:36)

Grats Laos ^^.
Thank you so much D4. I appreciate it!
No question for me ^^
Yay! :3 Cya around. :)

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 17:00:04)

Gratz Shump!
Thank you, Rickyb20!
I haz no questions either. Good luck on being an AK!
Hokey Tokes, if you come up with some, you know where to come!

Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 17:32:58)

Gratz again!
Thanks again Digi. Appreciate it!
1. Last time you visited a Zoo?
Interesting one... Must be a few years ago now. :3
2. Could you make a Beef Lasagne without looking at the recipe?
I r awshum at making Beef Lasagne! First you put a lump of cheese and mix it with some beef.. then slice it up..then heat it.. then..Is this right so far? Eeek!
3. Enjoy fast foods/takeaways?
Oh yes! KFC, McDonalds, you name it Digi! They're almost a home away from home. :3
5. Have you ever wondered why the F keys on the keyboard only go up to 12?
Hmmm, nope.. :P
6. Ever managed to swat a fly with your hands?
Yes! I luv eet!
7. Least favourite AQW Class?
No Class. I can't stand eet!
8. Like Monty Python movies?
Don't mind them at all. :3
9. Did you notice i skipped 4?
No I didn't. XD I'm having too much fun! :P
10. Will you be getting the new EpicDuel Armour?
You mean the Junker Armour? Oh no no no! It r nawt up to my shumptastic standards! :P

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 17:34:40)

I shall start by saying I hate you. You will not enjoy this. But failure to answer all questions will result in consequences not yet determined.
Thanks. o.o
Get ready to enjoy the 100+ questions of doom. Each one has a specific purpose and reason that follows a trend. Ready? I hope so. Before we leave on our journey, pray to your God. Oh. And make sure to read all directions before answering :D And keep an I out for possible questions you might miss. It could make your life harder, or easier ;P

1) What’s your favorite color?
2) Favorite shade of said color?
Light Blue
3) Favorite soda?
Umm.. Cream Soda!
4) Why?
Just because -.-
5) What country do you live in?
6) Why’d I ask that if I already knew?
You knew? Interesting.
7) Favorite sport?
8) Least favorite sport?
9) Dogs or Cats?
Cats. :D :3
10) Lions, Tigers, or Bears?
Bears. RAWR!
11) Ready for serious questions?
12) Favorite AE game?
AQWolrds of course.
13) Favorite Consol game?
A6 Train. Game is Epic!
14) Tea and Biscuits?
No thanks. :P
15) Would you rather the US be a part of England or separate?
Ummm.. not sure about that one. Tricky indeed.
16) What are your views on the Egyptian Revolution?
Umm, its good to see that people are standing up for what they wan't. Not just laying back and knowing they can't do nothing. I support the people of Egypt.
17) How about the Revolution in Libya?
Pretty much the same. ^^
18) Why the name change?
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why I got my name changed. :P
19) What does Laos mean?
As much as Shump does. In other words, it doesn't necessarily mean any thing.
20) Why’d you pick it?
Sounded Shumptastic!
21) Are you romantically involved? :3
Hey, what was that about the personal thing?!
22) I’m your bff right? :D
23) Think I can make it to 100?
24) What would you do if I made it that far?
End up looking like ''-.-''
25) Did you even read number 2?
I did.
26) You had to go read it didn’t you? :P
27) Did you think that Numbers 1 and 2 were too similar?
28) Did you notice I skipped #7?
You never missed it!
29) Tehe. You thought I did and you had to check didn’t you?
No, I wasn't going to fall for that again, thankyouverymuch.
30) I’m running out of questions aren’t I?
Pretty much..
31) How old is ju?

32) Why can’t I have your number? I can’t talk to you, you’re to far away ;-;
Just becasue -.-
33) Who AKed you?
34) Why didn’t you say I should get it?
Why would I do that when I knew you would give me 100 questions?
35) Put a good word in for me? :D

36) How many smileys were used in this post?
Now for the dumb questions intended to make you laugh and go, “hmm.”
37) A stitch in time saves nine what?
No Idea...
38) After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water?
*Rubs Brain*
39) Are female moths called myths?
Not to my knowledge...
40) Are there a lot of virgins in the Virgin Islands?
Prolly not...
41) Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
42) Are you telling the truth if you lie in bed?
43) Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawnshop?
I guess....
44) Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
45) Do fish get thirsty?
All the time. Poor things. They have no water! :(
46) Do hummingbirds hum because they don't know the words?
47) Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
48) Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'?
I don't know, Ask someone who lives there?
49) Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?
I'm not a Roman Paramedic, do I have no idea.
50) Do vampires get AIDS?
51) Did you enjoy this questionnaire?
Its wonderful... -.- *Head hurts*
52) Have you figured out to what point and purpose those questions were asked?
Out of bordomness?
53) You’re trying to figure it out now aren’t you? :D
54) Still counting the smileys?
55) How many am I at now? :o
56) You just counted didn’t you? ^^
No. I'm actually guessing.
57) Is it a smiley if there isn’t a smile in it?
58) If the above was no, then you better recount!
No need. ;P
59) Should I stop now or keep going?
60) What do you want to be when you grow up?
An Architect!
61) What do you realistically want to be when you grow up?
I wanna work in KFC. Think of all the Chicken. :3
62) Do you play an instrument?
63) For how long have you played it?

64) Can you read?!
I can't no. What are you talking about?
65) What do you read?

66) Speak any foreign languages?
I do.
67) Which ones?
Shump, if that counts. :P
68) Notice how I’m using non-specific questions to set up specific questions… Pretty smart huh?
69) Like my avatar?
I do, yesh!
70) Not the one to the left… My actual avatar! :D
71) If you could meet one person in the world, omitting religious people due to them “maybe” not existing or having the same appeal to other people, who would you meet?
72) Why him?
If he ever read this, and I was to say otherwise, I'm guessing he'd Karate-chop me. :L
73) Like how I knew it was a guy? :P
74) Watch any TV?
What's a TV?
75) Anything good on lately?
South Park. ;D
76) Why’d you pick Shump?
You asked me this already...
77) What does it mean?
78) What color are your shackles?
79) Is that colour the same as your favorite colour?
Nope. ;P
80) Like that spelling switch? ^.^
81) How many different smileys have I used?
Don't go there... XD
Hooray for you! We’re at number 82! Only 19 more and you can go answer all of the other questions! Are we having fun yet? No? Well that’s too bad. I told you you wouldn’t enjoy this :D

82) Are we done yet? D:
I don't know.
83) Are you excited to be an Ak?
I'm very excited. :D
84) Thrown any celebration parties yet?
No, but I plan one tomorrow.
85) What did you do when you got the notice?
My jaws dropped... I think.
86) Aren’t you glad I skipped two questions?
You never! :P
87) I keep catching you with that don’t I? :D
88) Hey! 12 left! Can you do it!?
I guess. :P
89) Are you ready for the really crazyyyy questions below?
90) If a bird is flying in the air above some water, what is a fish doing in the air?

91) How far must I go to reach the end of the rainbow?
Just over there, by that steep cliff.
92) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would?
93) If Sally sold sea shells bye the sea shore, where did Sammy stake Edward?

94) Twilight’s awesome, isn’t it?! :D
Its okay.
95) Like what I did there? I said it’d be a crazy question, so I put Twilight in there… Pretty smart huh?
96) I bet you lost track of the smileys again didn’t you?
97) How many different ways have I spelled smilies?
Not going to go there, thankyouverymuch! :P
98) Are you glad that we’re done?
99) One more to go! The last one is a doozy! Are. You. READY!

100) Would you be mad if I told you that you did not need to answer any of these questions as long as you answered questions 22, 25, 28, 81, 36, and 29? :D
Not really. :P
Just kidding. You have to do them all :D
I did. ;P HAH!
Make sure to follow the directions! And look for anything "suspicious!"

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 17:38:08)

Hiyas, Laos ^^
Congratulations on your AK upgrade :P
Hey DragonUltraMaster. Thank you ever so much! :)
I really won't ask anything, I'm bad at asking :P
Please forgive me x3
Phew. That compensates for the post above.
I'll give you a warning tho: My color trap is activated, so one step wrong and you'll have color all around your body *mwahaha*
Uh oh.. not a colour trap!
Once again, Congratulations and have fun :D
Thanks, will do. :)


Peachii -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 17:42:32)

Hi Laos!
Hey Peachii! Thanks ever so much for the tags. :3
Gratz for being an AK!! :)
Thank you, very much indeed. :D
First I must say the above userabove + above user is trying to make you faint!! ;x
Tell me about it! Naughty Nightly! D:<
Anyway... tataa!!-- here's your questions:
1) No questions, sorry!! ;( *laughs* Can't think of any, maybe... do you like cupcakes?
I do, yesh!
2) What do you have for breakfast usually?
Coco Pops. XD
3) Peach cake, ever tried eating?
Hmm, no. Sounds interesting. Will have to give it a try.
That's all, I think you must be sweating after doing Nightly's post, haha!
Oh I am. I have an awful head ache. Thanks Nightly.
Enjoy your work and have a nice day! ^_^
Will do, have a nice day to and cya around. :)

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:14:38)

Hai :D
Congratz on AK-ship :D
Thank you very much. :)
Can i haz a Laos-formerly-known-as-Shump-apprentice-AK-title :D

well, time for questionzzz

1) who am i?
You? Thats a good start isn't it? :P
2) who's that guy standing over there?
Oh my word..I don't know. He looks mighty though.
3) who are you?
Laos. :3
4) fav color?
5)fav AE game?
6) phone numb- aw rat's, cant say that D:
cant think of any question's ._., good luck on surviving nightly's wrath.
Haha! Thanks. :)

Veonyx -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:18:52)

Congrats and I like your Avatar. Yep that's it >.>.
Thanks. :) No 'Hi' for Shumpeh? :(

HI SHUMPEH!!!!!!!!! There you good?

PD -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:20:24)

I only have 1 question to ask you my fine sir... X3
What would that be, Mr. PD?
What (or who) is your favorite kind of SOUP?
You, obviously. :P Although Chicken-noodle soup goes along way! :3

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:31:13)

Hiya's. :D
Did you change your name from Shump to Laos? :o
I did, yes. :3
Congrats c:
Thank you. :)


Thats it...Wait...*Poke*

Ok NOW im done. :D
Phew. That hurt. :/
Goodbye! Thanks for posting.

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:33:08)

ohai there :D
Hello, Coolboypai!
i see you are now an ak
Indeed. :P
Thanks. :)
going for the unlimited question thing eh?
Yeahh. Maybe not such a good idea. *Looks at Nightly*
beware the posts with numerous questions!
i see nightly already has done one...
Tell meh about eet!
how long did that take you to answer?
At least 20 minutes. :P
so now its my turn to ask some questions. ready?
I am, lets go!
first off, whats your avy of?
Well, the avvie is of a character of mine named ''Shump Man'' hence why I was first named Shump. I have had the character for years.
is it happy? or mad? i cant quite tell
Its happy. :P
now bout your name...how is it pronounced? i say la-oh-ss, but is it perhaps lay-oh-ss?
Hmm, I pronounce it as Lay-os.
does your username mean or represent anything?
Nope, Nothing. xD
if you can be anywhere right now, where would it be?
New York. :D
It r awshum!

who would you take with you?
Not sure..
what would you take with you?
Everything I could..
well thats all for now :)
may come back for more later :P
Sure thing; :)
well, have fun being AK and good luck!
hope to see you around!
You will. See you. :D

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 18:39:57)

SHUMP! Hey! :D
SMGS! :D 'Ello.
Congratz! :p
Hehe, Thankies. :3
Soooo.. how's AKing so far?
Its going awesome.
/me gives Laos a cookie.
First cookie! Yay /me noms
Have fun, cya soon. :D
Will do. :P Cya around.

Abraska -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 21:04:43)

Hey Abraska! Thanks for the tags. :)
I am indeed. ^.^
Plan on making a guide yourself?
I already have some Guides in the board. :P
Fav guide so far?
Hmm.. I would have to say the Tercessuinotlim Walkthough. I always have to go back over to my post to see how to get to Swindle or Miltonius! ;P
Like my sentence fragments?
Yush. :3

That's it. Have a good one.
Always. :P

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 21:53:24)

ANA! :3 Thanks for the tags. :)
It's about time. >:o
..That I go to bed, yeah. :P
Congratulations and have fun.. or else. :3
Mehehehehe! I'll have fun... Don't ya worry. :3

Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 22:12:56)

Hey Shump! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Hey Alaina! Thank you, thank you, thank you, very much indeed. ^.^
I have no questions really, just wanted to stop by and say hi!
Awesome. Thanks for stopping by. :D
Glad to have you on for AQW!
Glad to have *you*. ^^
Hope I see you around! =^_^=
Hehe. You will. :)

enjoibro4 -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 22:18:22)

*A big big obese panda, appears, turn into little ones, and turn into me*

Shumpy!!! congratz and welcome to AKing!
Thanks, I appreciate it.
If you were to have any superpower, what would it be? Besides invincibility.
Uhmm.. the power to teleport! :D
Are you a good cook?
*Rubs neck* I'm preeeeeetty gooood...
What is your favorite thing to do on AQW?
Talk with Friends.
Do you also post in the QnA?
I do, yes.
What is your favorite AQW item that is out?
Arcanist Robes. :3
Have fun!!!
Thanks, Will do. :P
Hope you meet more AKs and don't get troubled.
Hope that too for my sake. ^^
I wanted to get a post in the first
Nevermind. There's always another MtAK.

Shadokat -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 23:12:22)

I made it to dah 1st Page ! :D
Hehe. :3
Mhm I guess Hi ? :D
How chu doing ? :3
Very good. Thankies.
Arent mah questions so pro ? XD
*Looks at Nightly's post* Yes, very pro indeed. :)

Lord_Amaron -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/25/2011 23:32:56)

Thank you very much. :)
Got some questions here.

Favorite food?
Favorite animal
Meerkcat. Simples. ;P
Favorite color?
Blue :3
Your AQW character page?
That's all, bye!
Cya later. :)

mr meerka -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/26/2011 0:09:08)

Editing your post. :P
gratz on getting AK
Thanks. :)
here is a cookie!
i only have 2 questions so answer them carefully.

whats with the avatar?
My character...Shump Man. :P
favourite npc in aqw?

bye bye :D
Goodbye! :)

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/26/2011 7:33:05)

If theres a rule: Once per page delete the other one? :o
No, there isn't. Post as much as you want. ;P
Again, Congrats.
Thanks Again!

1. Favorite color?
2. How long have you played AQWorlds?
Since May of 2009
3. How much questions do you think I will ask?
Less than Nightly hopefully. :)
4. Favorite Animal?
Meerkats. They're so funneh!
5. Favorite fruit?
Fruit..what's that again? I've been having far to much KFC recently. :/
6. Can't you believe how much questions Nightly asked? Wew.
I think he is coming back for more. :o
7. I herd u liek mudkipz?
I was waiting for someone who ask that. XD
8. Did you notice I skipped 9? You looked, HAH! >:D
Why do people keep tricking me!
9. I heard you also like Miltonius! How Much items of his do you have?
I have around 40 Miltonius items. Both in my bank and my inventory.
10. Do you like Dage stuff to? :O
Not really. It has never really appealed to me. :/
11. Are you even part of the legion? :o
I'm not, no.
12. Do you like pie? :O
Nope. XD
13. If so, what kind?

14. Dr. Octagonapus Blaaarg?
15. Was 14 a question?
Maybe.. xD
16. Favorite Soda? COKE ALL THE WAY <3
Coke FTW!
17. Favorite Book? (Thinking of random stuff now, Wants 101 Questions to beat nightly! >:D)
I don't read, to be honest. If you wanted, you could go away, think up 100 questions and ask me them. ;P
18. Favorite Ae game?
19. Do you buy Ae merchandise?
Not often, but I have done, yes.
20. Does you avatar mean anything? O_ o
Nope. Its just my character, called Shump Man. :3
21. Are you excited for Dage's Dark Caster (If your part of the legion and like it)?
I think it will be a little overused, IMO.
22. Um. Do you speak gibberish? I can. :3 ekusgrkuawgkrjglkajg!
I can do that to... FDBNBKNGSKBKLBSKLBGSBKLNGKL!!!!! Hehe, thats fun! :P
I just said give me your eyes or die puny human >:o
23. How did you feel when they Abducted recruited you for the AK job?
I felt overwhelmed!
24. Was it a choice?
It was, yes. SkyDrite Asked me if I was interested in taking the Job.
Night ;) Will have more...>_>
See you soon! :)

Fish -> RE: =MtAK= Laos is in the building! (2/26/2011 7:47:44)

Congratulations Laos!
Thank you, Fish! :)
Good Luck.
Thanks. :)

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