RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (Full Version)

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SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (4/3/2011 19:36:36)

i think with this we will have reached thread 2
thank you all for making this possible thread, 2 will be up any moment all unfinish requests will be done in that thread.
i look forward to working with g man in the next thread

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (4/3/2011 22:42:36)

Goodbye shop I, How I barely knew ye.

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (4/3/2011 22:51:28)

i look forward to working in the next shop too!

Archmaqe123 -> RE: [see us at thread 2] The Dragon's nest [close and lock] (4/4/2011 7:54:44)

Theme of dragon: Darkness
Dragon type: Like the normal red dragon one.
colur of dragon's skin: PURE black (with a shadows around him please)
Colour of eye: BURNING white
Colour of claws: GLOWING pristine
Colour of horns:Again GLOWING pristine
Colour of armor (if any): Well not exactly armor, sort of like and aura of darkness englufing him...Yes im aiming for a necromantic dragon.
Other : 2 sets of horns, 1 circular at the side of the head (like in rams or goats) and one on the top completely straight (like in a dragon :p) Not spike but a again a huge spurt of darkness from his tail
Personal Message when done?: Yes please :D

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