RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (Full Version)

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G Man -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 13:24:30)

Armor: J6 Pirate
cape: None, HOWEVER, if you can get a grey-ish parrot that would be great!!!
sword: Bloodriver
hairstyle[link](no helms): same as snakes, but J6-Pirate colors, i guess... (can't get the one i want to zoom properly... so the one like snake's, was my second pick lulz..)
need it right away?: nah. i can wait
Pm when done: Yes please.

Hope all goes well at this shop!

SKY You have 2 PAGES, you hear 2 PAGES!!!, again good luck!!!

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 14:13:51)

@snake the red you plushie is finally finished!!!your plushie smells new and exotic!! your plushie is looking for a friend and found you! thank you for shopping at the plushie-fied workshop! [:D] the plushie with the box the plushie it self


On the other hand Plushie-fied workshop now on 2 pages!
G man yours will be done by 4:30 or more sorry

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 16:24:57)

I LOVE IT [:D] this is the fastest best and most triffice plusie job i have ever got

G Man -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 16:39:47)

Sky, im ok with waiting, its no problem

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 18:04:27)

@snake gald you like it ^_^

@G man im almost done yours!! hair peace getting made

Spectre -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 18:50:49)

Render(must be small avatar): Same as symbol
Text colour: Metallic gold
Font (dafont): Planet Kosmos
Name: Watchman
I.d. number: 925
other style (glow,background colour.E.t.c): Rounded Corners, And golden glow around it.
Company name: The Lorian Defenders(Sub Group: Cowls)
symbol: Dark gray snake eye with golden pupil
pm when done: Sure

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 19:03:05)

@G man Lucky G man!! you have the special edition PLUSHIE!! - boxed plushie - plushie Itself!


Plushie closed till next week you can request but ill be doing 2 that week. On the weekends it will be open

@Avobe Ill be doing ur request soon
@G man Glad you like it ^_^

G Man -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 19:09:40)

LOVE IT!!!!!


prince valkdoorr -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 20:44:22)

Armor: dark caster
cape: blue kappa shell
sword: nythera's ultimate scythe
hairstyle/helm[link]: legion skull helmet
need it right away?: no i can wait
Pm when done: yes
Boxed colour(if nessasery): none
boxed text(if nessasery): none

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 20:54:19)

@Above Ok ill get on urs tommorow after my school but thanks for shoping [:D]

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/27/2011 21:28:23)

np bro

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 16:27:09)

@avior Anvil involed to A I.D for watchman? HM.. avior your request is done! thanks for shopping at Plushie-fied workshop!


SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 20:14:42)

@prince valkdoorr sorry if it sucks didnt have enought time =( but... you should join the sky contest and get a fully shaded amazing mod armor with amazing packaging and comes with alot of new features!!if you want to join pls PM me.(ps your name will be in a ballot and will be picked out of a bag. good luck!![:D] boxed plushie! plushie its self!


G Man -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 20:29:31)

Allrighty i would like another plushie![:D]

Armor: Dark Caster
cape: If you could have J6's Shotgun slung across the back that would be great [:D]
sword: N/A
hairstyle/helm[link]: Malini Turban (Dark Caster colors if possable)
need it right away?: nope i can wait
Pm when done: yes

majesticstar3800 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 21:03:38)

siggy/banner: Siggy
Render: Evolved DragonLord of AQW unreleased- the one wore by tomix
Render placement: Left+Right
Text: MajesticStar3800 AL-R Leader
Text colour: Blue
Font: Which one do you think looks doomiest besides chiller?
other effects: Shadowy blue?
PM when done Why not?

OH and also, can you make the ev dragonlord look like a plushie? :)

Thansk in advance.


SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 21:38:43)

told you things would pick up around page 2
my siggy is colecting dust as you can see so i will be back soon for another on [;)]

D1F3Forum -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/28/2011 22:21:12)

Armor: Beta Berserker
Cape: Eternal Flame
Sword: None
Helm/hairstyle: Mysterious Hood
Need it now? Yes of course I need it now No I can wait!!! [;)]
PM when done? Yes plz

P.S. Working on the other stuff...I finished...I hope this is more convenient!

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/29/2011 16:04:44)

@MajesticStar Ur request is done And my forging Anvil evolved into a Siggy And a Request done for majesticStar! Giving you two
[image][/image] - THIS? -
[image][/image] - OR THIS? -


Plushie request Are going to be here maybe tomorrow due to my Huge Project happaning i promise i will finish all ur guys request soon
Thanks for shop at plushie-fied Workshop

@SNAKE THE RED you were right thing picked up alot on page 2! @Above ill get on ur request soon

majesticstar3800 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/29/2011 16:14:42)

oooh! I like both of them, especially the 2nd one! Thanks, SKYWEE!

Just wacth out soon for a banner request, if you do some.[;)][:)][:D]


DarkFireKiller -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/29/2011 19:15:41)

just adding, in this link below,(in the quote) zhooms armour is now released. non member and member CC

Prize: Any mod only armor for ur plushies.
Heres the link and tell me the armor you wany

ok thx for offering and heres the form:

Armor: Prismatic Magi Robes
sword(in back): The Galaxcythe
hairstyle/helm[link]: Prismatic Wizard Hat
need it right away?: Doesnt matter but faster is better
Pm when done: yes

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/29/2011 20:00:22)

[:D] i love making alot of plushies but the time i have is very small. im not closing the shop, im saying the requests that will be done
@G Man
@Dusk Kid
[:)] have a good day!
P.S these requests will be delayed and the future requests pls wait after im done these @dusk kid you are added to the list :)

Dusk Kid -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/29/2011 20:25:50)

Hello Can you make me a pulshie of my char

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/30/2011 7:53:54)

i am sorry but no more plushie requests till im done with these
plushies are closed until i finish the old requests

Siggys and I.D are welcome to request

EDIT: the following list willv show whats going on
@D1F3Forum getting on to it
@darkfirekiller125 getting on to it
@G Man Finished uploading when my other computer is free
@Dusk Kid getting on to it

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/30/2011 17:32:20)

[:D] @G man heres your plushie! thanks for shopping at plushified workshop!! boxed plushie plushie it self!

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (3/30/2011 18:40:57)

lol loving the box thing...

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