April's Book of ................ (Full Version)

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April's Book of ................

Book of Tricks
  13% (5)
Book of Comedy
  29% (11)
Book of Mystery
  40% (15)
Book of Discovery
  10% (4)
Book of Oddities
  5% (2)

Total Votes : 37
(last vote on : 3/31/2011 13:58:45)
(Poll ended: 3/31/2011 15:30:00)


superjars -> April's Book of ................ (3/18/2011 20:42:08)

Hey everyone!

Guess what time it is?....
You guessed it, time to pick a new book for a new month. And this month, we want input from you. This is getting close to an exciting time for me, because the first book I was involved with is coming up soon: June. But before then, sharpen those pencils and loosen those fingers and prepare for a new foray into the depths of our collective minds as we grasp ideas and concepts for stories and poems in one of these categories, chosen by you, the writers:

Reach up your sleeves for your stories and poems of jokes and pranks, tricksters and con men, mavericks and luck gone terrifically good, then horribly bad. Magic tricks or just simple tricks of light and shadow can all fit very well here. Keep your eye on the cards and the Book of Tricks will appear magically, right before your very eyes!

What is black and a weird greyish color and read all over. Why it's the Book of Comedy on the forums, of course. Make your readers guffaw and giggle and roar and double over with your whimsical worlds of fantastical funnyness! You'll have them rolling on their carpets!

Whodunits, sleuths, detectives and noir writing pockmark the Book of Mystery. How will this book end? Nobody knows, but everyone wants to find out. Dark and foreboding, rainy nights are the ruling scenes here, and hard-faced, no-nonsense men and women canvas it's posts!

Join the adventure as we set our sights for things unknown and unseen in the Book of Discovery. Join Columbus aboard his fleet of ships sailing for the New World. Boldly go where no man has gone before, trekking out through the stars to discover vast new worlds full of strange and unique beings. Or stay right and home and look deeper into the ordinary things about your house, like a rabbit hole, a looking glass or a wardrobe. Perhaps you can find something there beyond anything you have seen before!

Delve into the strange and perplexing as we look for things that belong in Book of Oddities (formerly titled Ripley's Believe it or Not!). Fascinating experiments into the cutting edges of science lead to strange and unique findings; new locales lead us to find a strange new thing no one has seen before. Even within our normal lives, strange things can start to occur where we least expect them, like some strange gremlin is messing with our worlds. Find your strangest story or poem and tell it in the oddest way you can imagine!

Xplayer -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/20/2011 16:44:09)

I have a story I've been wanting to write but haven't had the kick in the pants I've needed to get it started. I think it fits Mystery the best, so I voted for it.

I'd be fine with any of them except comedy. Going through my writing, I found that my comedy doesn't make people laugh besides myself...

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/20/2011 16:54:25)


I know I missed last month's book, but this time I WILL be there. :D

Wildroses -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/22/2011 8:57:00)

I went for Comedy out of laziness again. I already have two things on file which would fit Comedy perfectly. But if Mystery wins I'll have to write something completely new, which I think it's going to, so maybe I ought to start thinking. Perhaps I could re-visit Tessa-Marie and Darkstar again, that might fit.

Shreder -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/22/2011 9:28:12)

Perhaps in a vain effort, I voted for Discovery. It seems to me the easiest theme to write about, though at present it looks like I will be stuck with either Mystery or Comedy. Ah well, I suppose it will force me to expand my horizons somewhat...

BadHulk -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/28/2011 15:24:53)

I voted Comedy. Probably won't submit anything. But I'll try.

Trash Talker -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/29/2011 1:47:54)

Me voted comedy aswell. I feel a good laugh when my spine tingles or when Jack Black (Jim Carrey, Steven Carrel, etc) do a good joke or theme in a movie. It just hit's my funnybone!

Eukara Vox -> RE: April's Book of ................ (3/31/2011 16:27:35)

I am going to officially call this vote.

I do hope that those who voted for Mystery actually write something. Would be awfully sad that the winning Book didn't have most of those who actually voted. >.>

So... good luck everyone. Some of us will need it. I don't read mystery... so, writing will be hard. Poor Superjars. He said he would help me.

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