Battle Hammer v1.0 (Full Version)

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zeke50100 -> Battle Hammer v1.0 (3/4/2011 21:48:25)


Battle Hammer v1.0

Level: 3
Price: 1,000 Credits
Sellback: 100 Credits

Location: Tek's Mechs SC Mecha, Dropship SC Mecha

HP: 140
EP: 70
EP Regen: 7

Resistances: None

Description: Heavily armored mecha designed for long campaigns.
Image: Battle Hammer v1.0

Thanks to Resolute for original entry and info.

zeke50100 -> RE: Battle Hammer v1.0 (3/4/2011 21:50:10)

Bargin Bin Laser

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage Ranges: 6-10
Damage Type: Laser
Hits: 1
Energy: 10
Cooldown: 1
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: None

Combos: None

Description: This laser cannon tases like Vanilla! Mounts to the right arm.
Attack Image: Attacking!

Bargin Bin Laser

Equip Slot: Back Arm
Damage Ranges: 6-10
Damage Type: Laser
Hits: 1
Energy: 10
Cooldown: 1
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: None

Combos: None

Description: This laser cannon tases like Vanilla! Mounts to the left arm.
Attack Image: Attacking!

Thanks to Ricobabie for original entries and info.

zeke50100 -> RE: Battle Hammer v1.0 (3/4/2011 21:51:32)

Freshman Laser Pointer

Equip Slot: Front Shoulder
Damage Ranges: 6-10
Damage Type: Laser
Hits: 1
Energy: 10
Cooldown: 2
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: None

Combos: None

Description: Low damage and cool firing Laser. Very reliable.
Attack Image: Attacking!

Freshman Laser Pointer

Equip Slot: Back Shoulder
Damage Ranges: 6-10
Damage Type: Laser
Hits: 1
Energy: 10
Cooldown: 2
Bonuses: None
Special Effects: None

Combos: None

Description: GEARS University is cracking down on the use of these lasers.
Attack Image: Attacking!

Thanks to Ricobabie for original entries and info.

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