Absolute Truth -> RE: TwoVsTwo Battles , Fair Or Not ? (3/14/2011 8:16:54)
I've been playing this game from the very beginning long before Epic Duel partnered with AE and I noticed this problem right away and have confronted it many many times in the Forum and yes not once has this issue ever been responded to by Titan and Nightwraith as far as I know up to to this day. We talk about a lot of issues in Epic Duel that needs to be fixed or improved such as this rediculous and out of control thing now with blocks, stuns, crits, and deflects and especially with the crits and how it seems to punish good players and reward weaker players by increasing the luck for blocks, stuns, crits, and deflects for weaker players or especially when people are about to die and this is really a huge problem also. So I hope this also is not just another issue that is ignored like the 2 vs 2 problem and just because many are mercs now because of this problem because 2 vs 2 is easier as a merc especially with bunker buster and artillery strike and max hybrid armor with high support mercs. So people still need to speak up and confront this issue even as a merc. But yes I totally agree, this 2 vs 2 problem is one of the biggest for sure and no doubt something needs to be done and Titan and Nightwraith need to respond accordingly. Just a quick example of the rediculous thing with 2 vs 2 is I am a fully equipped varium Bounty Hunter lv 32 and I get lv. 23 teammates as we fight against 2 lv 32's or 30 and higher and that is just pathetic and rediculous. Some people will try to act tough and brag about how they still won duels while they were on the weaker team and I have done this at times also but that isn't the point, it's still rediculous to have these kind of match set ups from Epic Duels battle search engine. Edit: Why isn't this more of a concern and talked about more in the forums and something done about it? Posts merged. Please do NOT double-post(2 times in a row). Instead, please use the edit button to add additional information. Please read the rules before posting: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=17051241 Do not Spam. Double+ Posting: If you have the last post in a thread and want to add to it, please use the "Edit" button instead of making a further post. ~AVA