Forum Suggestion. (Full Version)

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Dundas -> Forum Suggestion. (3/16/2011 16:28:11)

I was thinking..
If ya'll could add like a notification box.
Something similar to Facebook etc.
So like, when you receive a PM.. or someone replies to your topic post, etc..
This would be hard to achieve, I understand.
But it'd be incredibly convenient... as someone can keep track of a topic.

Rickyb20 -> RE: Forum Suggestion. (3/16/2011 16:38:08)

Well, a notification does pop up each time you receive a PM, making a notification box that way unnecessary.

For topics, I don't know.


Chii -> RE: Forum Suggestion. (3/16/2011 16:47:12)

And there is a "Posts since last visit" and "Recently active topics" list...

Joky -> RE: Forum Suggestion. (4/13/2011 6:25:12)

no need for it as when u get a pm u get notified and ...u can go and see posts since last visit or recently active topics! so that will make it less harder for u dude :)

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