The Perfect Balance (Full Version)

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button33 -> The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 21:35:08)

Some of you may think I am crazy for suggesting this idea.
Remember back in the beta days where we had strength bounties, heal loopers and support abursers?
I think the game was balanced back then.
So why don't we have mages heal loop. Yes I know it will make them OP. It will balance the game.
But you may be going what about mercs and bounties?
We will put mercs back to their old support ways, having 120 support with max artillery. Yes this will make them OP I know.
Bounties can go back to their str massacre builds. Yes, I know this will make them OP.
But now mages are OP, bounties are OP, and mercs are OP.
Wait, three OP classes? Isn't this balanced?


Soliqe -> RE: The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 21:38:41)

I personally miss those days. We actually had a holy trinity... now we don't even have that.

Mages play the DPS role...

Bounties and Mercs play the Tank role..


King FrostLich -> RE: The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 21:52:28)

Balance,shmalance lets all do NPC and let str mercs, 5 focus hunters, str hunters and other Gamma Bot users kill themselves in 1v1 while we all do NPC gaining better wins now that's balance.

bighobbo -> RE: The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 22:20:13)

There is no such thing as "the perfect balance" in EpicDuel. Never was, never will.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 22:49:45)

That was the best... No stat requirements, focus, or agility. EpicDuel should de-evolve for the enjoyment of players!

Mecha Mario -> RE: The Perfect Balance (3/18/2011 23:06:54)

Sorry button33, I have to lock this thread. There is a thread where you can post this though. You may post your idea in =ED= A Comprehensive Balance Discussion thread instead. :)

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