RE: April Fools Day Discussion (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/21/2011 17:51:01)

I dont think variums need better zookas. You guys got a +37 zooka already....1 limited rare and another from Zedmyr.

tigura -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/21/2011 17:56:38)

Please dont make any more OPed bunny weapons. The last thing we need is more OPed weapons :/

I am really looking forward to april fools. The weapons were cool but I was still a lvl 25 (?) back then, so I dont have any of them.

RandomForumer -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/21/2011 19:26:45)

No damage increase for bunnyzooka? Hooray.

Firewallblast -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/21/2011 23:56:30)

This is the first actual post I have made I read hundreds but this one made me want to actually reply. So back to the point I really haent been here last year on april fools but can tell the weps are AWESOME. I just want some good weps don't really care about varium causer im thinking of buying the 10 k package for first time. This probably should go to the QA but I'm gonna ask " Do you think I should lvl up to 32 before April Folols". P.S. I'm a lvl 30 like 1/4 done

Wraith -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 0:03:22)

WOOT! Gamma players will not all use Bunnies!

@Firewallblast: You can't make it. I've been at 30 for 2 months, I just leveled yesterday. 31 will take about 1-2 months too, and since you said youll buy Varium during special offer, you can't exp boost.

Nebula -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 5:20:30)


I dont think variums need better zookas. You guys got a +37 zooka already....1 limited rare and another from Zedmyr.

We need an energy zooka with decent stats. Non-variums definitly need more weapons, hopefully they will get some in April, but all decent varium zookas have been physical; terrible for Mages.

voidance -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 16:33:51)

Frost Cannon

Nebula -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 16:51:27)

^I said FOR MAGES. An Aux that gives strength, dex and tech is useless for mages.

BloodRainbow -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 21:55:17)

just make a set of zookas with the same stats just add requirements... and .... bam i would be happy cuz i love the stat placement on them

voidance -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/22/2011 23:17:24)

It doesnt give that, it gives 4str, 6tech, 4dex, and since its energy your malfunction is gonna make it hit high either way so learn how to use what you got. It goes well with just about any battle mage build.

Nebula -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/23/2011 3:55:18)

^Sorry. I meant Tech instead of Support. But that is the worst combo a mage can have. No support boost means a) weaker malf and b) Weaker Aux its better for a mage if there's a dex, tech and support boost.

slayergold -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/23/2011 4:07:17)

why dont they release "slap"

a hand wepon with best stats

or a hand gun which open and releases a red ray

voidance -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/23/2011 5:06:42)

Yes it might make it where your malfunction and Field medic do 1 less but with it having +37 damage the 4 Support instead of Str isnt gonna make much of a diffrence.

Oh and its funny how Ashari Locked the other thread about this, saying there was already a thread (meaning this one) when the other one was posted 8 days before this thread.
Sorry about that, it's just the conversation in that thread died about a week ago. I'd rather have the more active thread remain open. ~Ashari

veneeria -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/23/2011 6:56:31)

My spider senses predicts a prank from ED team. [8D]

enjoibro4 -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/24/2011 11:26:39)

You guys should make a non var robot. I would really really help out the non var people. Every cool item costs varium, and that really bugs people out, and makes them not wanna play.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/24/2011 13:13:20)

yeah they shud add the bunnyzookas for just credits and then when you buy it you get a lemon or something.
if u made it available on all or most of the vendors it would have a devastating effect and crush the spirit of the non variums [if they have any spirit left to crush]

voidance -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (3/24/2011 14:50:21)

I hope they give the Jester's Staff a good buff, if so i will gladly buy it.

EDluyil -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 5:46:55)

How about this:

Sword: Too Small
Damage: +1
Lvl Requirement:32
Str +1

Cost: 10 credits

Digital X -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 6:03:20)

I'm going to try (Heh) and hold back on Varium Spending, if seasonal rares do happen to return i want something that will last me, I've purchased too many items out of silliness and then sold them a few weeks down the line.

TankMage -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 6:31:21)


You guys should make a non var robot. I would really really help out the non var people

Assault Bot.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 6:37:57)

Besides great weapons, I hope some funny event occurs, like an April Fools limited quest, dressing up NPCs as clowns, allowing you to run into clown-NPCs sometimes when you click 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2...that'll be really nice.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 6:56:44)

lol assault bot.

Apparently its as rare as getting 10k, a bike or a house....i dont think so

Practel -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 7:20:34)

Tonights release is gonna be epic.
4 NEW ACHIEVEMENTS!! WOOT WOOT! New missions, leaderboard, Bazaar OPENS!

Its snowing

Digital X -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 7:30:46)

I forgot the Bazaar opens today :o

PivotalDisorder -> RE: April Fools Day Discussion (4/1/2011 7:30:55)

Titan_EpicDuel Lots coming soon, 4 new achievements, new Leaderboard, Bazaar opens, interface improvements, seasonal-rares, new missions, new npc and more!

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